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What teens really want to know about sex. On the first day of the high school Sexuality and Society class that I teach, I don’t pass around anatomy drawings or hand out pamphlets about safer sex — although those are stacked on a table near the door.

What teens really want to know about sex

Instead, the first thing I do is establish ground rules in the classroom: People should speak for themselves, laughter is OK, we won’t ask “personal history” questions, and we’ll work to create a community of peers who care about and respect one another. Then, I introduce the Question Box — a safe place where students can drop any question they have about human sexuality. The Question Box (an old shoebox with a hole cut into the top of it) usually stays in the back corner of my classroom, next to some scraps of paper and some pencils. Below are some actual questions from students and my answers to them. I haven’t done any fancy editing; these are the questions just as the kids asked them. “Why is sex so good?” “When is someone emotionally and physically ready for sex?” 6 Exercises to Get to Know Your Students Better—and Increase Their Engagement. Hindered by video screens, fluctuating schedules, and health regulations, teachers are up against the odds this school year when it comes to getting to know their students.

6 Exercises to Get to Know Your Students Better—and Increase Their Engagement

“It’s hard to really get to know your students through a webcam," @mark_bevacqua wrote on Twitter, while @cheri_cheralex shared her struggles of seeing students in masks or “with eyes only.” While get-to-know-you activities are typically earmarked for the first weeks of school, they shouldn’t end there, say educators and researchers. Whether it’s that they love to play baseball, have three brothers, or enjoy writing or photography, celebrating your students’ unique experiences and identities can bolster connections that keep them engaged and performing better in school. Students who have a deeper sense of self—and purpose—are also better able to define their goals and stay focused on pursuing them, concluded a 2014 study from David Yeager, Angela Duckworth, and colleagues.

150+ English Conversation Topics, with Best Practices (PDF Download) Why fascism is so tempting— and how your data could power it. Watch these recommended TED-Ed Lessons and TED Talks: How did Hitler rise to power?

Why fascism is so tempting— and how your data could power it

Decades after the fall of the Third Reich, it feels impossible to understand how Adolf Hitler, the tyrant who orchestrated one of the largest genocides in human history, could ever have risen to power in a democratic country. So how did it happen, and could it happen again? Alex Gendler and Anthony Hazard dive into the history and circumstances that allowed Hitler to become Führer of Germany. Facebook's role in Brexit-- and the threat to democracyIn an unmissable talk, journalist Carole Cadwalladr digs into one of the most perplexing events in recent times: the UK's super-close 2016 vote to leave the European Union.

The rise of modern populism In many democratic countries, charismatic leaders vilify political opponents, disparage institutions, and claim to be for the people. Humans aren't inherently selfish – we're actually hardwired to work together. Watch - Upptäck. Sweden officially the 'goodest' country in the world, study says. Sweden has topped a poll as the best ‒ or “goodest” ‒ country when it comes to serving the interests of its people while avoiding damaging impacts to other nations and the environment.

Sweden officially the 'goodest' country in the world, study says

The country has outranked 162 others to take pole position in the Good Country Index, a league table based on 35 separate indicators from sources including the United Nations and the World Bank. Sweden scores highest for positive lifestyle contributions including prosperity, equality, health and wellbeing, while also performing well culturally. The Impact of Cell Phones on Student Attention in the Classroom. Many studies have investigated the so-called “downstream” effect of cell phone presence on learning.

The Impact of Cell Phones on Student Attention in the Classroom

Students who split their attention between a learning task and texting on their cell phones or accessing Facebook, for example, perform poorly when compared to students who are not dividing their attention. But recent research from the Journal of the Association for Consumer Research suggests that cell phones might have a negative “upstream” impact on learning, too. The authors propose that the mere presence of a cell phone, even when it is silenced and stored out of sight, might be undermining our ability to focus. Pixar’s New Short Film Focuses On The Issues Women Face Trying To Fit Into A Male-Dominated Workplace artFido. Helen Pearson: Lessons from the longest study on human development.

BBC Radio 4 - Don’t Tell Me The Score - Is your smartphone making you less productive? Edutopia. The Space Between Self-Esteem and Self Compassion: Kristin Neff at TEDxCentennialParkWomen. Illumeably - Why Some Students Fail And Other Students Succeed. Sal Khan: Let's teach for mastery. Edutopia - Justice Committee: Using Restorative Practices to Resolve Conf...

Girls Who Code - We need to make it safe for girls to... This school scans classrooms every 30 seconds through facial recognition technology. The age of the tragic selfie. Image copyright AP When daily life resumes at a scene of death and destruction it's usually a hopeful sign.

The age of the tragic selfie

At the Erawan shrine in Bangkok, the site of Thailand's most deadly bomb attack, it didn't take long for Hindu worshippers to return - and with them came other people taking selfies. Is this now a natural response to tragedy? Xiuhtezcatl Martinez Explains Why He's Fighting Climate Change. In this op-ed, Xiuhtezcatl Martinez, a Colorado-based 17-year-old youth director of Earth Guardians, explains why protecting the earth is the responsibility of young people.

Xiuhtezcatl Martinez Explains Why He's Fighting Climate Change

Xiuhtezcatl is of indigenous descent and has sued the government, including a recent lawsuit in Colorado arguing that the state should require state oil and gas regulators to consider public health and the environment, and is one of many young people involved in an ongoing lawsuit against the government for failing to protect people from the effects of climate change. In addition, Xiuhtezcatl is a hip-hop artist and has toured the nation and other countries around the world to perform his music. 15 Illustrations Portraying The Sad Reality Of The Modern World – Facts WT. 5 Inspiring TED Talks To Transform Your English Class - The Teaching Cove. It’s no secret that TED talks are all the rage in the English classroom.

5 Inspiring TED Talks To Transform Your English Class - The Teaching Cove

So, why write a teaching tips post about them if everyone uses them anyway? Well, I really believe that it’s not just about turning on Youtube or TED and letting your students listen. It’s the activities they do that make or break the lesson. I LOVE speaking activities. Colin Stokes: How movies teach manhood. The founders say they're teaching the... - World Economic Forum. 6 Absolutely Powerful Discussion Topics: How To Keep Your Advanced ESL Students Talking For Hours. Nina Dølvik Brochmann and Ellen Støkken Dahl: The virginity fraud. BHP CC10 The Deep Future. A Simple Activity to Get Started after the Christmas Break.

So rare and so valuable. □ - Smart is the New Sexy. Thordis Elva and Tom Stranger: Our story of rape and reconciliation. Upworthy - Here are some reasons that facts don't convince... Choosing a school. The 12 Types of Procrastinators. What makes a hero? - Matthew Winkler. Machines 'will replace teachers within 10 years' Inspirational teachers of the future will be intelligent machines rather than humans as teacher AI continues to advance, according to a university vice chancellor and former headteacher.

Machines 'will replace teachers within 10 years'

Within 10 years a technological revolution will sweep aside old notions of education and change the world forever, Sir Anthony Seldon has said. School teachers will lose their traditional role and effectively become classroom assistants, according to the vice chancellor of the University of Buckingham, who was previously a master at the independent Wellington College, in Berkshire. Human teachers will remain on hand to set up equipment, help children when necessary and maintain discipline, he added. However, the essential job of instilling knowledge into young minds will wholly be done by artificially intelligent computers.

Europe's standing in the world would not... - Guardian Australia. Ashton Kutcher - I bet you make your parents very proud, Zach. Support the creation of more videos like... - Sustainable Human. The psychology of narcissism - W. Keith Campbell. Interested in learning more on narcissism?

The psychology of narcissism - W. Keith Campbell

Here are the abstracts for two good papers: Narcissism at the crossroads: Phenotypic description of pathological narcissism across clinical theory, social/personality psychology, and psychiatric diagnosis and Grandiose and vulnerable narcissism: A nomological network analysis. These papers describing vulnerable and grandiose narcissism can be found on Google scholar or at your local university library.

The clinical description of narcissistic personality can be found in the . But, for a quick overview, there are web resources like those found at the Mayo Clinic website or at this Medscape link. There are also some wonderful books on the topic of narcissism. The Fine Art of Not Being Offended. How to age gracefully. [VIDEO] Mateusz M - The best things in life are on the other side... UNILAD - Anyone in a relationship can relate to this □... Need a boost? This is the power of a... - World Economic Forum. Thanks Goalcast - Superhero Academy.

Uplift Connect - Dr. Jane Goodall has a message for us... How being bilingual rewires your brain. Alike short film. Debatt/Draknästet - undervisningsstöd gymnasieutbildning. 2debatt. A Very French Depiction Of The 21st Century. What 19th Century French Artists Thought The Year 2000 Would Look Like The ways we envision the future are contingent upon our present contexts. Before European Christians Forced Gender Roles, Native Americans Acknowledged 5 Genders. It wasn’t until Europeans took over North America that natives adopted the ideas of gender roles. For Native Americans, there was no set of rules that men and women had to abide by in order to be considered a “normal” member of their tribe. In fact, people who had both female and male characteristics were viewed as gifted by nature, and therefore, able to see both sides of everything.

According to Indian Country Today, all native communities acknowledged the following gender roles: “Female, male, Two Spirit female, Two Spirit male and Transgendered.” What’s Going in a Man’s Head on a First Date. Woman speaks out after finding her photo used for a horrible meme. Ten things I wish someone had told me before I moved to Sweden. 7 healthy tips for a better night’s sleep. Sleep is critical for mind and body health. 5-Minute Film Festival: 5 Videos to Explore Growth Mindset. Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset: An Introduction. Memories Can Be Inherited, and Scientists May Have Just Figured out How. The Event: How Racist Are You? with Jane Elliott (Channel 4) (FULL) Maya Angelou - From Silence of Rape to Voice of Compassion. Asexuality, Explained in One Simple Comic. 10 Emotional Abuse Tactics That Trump Blatantly Used in the First Debate. How to be more empathetic. 005 intadv menandwomen. A conversation lesson about self-love – Intermediate level « Cecilia Nobre ELT Blog.

Sweden is the ‘goodest’ country – according to the baddest of surveys. Sweden officially the 'goodest' country in the world, study says. Den här klockrena videon om Sverige sprids snabbt i USA. Vi skrattar så tårarna rinner. The alphabet of illiteracy. Photoshopping Real Women Into Cover Models - Video Blog. Tim Minchin's Storm the Animated Movie. These 21 Brilliant Illustrations Summarize Everything Wrong With Society. Cyberbullying - let's fight it together. How To Become a Better Person. BBC South Today - Meditation classes introduced into... Why Do They Call It Feminism?