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Good Animation Movies on Goodfilms
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Red Letter Media How to Create Scotch Tape in Photoshop Welcome to! If you find this site useful, you might want to subscribe to our free newsletter for updates on our new Photoshop Tutorials and Articles. Are you interested in learning how to make realistic Scotch tape by using Photoshop tools? If yes, then I will teach you how. I got this effect by experimenting. Final Image Preview Resources Annestown Scenery Step 1 First of all create a new document sized 600 x 400 pixels. Step 2 Open a photo and copy it to your canvas. Apply Layer > Layer Style > Blending Options to this layer. Step 3 Now we are going to create the Scotch tape. Remove the selection with Ctrl+D. Gently erase the edges to achieve a similar result to that shown below. Set the opacity to 22% for the current layer. Time to add some defects to make our Scotch tape look realistic. Looks better now, doesn’t it? Step 4 To finish off creating this Scotch tape effect, duplicate the layer using Ctrl+J and change layer mode to Overlay for the copied layer. Final Image

Great practical effects films I'll always applaud the old school effects, if only for the immense work in just getting one ship to light up. Take this shot. It looks pretty straight forwards, ship in front of background moving around. But due to the nature of film is where things get tricky. If you were to just light the ship then shoot it would appear flat with and washed out as every element has different exposure rates. To capture this correctly you have to film multiple passes for each different layer of lighting intensity; one for the windows, the running light, the dish and then the ambient and key lighting. But unlike the world of digital it's no simple matter combining this, these were often done in layers, often by overprinting on the same bit of film. The intense lighting used for things like buildings often led to things being combustible on set, such as Blade Runner where the Tyrell building was being re-purposed for something else melted. Yes that is a car being shoved through the set.

20 Very Useful Photography Tips And Tricks The summer is here so now is the perfect time to make a lot of photos. If you want to look like a professional photographer, then you must enhance your pictures. Take a look at this article because here you will find 20 very cool tutorials which will help you transform an average photo into a work of art. How To Make Digital Photos Look Like Lomo Photography In this article, the author will teach you how to create lomo photos in a very easy way. DIY – Create Your Own Bokeh Bokeh is an adaptation from a a Japanese word meaning blur. Make Pop Art from Your Photos If you are a fan of pop art and the work of Andy Warhol, then this is the Adobe Photoshop tutorial for you. How to Turn Humdrum Photos into Cinematic Portraits In this photography and Photoshop tutorial you will learn how to add drama or a cinematic quality to a regular, humdrum and boring portrait using a little bit of fake HDR. Convert to Black and White the Right Way Photographing Car Light Trails Coloring a black and white image

Top 50 movie special effects shots CRITERIA FOR THIS LIST:This is not a list of 'iconic' SFX shots, such as the opening shot in Star Wars or the final shot in Back To The Future, etc. There are many fantastic SFX shots in cinema history that are artistically 'awesome' without qualifying here. For the purposes of this list, a shot has to be either a) exceptionally convincing, b) ground-breaking or c) an exemplary execution of an oft-used technique. Only one shot is allowed per film. A note about pagination (why the entries on this list are divided this way) 50: Alien: Resurrection (1997) - Ripley clone matures Jean-Pierre Jeunet's quirky fourth entry to the Alien series boasts many eccentric touches worthy of mention, including an elegant solution for the astronaut who even has to carry his whiskey freeze-dried, as well as the first CGI examples of H.R. 49: Just Imagine (1930) - Descent to New York penthouse 48: The Day After Tomorrow (2004) - Manhattan floods. 47: Saving Private Ryan (1998) - Bullets in the water. Cecil B.

The 10 Most Disturbing Books Of All Time In my younger days if I heard a book or movie was disturbing or hard to handle I generally took that as a challenge. Most books generally turned out to not be too bad, but occasionally I’d come across something that would leave me with a sick feeling in my stomach for weeks. I’ve largely outgrown this “genre” of late, but here are my picks for the ten most disturbing books of all time. 10. Blindness is a book with a truly horrifying scenario at it’s heart: what if everyone in the world were to lose their sight to disease in a short period of time? 9. Anti drug crusaders should stop airing goofy commercials that nobody takes seriously and start pushing to have Requiem For A Dream made required reading for every high schooler in the country. 8. Naked Lunc is another ode to drug addiction. 7. 6. Bleak. Cormac McCarthy’s novel deals with a father and son dealing with a cataclysmic event (probably a meteor strike) that has left the world barren and gray. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.

The Art of Practical Effects | James River Film Journal As noted by my other entries, I am biased towards natural cinematography shot on motion picture film. If it’s shot through a lens onto celluloid, count me in! Recently, I have been thinking about a list of films with flawless execution of “special” effects. By “special,” I mean true to life, in camera, photographic effects. This excludes computer generated imagery of course. 6. From the opening shot with Watson Pritchard’s disembodied head to Vincent Price puppeteering a skeleton at the climax of the film, this film is full of cleverly executed effects. 5. Victor Sjöström‘s Swedish Silent masterpiece showcases some of the earliest and most refined use of multiple exposure effects. 4. One of the best horror films ever made. 3. A world made up entirely of puppets and real sets and locations. 2. It was nice to see homage paid to Georges Melies work in the book “The Invention of Hugo Cabret.” 1. Computers make it so easy to make the creative filmmaking process digital and industrial.

How To Mix Chalkboard Paint in Any Color We love using chalkboards as backdrops for displays and parties (like this one here!). So we were super excited to learn that you can create your own custom colors-and it's really easy! We first learned how from Martha Stewart whose tutorial you can read here. Supplies: 1/2 cup acrylic paint (choose any color you like, or mix colors together to make the perfect shade!) 1. 2. Once your chalkboard has fully dried be sure to slate the surface before using it for the first time. Have fun creating any color combination you like!!

50 Amazing Movie Facts! | 2. Samuel L. Jackson politely requests that anyone who claims not to enjoy watching themselves in movies to please stop lying. 3. Francis McDormand and Joel Coen have been married since 1984, the year of the Coen Brothers' debut film, Blood Simple. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 78% of all musicians-turned-actors are rappers, and of those, 58% are black, and only two are any good. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 19 years ago today, Hollywire's own film critic (me) wasin San Jose being scared out of his 10-year-old wits by the 7.1 Richterscale Bay Area earthquake. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.

A List of Books | 623 of the Best Books ever Written Does The Dog Die? #TubeClash - The Movie There are "wookies" in the movie that look little like the ones in Star Wars, but are more like cute little fuzzballs. One of them is killed by a character by being cut in half, being mistaken for a monster. It however comes back to life as a zombie and appears as such for the rest of the movie and its sequels. So despite being killed, it is undead for most of its on-screen time and still has its consciousness. There are also other zombie wookies, but we don't see them die. 10 Cloverfield Lane Two dead pigs, named Frank and Mildred, are seen briefly (they are never shown alive). 13 Cameras A newlywed couple have no idea their grim, lascivious landlord has been spying on them since they moved in. 2 Guns Chickens are buried up to their necks in the ground and their heads are shot off. 2012 The dog (a Japanese Chin) does not die. 21 Up Documentary. 24 Hour Party People Three thousand pigeons are killed by being fed poisoned bread. 28 Up Documentary.
