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Symbolset. Pimp & measure your code! ColoRotate: Colors come to life in 3D. Terms of Service; Didn't Read. DB - Privacy icons. Les Entretiens du Nouveau Monde Industriel 2012. Paris sous-surveillance - Cartographie collaborative et ressources sur la vidéo-surveillance. You Waste A Lot Of Time At Work. James Bond Actors Network. Notorious Bond: A James Bond Infographic for the Information is Beautiful Awards.

James Bond: Cars, catchphrases and kisses. 25 October 2012Last updated at 03:05 ET With the 23rd official film Skyfall hitting cinema screens, and the franchise marking its 50th anniversary, we look back at how the films have differed over the years, and how much they have earned.

James Bond: Cars, catchphrases and kisses

Skyfall is the third outing for Daniel Craig as 007 - but how does he match up against previous Bonds? We totalled up how much each film is estimated to have made at the box office worldwide, and our intrepid reporters sat through all 23 films to draw up definitive data on women kissed, villains dispatched and catchphrases uttered. Keep scrolling down the page to find out more. Continue reading the main story All figures are for global box office revenue, adjusted for inflation. Production: Helene Sears, Tom Housden, Mark Savage, Steven Atherton. How Would Kerouac Like Becoming an Infographic? Jack Kerouac’s gravestone reads, “He honored life.”

How Would Kerouac Like Becoming an Infographic?

Said to be a progenitor of the hippie movement and pioneer of the beat generation, he lived a simple life. Kerouac claimed that he wrote his novel, On the Road over the course of three weeks on a 120-foot roll of teletype paper. The makeshift roll was actually tracing paper sheets taped together and the novel was typed single spaced, without margins or paragraph breaks. His antics made it hard to doubt that he marched to the beat of a different drummer than most. Using a computer to produce an infographic depicting the novel, Stefanie Posavec created a scale of .85mm equal to one word, and a right turn to denote a new sentence. It is a visual window into the mind and life of Kerouac, showing the randomness of the stories of his life.

Click here or the image below for a full-sized view: She followed up the winding graphic with this bar chart representing sentence length. Click here or the image below for a full-sized view: World Bank Dataviz. Remittance flows. This visualization shows the global movements of money due to remittances (money sent by migrants to their home country).

Remittance flows

UPDATE: This version is using the last available dataset (2012). Learn more about remittances INTERACTION Click on a country to see the remittance flows. Two different views are possible: Remittances sent and received, indicating if the selected country will be the one sending or receiving. The width of the country circle arc is proportional to the amount sent or received. DETAILS Data used: "Bilateral remittance estimates using migrant stocks, destination country incomes, and source country incomes" for 2012 (World Bank) which can be downloaded here. ORBIS. Nigel Holmes on 50 Years of Designing Infographics. New York City Homicides Map. Political Moneyball, The Wall Street Journal. Filter by committee type...

Political Moneyball, The Wall Street Journal

Agribusiness Crop Production & Basic Processing Crop production & basic processing Cotton Sugar cane & sugar beets Vegetables, fruits and tree nut Wheat, corn, soybeans and cash grain Other commodities (incl rice, peanuts, honey) Tobacco Tobacco & Tobacco products Dairy Milk & dairy producers Poultry & Eggs Poultry & eggs Livestock Sheep and Wool Producers Feedlots & related livestock services Horse breeders Agricultural Services/Products.

Console twitter. Twitter : Twitter est un service de micro blogging.

Console twitter

Il permet de s’exprimer en courts messages de moins de 140 caractères, espaces compris, diffusés dans l’ordre antéchronologique sous la forme d’une timeline ou flux de messages. Tweet : C’est le petit nom que l’on donne à un message sur Twitter, il est composé au maximum de 140 caractères. Un Tweet peut intégrer des liens, des mentions (cf) ou un hashtag (cf). Par défaut, les tweets sont publics. exemple à embed : Tweet de France Inter Follower/following : Sur Twitter, qui est également un réseau social, il est possible de s’abonner aux messages d’autres utilisateurs afin de les voir apparaitre dans sa “timeline”. Par exemple : Je suis les tweets de France Inter, mais France Inter ne suit pas les miens en retour. Timeline : La timeline est l’espace sur lequel les tweets des personnes que vous suivez s’affichent.