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Convocatorias Archivos - CIRCULO A. KAUS AUSTRALIS. Kaus Australis is inviting artist and curators from all fields, regardless of age or nationality, to apply for an artist in residence period in the first half of 2016 (1 January – 31 June).


Deadline for applications: 1 July 2015 Outcome: the participant is invited for a working period of 3 to 6 months. In this period the participant can work on his / her own project. Kaus Australis aids and assists the participant where possible. The participant is invited to make a presentation of his/ her project during their residency period. Application Guidelines and criteria: Applications should be sent to: And should at least contain: Fully filled in application form which you can download here: (application)Recently updated CV (PDF)Portfolio containing up to 20 jpg (max.) images of recent works or projectsA brief artist’s statement (max 500 words)A letter of motivation if possible giving some insight in proposed projects, activities, research etc.

Blueproject Foundation - Convocatorias. BoeziO AlessandrO. Paintings 3 / PHIL HALE STUDIO - Official site of the artist Phil Hale. Transartists. Application guidelines Het Entrepot is looking for projects that are clearly developed based on a social engagement or which are conceived from the necessity to respond to a particular problem or conflict (in relation to ‘History’).


The residential program invites the following contemporary disciplines: painting, drawing, sculptures, photography, video, multimedia, mixed media, performance and audio art. This program focuses on young professional and emerging artists, under the age of 35. The application should include a well-defined project proposal (max. 2 pages), a thoroughly calculated budget, a preferred time frame, a CV and a portfolio. Please send images and/or video links. Aug- Sept 2016: SILENT SPEECH> focuses on stories from different people, soldiers and civilians, involved in conflict.

Aug- Nov 2017: MINED MIND> focuses on trauma and the psychological effects of war on people. Jul- Aug 2018: FAST FORWARD> focuses on the future, rebuilding a nation, positive developments. Master Artistic Research (KABK & KonCon) Description The Master Artistic Research (MAR) is a two-year study for students working in the field of visual art and/or music.

Master Artistic Research (KABK & KonCon)

Its primary focus is artistic practice. Students are provided with a studio space and are allocated artist-tutors to support their on-going development. This learning process is supported by an extensive guest programme of lectures, workshops and studio visits with artists and key thinkers. By emphasizing artistic research, we make more space for artists to develop self-reflexivity in their artistic practice. Noticing that clusters of students had overlapping interests, we have created small-scale artistic research groups to facilitate a more specialized exchange among participants.

The MAR takes an integrated approach to practice and theory. The MAR encourages collaborative practice. The MAR also undertakes group excursions to neighbouring cities and countries to see exhibitions of particular interest. Transartists. Disciplines Woodcraft Sculpture Multi Media Media Art Glass Drawing & Painting Ceramics Graphic Design Duration Three-months full time or devided in smaller working times Paid by host FLACC offers an accommodation, a workplace, covered travel expenses as well as a small production budget.


Application guidelines The call is open for all visual artists. Please use FLACC application form and excel sheet (fill in required budget) to apply. For more info please visit or contact Luuk Nouwen or Kevin Reynaert at Deadline Deadline check website for next application deadlines Description Every year, FLACC facilitates the realisation of 10 to 15 artists' projects in Genk, in tune with the contemporary context of art making. Every year, FLACC introduces renowned and promising foreign artists into the Belgian artistic landscape. FLACC provides practical, material and financial assistance through extended collaborations with artists. Posts. Blue Sky Gallery. Yuri Avvakumov / AgitArch. Grafiks. Projectes per: Exposició 1977.


Ja sóm aquí Generalitat de Catalunya Disseny de les aplicacions gràfiques de l'exposició celebrada al Palau Robert de Barcelona en motiu del 30 aniversari del retorn de l'exili del president Tarradellas. El codi visual utilitzat juga amb la diversitat i impacte tipogràfics de la dècada dels 70, acompanyats dels estampats de moda de l'època. Apropa't a la ciènciaGeneralitat de Catalunyacatàleg Premios Nacionales de DiseñoFundació BCDcatàleg Premis i BequesVinseumfulletó. Raiu-alive's deviantART gallery. Disturbing hyper-realistic sculptures by Choi Xoo Ang. Ang is a Korean sculptor who specializes in disturbing, hyper-realistic human forms.

Disturbing hyper-realistic sculptures by Choi Xoo Ang

Pain, oppression and torture dominate as themes, but the verisimilitude of the works lets in some crucial breaths of humanity and empathy. Hysterical Minds Collective 3.0. Expression 14 was released on April 12nd, 2014 42 Images 3 Music 1 Videos.

Hysterical Minds Collective 3.0