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How to Find a Good Doctor. The best doctors have a mindset of prevention.

How to Find a Good Doctor

They're not just waiting for you to become symptomatic so that they can treat an established illness. Instead, they use the information garnered from your lab results, so that – together – you can brainstorm about how to fine-tune your self care and optimize your lifestyle habits. A good doctor listens carefully to your concerns – without rushing you – and is enjoyable to spend time with. A good doctor has an open mind. He's not just relying on what he learned all those years ago in medical school (from research programs funded by big pharmaceutical companies). The best doctors are solution-oriented when it comes to healthy aging and longevity – an area of medicine that is advancing rapidly. Perhaps an effective litmus test for determining whether a doctor is a good fit for you is to look at how she typically approaches some of the more common health challenges that accompanying aging, such as: painweight gainfibromyalgiadepressionstress Dr.

Psychology & Thriving

Fit After 50. 7 Healthy Habits that Men Over 40 Forget to Acquire. Understandably, many men postpone processing the impact of – what really is a noble life event – andropause, and avoid making any conscious decisions or plans for what they want the next 50 years of their life to look like, and specifically how they are going to make that happen.

7 Healthy Habits that Men Over 40 Forget to Acquire

I launched to help others move through life successfully and dynamically – and to assist them in exploring the robust, energizing effects of extreme health. I hope you allow the features, videos, and podcasts at to entertain and motivate you on how to have a fantastic and potent life. The human body is nothing less than a marvel. We still only know a tiny fraction of what there is to know about, say, the human brain. Fortunately, we do know a bit more about hormones. Hormones are one way that cells and organs communicate with the rest of your body. We know that we are animals, creatures of flesh, blood and bone. Where do hormones fit into all of this? But wait. Length and Quality of Human Lifespan Determined by Daily Lifestyle Habits. In the short video above, I reveal how it can be helpful to – at least philosophically – decide that you want to move past cultural associations and begin living in a way that supports your body, psyche and soul -- whether or not it jibes with cultural norms.

Length and Quality of Human Lifespan Determined by Daily Lifestyle Habits

As long as you're living in integrity and kindness, it's nobody's business what you eat – or, for that matter, how you choose to organize your time and energy. You likely have more freedom than you realize. Action Step: for the remainder of today, I invite you to notice which of the daily habits and automatic behaviors you engage in are inspired by what truly serves you, and which are "standard operating procedure" in our culture.

We Are the Product of Our Own Life Choices While the medical community focuses on miracle breakthroughs that will allow future generations to live well beyond 100, we can make positive changes in our own lives that will impact us now and add years to our own lives. 3 Most Important Home Cleaning Tools. At our home, I use a special industrial-strength backpack vacuum.

3 Most Important Home Cleaning Tools

It looks like a '50s B-movie sci-fi jet-pack. I even use it outdoors on the patio. 6 Super Plants that Purify the Air Inside Your Home. What is the Longevity Lifestyle? I strongly encourage you to sign-up for the FREE Longevity e-Newsletter (we respect your privacy, and you can always unsubscribe if you're not finding it entertaining or helpful). ...when people are not able to make changes stick, it has been proven that it’s most often because they skip stage 3: preparation" Here's the thing: how people change has been relentlessly studied.

What is the Longevity Lifestyle?

What has been well-researched, yet little-known is this: when people acquire new good habits, it's most often because they move through 5 stages of permanent change. Extensive studies have shown us that permanent change occurs in: precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance. I crafted this entire website to help you specifically with Stage 3, PREPARATION. What I’ve learned, first-hand, is that prosperity springs from relationships. The more people you know and like, the more potential for money to enter your life. In my case, when my relationships improved, my net worth significantly increased. Joy Research Reveals What Makes People Happy. When you really think about it, the whole idea of postponing opportunity because you expect to be alive ten minutes from now and will have more energy and where-with-all then, than you do now – well, it's kind of comical in a way.

Joy Research Reveals What Makes People Happy

What I'm saying might sound woo-woo to you – I realize that – but isn't that what research, such as the research cited in Kolbert's article, really tells us? Kolbert startles us with revealing statistics and vignettes, such as: lottery winners who take significantly less pleasure in daily activities (such as clothes-buying), than non-lottery winners. Why The Universe is Responding to Your Words and Thoughts. Manifesto. Demonstrate kindnessembody compassionshare lovedeepen your relationshipshelp make a positive difference in the world It appears that one day, you will have a life-review.


5 Obstacles Preventing You from Being Healthier.