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Multi-service image search

Multi-service image search

recherche d’images similaires Que ce soit pour des mèmes (à tendance lol), des caricatures, des plagiats, ou tout simplement pour partager de belles photos, le web regorge d’images dupliquées. Voici 4 outils vous permettant, à partir d’une photo présente sur votre ordinateur, de rechercher sur le web des images similaires. Précisons que les 4 outils (plus deux bonus) passent par le téléchargement de photos depuis votre ordinateur (ou directement depuis un serveur via un lien hypertexte). Il ne s’agit pas d’outils allant chercher des images similaires dans une banque d’images, comme Xcavator, Pixolu ou Tiltomo (recherche sur Flickr), ou encore Chromatik pour la recherche d’image par tonalités de couleurs… Il existe de très nombreux outils de ce type, mais ce n’est donc pas le sujet ici. A noter qu’il s’agit de service en ligne, et non pas à installer sur votre ordinateur (il en existe quelques-uns).

Tokyo Tower Gigapixel Panorama About this photo This is a 150-gigapixel image shot from the top of the Tokyo Tower. It was shot in September 2012 with the kind assistance from the management of the Tokyo Tower. The trip to Tokyo was sponsored by Fujitsu Technology Solutions, and this panorama was rendered and edited on a Fujitsu Celsius R920 workstation. This image was shot with a Canon 7D digital SLR camera, with a 400mm telephoto lens.

12 Sites To Create Slideshows We often go on vacations with family to take some time out of our hectic schedule and have fun with our family. Mostly every time, we click pictures so that we can remember our golden vacations whenever we feel like. It feels great to look at old pictures when we had so much fun in our life. Boy, this is what we feel at the time of clicking pictures that we gonna look at them in the future. But, seriously there are hundreds and thousands of pictures we have in our computers that has never been open in the years. This is due to because most of them are actually same with different angles and after some time you feel bored looking at the same pictures again.

The Ultimate Custom Firmware For Any Camera Roundup With Magic Lantern recent 24P raw video hack I thought it may be a good idea to go over each of the big manufacturers and review are the options for anyone who is trying to use a custom Firmware on their camera Magic Lantern Magic Lantern (ML) is a Canon firmware toolbox specifically aiming for the video segment. It has recently got a huge buzz for enabling a Canon’s 5DmkII to shoot 24P RAW video. And while ML is not the oldest of custom firmware, it is definitely one of the more mature ones, with many movie makers using it on production setups. As with CHDK, it usually run from the memory card and does not require a firmware “flush.

GazoPa similar image search How to 3-D Print the Skeleton of a Living Animal The skeleton above was created by taking a CT scan of an anesthetized rat and sending the data to a 3-D printer. Similar life-size models of body parts from other animals or human patients could be used to train veterinary and medical students and to help surgeons prepare for difficult surgeries, the researchers say. The idea to print skeletons from CT scans came from Evan Doney, an engineering student working in the lab of Matthew Leevy, who runs the biological imaging facility at the University of Notre Dame. ”At first I didn’t really know what the killer app would be, I just knew it would be really cool,” Leevy said. But he began to see new possibilities after striking up a conversation with an ear, nose, and throat specialist during an office visit for a sinus problem.

PICTURE TO ASCII CONVERT - PICASCII - optimize and compress your images and photos Boost Your Photography Skills This Weekend Photos of the Most Interesting Places on the Earth
