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Ce qui est super avec les grasses matinées, c'est que tu as à peine le temps de boire ton café que c'est déjà l'heure de l'apéro. Copier-cloner. Axel Reinaud sur Twitter : "Belgian logic applied to lifts: watch the subtle distinction of floors between "-0", "0" and "01"... Schrödinger. Knowledge, experience, creativity. A Conference Call in Real Life. Jean-Bapt' on Twitter: "Photo très rare de Staline se foutant de la gueule de Churchill et de son Galaxy note 4 ! Dana Patrichi sur Twitter : "... Jean-Bapt' sur Twitter : "Un petit proverbe chinois pour bien commencer la journée ! (Et quel proverbe)... 55 Funny But Hurting True Facts About Daily Life.

Do you know what the biggest lie on the internet is, or what the most difficult thing to complete is, or what the true course of relationship is?

55 Funny But Hurting True Facts About Daily Life

All these questions are quite normal, but the answers are pretty shocking. Here we are listing some of the most hurting truths about everyday life. Most of them look funny, but they are insanely true. These brilliant series of graphs are created by the creative duo known as Wumo – A Danish writer Mikael Wulff and cartoon artist Anders Morgenthaler. Image credit: If you find any of these everyday life truth hurting then SHARE it with your friends too. About the Author Chris is a Reporter by profession, covering viral content, Internet culture and all things cats. More Articles by Chris Taylor Get More Right To Your Inbox! Receive captivating new articles, just like this one, delivered right to your inbox each day. Project management. Mini dictionnaire un brin pédant pour parler fleuri. Par David , mardi 18 septembre 2012.

Lien permanent ce lexique, hélas, n’est pas de moi, mais il se trouvait sur un site défunt, Titan keikomi. je le remets en ligne en hommage à leur travail. qu’ils en soient remerciés à jamais! Je suis prêt à mettre tous les crédits d'auteur pour ces lignes! A bacule n. m. L’un des petits cubes d’une mosaïque. aboulique adj. Manquant de détermination, velléitaire. absidiole n. f. Petite chapelle située dans l’abside. abstème adj. Qualifie ceux qui s’abstiennent de consommer de l’alcool. abstrus adj. Difficile à comprendre. acabit n. m.

Sorte, nature. acanthe n. f. Plante ornementale à fleur labiée et larges feuilles vertes. Accessit n. m. Distinction accordée aux participants d’un concours qui ont failli gagner. Maslow revisited. Règlement intérieur entreprise Dessaux, 1880. Gabrielle Reece - Photos du journal. How to deal with problems. Procrastinateur. Menu siège de Paris 1870. Menu siège de Paris 1870 2. Citations humour Eclatez-vous !! Expliquer le sexe aux enfants. Evolution de l'enseignement des maths. Copier Cloner. Trojan horse with consultants. End of the tunnel. 33 Perfectly Timed Photos. You may be the best photographer in the world, but sometimes all it takes to take the best shot is being in the right place at the right moment.

33 Perfectly Timed Photos

It doesn’t even matter if you take it with your cell or high-end DSLR. Often, you won’t even notice you made an incredible picture until you come home and transfer your photos to a computer. Show Full Text However, that doesn’t mean you should stop improving your photography skills and just wait for that one and only moment. As a popular saying goes: “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” So be prepared for it and be lucky! 36 More Perfectly Timed Photos. Last time we asked you to send in the best “perfectly timed photos” you’ve taken during your photography career or seen on the Internet.

36 More Perfectly Timed Photos

Thank you to all the pandas who have emailed and posted all these funny pictures in our comment section! As we talked before, you may be the best photographer in the world, but sometimes all it takes to take the best shot is being in the right place at the right moment. (1) Best Photographs of X?: What are some well timed photos. Tourneur de page automatique WTF. PERLES – Ils ont « redoré le blouson de l’Equipe de France » Franck Lepage : la langue de bois décryptée avec humour ! Exclusive Preview on iOS 5‬‏ Learn French in One Word‬‏ Fword. ‪La meilleur pub du monde!! BEST COMMERCIAL‬‏

Apprenez à mettre des préservatifs Vidéo Drôle Vidéos Humour. Evelanurse : Sur cette dure interrogation,... World shortest fairy tale. Exclamations et insultes du capitaine Haddock. Jurons Haddock. ListeDesJuronsDuCapitaineHaddock [09/02/14 19:42] [ListeDeVariationsSurUnMessagePeremptoire] | [ListedEnsemblesdeNombres] || [ListeDeJeudis] | [Hasard][Nouveautés] | [A-Z] | [HitParade] | [Détails] | [Thèmes] | [Florilège] accapareur aérolithe amphitryon amiral de bateau-lavoir anacoluthe analphabète anthracite anthropophage anthropopitheque apache apprenti-dictateur à la noix de coco arlequin astronaute d'eau douce athlète-complet autocrate autodidacte aztèque babouin bachi-bouzouk bandit bayadère bibendum boit-sans-soif brontosaure bougre brute bulldozer cachalot canaille canaque cannibale carnaval catachrèse cataplasme cercopitheque.

Jurons Haddock

Prank on a Belgian call center (with captions in English) God, coffee and wine.