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Low Tech Innovation

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Soutenons l'innovation utile ! - Daycause. La mission L’aventure Gold of Bengal débute par une prise de conscience.

Soutenons l'innovation utile ! - Daycause

En 2009, Corentin de Chatelperron, alors ingénieur sur un chantier naval au Bangladesh, se rend compte du potentiel d’impact environnemental, social et économique que pourrait avoir l’utilisation du jute dans les matériaux composites. Il développe alors un agro-composite 100% jute utilisable dans de nombreuses application. How Sustainable is Digital Fabrication? Picture: A state-of-the-art fibre laser cutting machine, combined with an unmanned loading/unloading system for metal sheets.

How Sustainable is Digital Fabrication?

Ermaksan. Manufacturing processes can be broadly divided into two groups: primary and secondary. The former -- such as forging and casting -- provide basic shape and size to the material. Secondary processes provide the final shape and size with tighter control on dimension and surface characteristics. This second group is performed by so called "machine tools". Machine tools form the basis of precision manufacturing. Machine tools are stationary operating machines that perform the geometric shaping of workpieces. [2] They are mostly subtractive technologies, dealing with any process in which material is removed gradually from a workpiece. Machine tools can process different materials, but today most of them are used for the shaping of metal parts. A milling machine at work. How to Power a Machine Tool Reproduction of a foot-powered medieval lathe. Idling Time.

Philippe Bihouix - Low Tech

Catapult Design. No Tech Magazine. What is Low-tech Magazine about? Contact Low-tech Magazine kris [at] lowtechmagazine [dot] com What is Low-tech Magazine about? Low-tech Magazine refuses to assume that every problem has a high-tech solution. A simple, sensible, but nevertheless controversial message; high-tech has become the idol of our society. Instead, Low-tech Magazine talks about the potential of past and often forgotten knowledge and technologies when it comes to designing a sustainable society.

Underlying the common view of a high-tech sustainable society is the belief that we don't have to change our affluent lifestyle. Low-tech Magazine was founded in November 2007: overview of all articles. Low-tech Magazine publishes at most 12 well-researched stories per year, and gaps of several months are not unknown. Who is Low-tech Magazine? Low-tech Magazine is written by Kris De Decker (Barcelona, Spain). Many people have done more than their share in supporting Low-tech Magazine. Kris de decker. Lowtechmagazine (lowtechmagazine) sur Twitter. Comment les technologies du passé peuvent-elles éclairer notre avenir. La haute technologie est-elle une voie sans issue pour résoudre les problèmes auxquels notre société est confrontée ?

Comment les technologies du passé peuvent-elles éclairer notre avenir

Comment peut-on utiliser les technologies du passé pour résoudre les problèmes de demain ? C’est la question qu’a relevé Kris de Decker de Low Tech Magazine et No Tech Magazine. Le plus souvent, pour concevoir une société durable, on ignore les technologies anciennes. On s’en moque. On regarde de haut les technologies de nos ancêtres. Kris de Decker évoque alors une technologie de construction qui date de plus de 700 ans permettant de bâtir des voûtes avec des tuiles et d’économiser beaucoup d’énergie dans la construction.

Image : Kris de Decker sur la scène de Lift, photographié par Swannyyy. Pour Kris de Decker, notre approche actuelle de la technologie est vouée à l’échec parce qu’elle dépend énormément des carburants fossiles. L’efficience énergétique, en fait, ne nous fait pas économiser d’énergie (voir L’efficience énergétique est un leurre). Promouvoir l'innovation high et low-tech.