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Seventh-day Adventist. Presbyterian. Anglican/Episcopalian. Baptist. Methodist. Orthodox. Roman Catholocism. Lutheranism. Comparison of Facts and Stats of Christian Denominations. Christianity. 241Google + Founded by Jesus Christ approximately 2,000 years ago, Christianity is one of the most influential religions in world history.


Although this faith began as a small sect of Judaism during the first century in ancient Israel, Christians number almost 2 billion at the beginning of the 21st century and can be found in every corner of the globe. Christianity has also produced the oldest and largest instiution ever known to humanity - the Church. And while Christianity initially experienced growth in the Western world, today its numeric center is rapidly moving East.

When it comes to Christianity, many people have questions like: What do Christians believe about God, the universe, people, the spiritual realm, and the afterlife? The table of contents below will direct you to various topics on the Christian faith, from theology to comparison charts, to biographies, to sacred days, to important literature and much more. Sponsored Links. Christian Denominations. Christianity Outline Flowchart. Christian Religion Basics. The Christian religion is the largest in the world with well over 2 billion adherents.

Christian Religion Basics

It began as a sect or movement within Judaism in the first century CE, when an itinerant rabbi named Jesus began his ministry as a teacher and healer in the Galilee lake district of what is now northern Israel. After 3 years of ministry, Jesus was crucified by Roman decree; yet his disciples carried his ideas and teachings to other parts of the region and, eventually, to the larger Roman Empire. One of the most influential of these followers was Paul of Tarsus, who never actually met Jesus in person, but whose interpretations of Jesus' ideas became definitive and "orthodox.

" Jesus' teachings, practices and the institutions his followers founded upon them became the organized religion of Christianity. The basic traditional beliefs of the Christian religion include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Christianity is a complex religion, like all world religions, and has nearly 2000 years of organized history. Christian Texts. Sacred-texts home Journal Articles: Christianity OCRT: ChristianityBuy CD-ROM Buy books about Christianity The Scriptures Gnosticism Early Christian Eastern Churches Mediaeval, Renaissance and Reformation Modern Links The Scriptures Hypertext Bible Index The King James Bible The Vulgate (Latin Bible) The Apocrypha Bible Commentary The Complete Sayings of Jesus by Arthur Hinds, int. by Norman Vincent Peale [1927]Read everything Jesus says in the New Testament in one sitting.

Christian Texts

Gnosticism, etc. There is now a separate Gnosticism Index. Pistis Sophia Translated by G.R.S. Corpus Hermeticum Translated by G.R.S. The Hymn of Jesus, Echoes from the Gnosis tr. by G.R.S. Gnostic John the BaptizerSelections from the Mandæan John-Book, tr. by G.R.S. The Book of GiantsA fragmentary Manichaean text. Apocrypha Arabica by Margaret Dunlop Gibson [1901] Religion: Christianity.
