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Hacks/Hackers » Journalism x Technology

Hacks/Hackers » Journalism x Technology

The central platform for crowdsourcing US Government challenges, contests, competitions and open innovation prizes | Interactive currency-comparison tool: The Big Mac index Mixing it Up: Engaging News Partners « It’s been an amazing launch week for the Knight-Mozilla News Technology Partnership (aka “MoJo”). We saw hundreds of tweets every day, coverage by 15 news outlets and blogs (plus lots of re-posts), almost 200 sign-ups on our new community list serve, and over 20 news organizations have already asked me how to get involved. We also received our first bit of critical feedback publicly. Regarding our first cohort of news partners, Tom Foremski wrote at the Silicon Valley Watcher: It would be better to concentrate on the smaller media organizations, especially neighborhood newspapers. The first and most important thing to say is that we welcome feedback like this. With so many news organizations responding to the announcement, I too have been thinking seriously about how we recruit and support a great mix of news partners. To Foremski’s point, our priority is to shape the marketplace of news applications by offering solutions built on open technology. I hope to hear back from people.

"A-t-on encore besoin des journalistes ? Manifeste pour un journalisme augmenté" d'Eric Scherer Pratiquement tout ce qui bouleverse et restructure les médias et les métiers du journalisme d’aujourd’hui n’existait tout simplement pas en l’an 2000 : connexions Internet à haut débit, blogs, podcasts, flux RSS, Google News, Gmail, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, iTunes, l’univers des applications, les écrans plats, la HD, la 3D, le Wi-Fi, la géolocalisation, les métadonnées, l’iPod, l’Internet mobile, les smartphones, l’iPhone et le BlackBerry, les tablettes, Android, l’iPad, les lecteurs e-book, le streaming vidéo, la télévision connectée… La crise transformationnelle à laquelle sont confrontés les journalistes des médias d’information, depuis moins de dix ans, est un changement d’époque, aussi monumental que l’arrivée du télégraphe au xixe siècle ; un séisme du même ordre que l’invention de l’imprimerie pour les clercs de l’église catholique au xve siècle. Déstabilisés, les journalistes y auront-ils encore un rôle ? Probablement pas, s’ils choisissent le statu quo. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Flowing Data Tutorials How to Make a State Grid Map in R Something of a cross between a reference table and a map, the state grid provides equal space to each state and a semblance of the country to quickly pick out individual states. How to Make Animated Line Charts in R Sometimes it's useful to animate the multiple lines instead of showing them all at once. How to Make a Multi-line Step Chart in R For the times your data represents immediate changes in value. Symbols-based Charts to Show Counts in R Add visual weight by using individual items to show counts. Introducing a Course for Mapping in R Mapping geographic data in R can be tricky, because there are so many ways to complete separate tasks. How to Edit R Charts in Adobe Illustrator A detailed guide for R users who want to polish their charts in the popular graphic design app for readability and aesthetics. How to Make an Animated Map in R, Part 4 In the the last part of the four-part series, you make a longer animation with more data and annotate.

OpenRefine The challenge of partnerships: NewsCloud looks back on a Knight-funded project that didn’t pan out Editor’s note: It’s easy to get people to talk about their successes. Getting people to talk about projects that haven’t gone well is harder. That’s why I was happy to see Jeff Reifman of NewsCloud open up about how their recently concluded Knight Foundation grant didn’t deliver what they’d have hoped. Reifman’s final report discusses the difficulties their project — which aimed to partner with news organizations to build online communities around Facebook — faced. Some are familiar complaints: difficulties getting buy-in from large news outlets; struggles to interact with their technology side; and problems dealing with a shifting underlying platform (in this case, Facebook). Reifman is writing from his perspective, obviously, and the news orgs he worked with would likely have a different take — but he does try to note some of the complaints his partners raised here too. Our Vision Our primary belief is that news organizations have evolved to favor a culture of one-way publishing.

Apache Bonjour à vous! Bienvenue sur le site d'information belge, bilingue et indépendant: Apache. Vous vous trouvez actuellement sur la partie francophone du site Internet. (Pour accéder à la partie néerlandophone, c'est par ici) Apache, en quelques mots... Apache est un site d'information belge et bilingue (Néerlandais - Français) ayant pour objectif de produire et diffuser des contenus journalistiques de qualité. Fondé et animé par des journalistes flamands et francophones, nous croyons en un journalisme différent: véritablement indépendant, responsable, qui ose dépasser la frontière de la langue pour vous proposer une offre informationnelle unique en Belgique. Chez Apache, nous aimons les informations que vous ne trouverez pas ailleurs, les opinions que l'on entend peu, les gens que l'on ne voit pas. - Apache est un site d'information semi-payant, fonctionnant sans publicité. - Derrière Apache, il y a la coopérative "De Werktitel" que nous avons créée. Apache, c'est qui?
