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Ecosystem engineer. Kelp are autogenic ecosystem engineers, by building the necessary structure for kelp forests Humans are very significant allogenic engineers, though this interaction is more studied in the field of human ecology.

Ecosystem engineer

Introduced species are often ecosystem engineers. Kudzu, a leguminous plant introduced to the southeast U.S., changes the distribution and number of animal and bird species in the areas it invades. It also crowds out native plant species. The zebra mussel is an ecosystem engineer in North America. Exploratory Learning: A Toolkit to Turn Elementary School Kids Into 'Neighborhood Detectives' As Neighbor Day approaches, we here at GOOD would like to suggest that kids take a break from all that in-class activity and explore the world right outside their door.

Exploratory Learning: A Toolkit to Turn Elementary School Kids Into 'Neighborhood Detectives'

In collaboration with two wonderful first grade teachers, we’ve put together this terrific tool kit: the projects within it demonstrate that, for elementary school kids in particular, there are a million things to learn and discover while taking a walk around the block. The Neighborhood Tool Kit takes its inspiration from Ms. Linnea and Mr.


DAP. London must decentralise to become sustainable, says Dome architect. CSISS Classics - Walter Christaller: Hierarchical Patterns of Urbanization. Psychology, Ideology, Utopia, & the Commons. Dennis R.

Psychology, Ideology, Utopia, & the Commons

Fox American Psychologist, 40, 48-58 Abstract. Beyond Individualism and Centralization. Dennis R.

Beyond Individualism and Centralization

Fox American Psychologist, 41, 231-232 [Comment] One of the goals of my original article (Fox, 1985b) was "to participate in the crucial process of exposing our own basic assumptions to constructive peer criticism" (p. 49). Metastaseis (Xenakis) The Philips Pavilion, showing hyperbolic paraboloids originally used in Metastaseis.

Metastaseis (Xenakis)

Metastaseis was inspired by the combination of an Einsteinian view of time and Xenakis' memory of the sounds of warfare, and structured on mathematical ideas by Le Corbusier. Music usually consists of a set of sounds ordered in time; music played backwards is hardly recognizable. Urban Genome Wiki « Biocity Studio. Biocity Urban Genome Wiki Urban Genome Project – Data Visualiser The Data Visualiser allows a user to view the DNA of recorded cities and nations in a number of different formats; Highest ten or lowest ten mode – for quickly graphing the best and worst performing nations or cities across a single indicator [data type]Comparison mode – for comparing and graphing an indicator [data type] across up to ten different cities or nations or - for graphing up to ten indicators in a single nation or cityData maps mode – for mapped representations of data – coming soon The plan is to continually expand and improve our comparative tools so that citizens are empowered to assess the key indicators of their nations and cities against others.

Urban Genome Wiki « Biocity Studio

Berlin, Germany transit: one day of activity. Open Geodata Berlin. C40 Cities: Climate Leadership Group: Berlin. Wilmersdorf Powerplant - Enipedia. Dbpedia. DBpedia is a crowd-sourced community effort to extract structured information from Wikipedia and make this information available on the Web.


DBpedia allows you to ask sophisticated queries against Wikipedia, and to link the different data sets on the Web to Wikipedia data. We hope that this work will make it easier for the huge amount of information in Wikipedia to be used in some new interesting ways. Furthermore, it might inspire new mechanisms for navigating, linking, and improving the encyclopedia itself. Upcoming Events News. List of power stations in Germany. The following page lists all power stations in Germany.

List of power stations in Germany

For traction current, see List of installations for 15kV AC railway electrification in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Nuclear[edit] Thermal[edit] Fossil[edit] Stromnetz in Bürgerhand. Berlin energy grid nationalisation fails in referendum. 3 November 2013Last updated at 21:24 ET Supporters of the measure argued that the private provider relied too much on coal A bid to renationalise the electricity grid in the German capital Berlin has narrowly failed in a referendum.

Berlin energy grid nationalisation fails in referendum

Iannis Xenakis (1 of 2) Filmed Interview in English with German subtitles. There are 275 villages in Delhi! : The Delhiwalla. Delhi is India’s capital but it may as well be a separate planet.

There are 275 villages in Delhi! : The Delhiwalla

Even as the country’s urban-rural divide gets wider, the city’s urban sprawl is appearing to mix seamlessly with its rural backyard. Err, backyard is not the right term. CSISS Classics - Constantinos Doxiadis: Ekistics, 1968. "Human settlements are no longer satisfactory for their inhabitants," Doxiadis wrote in the introduction to Ekistics: An Introduction to the Science of Human Settlements (1968: 5).

The problem, he concluded, was that the elements of contemporary cities, such as transportation, zoning and communication, were no longer in balance. As a result, people suffered in cities that were too large, crowded and noisy, and that exacted too much damage on the surrounding natural environment. To solve these problems, Doxiadis proposed a new field of inquiry, the science of ekistics. Doxiadis envisioned ekistics, a name that derives from the ancient Greek term oikizo meaning "creating a settlement," as an interdisciplinary effort to "arrive at a proper conception and implementation of the facts, concepts, and ideas related to human settlement" (1968: 15).

According to Doxiadis, the greatest problem facing cities worldwide was the problem of managing growth. Ekistics Science. Network theory. A small example network with eight vertices and ten edges. It has applications in many disciplines including statistical physics, particle physics, computer science, electrical engineering, biology, economics, operations research, and sociology. Applications of network theory include logistical networks, the World Wide Web, Internet, gene regulatory networks, metabolic networks, social networks, epistemological networks, etc; see List of network theory topics for more examples.

Euler's solution of the Seven Bridges of Königsberg problem is considered to be the first true proof in the theory of networks.[1] Network optimization[edit] Network analysis[edit] Social network analysis[edit] NATURE Carbon Cycle Climate System and Biogeochemistry. The Natural Carbon Cycle Over millions of years, CO2 is removed from the atmosphere through weathering by silicate rocks and through burial in marine sediments of carbon fixed by marine plants (e.g., Berner, 1998). Burning fossil fuels returns carbon captured by plants in Earth’s geological history to the atmosphere. Scale-Crossing Brokers and Network Governance of Urban Ecosystem Services: The Case of Stockholm, Sweden.

Network and Nature:Identification and Implementation of Community Green Spaces within Los Angeles. Organization Name From Lot to Spot Website MAN Simmel's "The Metropolis and Mental Life" Georg Simmel: "The Metropolis & Mental Life" DEMOCRATISATION and education dewey. Museum of Society and Ecomony. The Long Now. 1. How Buildings Learn - Stewart Brand - 1 of 6 - “Flow” Light and Time: The Visual Art of Brian Eno. ▶ Brian Eno Imaginary Landscapes. Project Projects — The Global Polis: Interactive Infrastructures. A. S. Neill's Summerhill School. Ökolopoly - bæredygtigheds spillet. Artist Collector Network.

Artist Collector Network is an ongoing data collecting and mapping research on the “nature” of the society of art. JUHANI PALLASMAA: IDENTITY, INTIMACY AND DOMICILE - Notes on the phenomenology of home. OECD Better Life Index. Average personal index for Germany, men, 15–24 How’s life? There is more to life than the cold numbers of GDP and economic statistics – This Index allows you to compare well-being across countries, based on 11 topics the OECD has identified as essential, in the areas of material living conditions and quality of life.

Download executive summary Download the index data Learn more about the index. The Sound Of The Sun. Architecture of mind. SOCIETY network analysis. Social network analysis (SNA) is the analysis of social networks. Social network analysis views social relationships in terms of network theory, consisting of nodes (representing individual actors within the network) and ties (which represent relationships between the individuals, such as friendship, kinship, organizations, sexual relationships, etc.)[1][2] These networks are often depicted in a social network diagram, where nodes are represented as points and ties are represented as lines.

Overview[edit] Social network analysis has emerged as a key technique in modern sociology. Small-world network. James H. Fowler. James H. Polycentric and multiplexity of urban networks. (Z) M.J. The Tidy Street Project. SHELLS Networked situationist. Understanding Urban Environments Through the Use of Elements of Urban Legibility. INFRASTRUCTURE City Form Lab            SUTD / MIT Better Design through Research. DECENTRALISATION energy schemes. Small ECONOMICS Is Beautiful. TERI - Rural electrification through Biomass gasifier. Distant neighbours. 'Small is beautiful': making decentralised energy a reality. A Solar Manifesto - Hermann Scheer - Google 图书. Manuel Castells: space of flows and timeless time. Mahdiar Ghaffarian. DAP. The MATSim Model of Berlin - Level of Detail. Senozon. Frederic Vester. The future at your feet - In conversation with Dirk Baecker. DECARBONISATION Rob Hopkins: Transition to a world without oil. Isometric 3D maps. Nodus Labs. Identifying the Pathways for Meaning Circulation using Text Network Analysis.

Network analysis of New York neighborhoods. INAV - Interactive Network Active-traffic Visualization. ITO Map - Home. Network topology. Creative Networking. See Text in Whole New Way: Text Visualization Tools.