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The Space Between Self-Esteem and Self Compassion: Kristin Neff at TEDxCentennialParkWomen

The Space Between Self-Esteem and Self Compassion: Kristin Neff at TEDxCentennialParkWomen

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edutopia “Why did you cheat in high school?” I posed the question to a dozen former students. “I wanted good grades and I didn’t want to work,” said Sonya, who graduates from college in June. [The students’ names in this article have been changed to protect their privacy.] My current students were less candid than Sonya. This school scans classrooms every 30 seconds through facial recognition technology A high school in China has made a facial recognition technology system that scans the student’s behavior in the classroom. The facial recognition technology introduced in the school is recording facial expressions of all students while they are in their classrooms. The system scans the classroom every 30 seconds and recognizes seven different expressions such as neutral, happy, sad, disappointed, scared, angry and surprised. The system is called as“Intelligent Classroom Behavior Management System” and it is being used at Hangzhou No. 11 High School. With scanning facial expressions the system has the ability to even analysis six types of behaviors by the students such as standing up, reading, writing, hand raising, listening to the teacher, and leaning on the desk. The information regarding how the students are reacting and behaving in the class when a teacher teaches is later sent to teachers to more efficiently analyze the behavior of students.

The age of the tragic selfie Image copyright AP When daily life resumes at a scene of death and destruction it's usually a hopeful sign. At the Erawan shrine in Bangkok, the site of Thailand's most deadly bomb attack, it didn't take long for Hindu worshippers to return - and with them came other people taking selfies. Xiuhtezcatl Martinez Explains Why He's Fighting Climate Change In this op-ed, Xiuhtezcatl Martinez, a Colorado-based 17-year-old youth director of Earth Guardians, explains why protecting the earth is the responsibility of young people. Xiuhtezcatl is of indigenous descent and has sued the government, including a recent lawsuit in Colorado arguing that the state should require state oil and gas regulators to consider public health and the environment, and is one of many young people involved in an ongoing lawsuit against the government for failing to protect people from the effects of climate change. In addition, Xiuhtezcatl is a hip-hop artist and has toured the nation and other countries around the world to perform his music. My dad taught me that protecting the earth is a responsibility, the same way our ancestors had the responsibility to do so. Those were the teachings I grew up with. My mom was very involved in environmental activism, and I’ve been working my whole life with the Earth Guardians.

5 Inspiring TED Talks To Transform Your English Class - The Teaching Cove It’s no secret that TED talks are all the rage in the English classroom. So, why write a teaching tips post about them if everyone uses them anyway? Well, I really believe that it’s not just about turning on Youtube or TED and letting your students listen.

A Simple Activity to Get Started after the Christmas Break Back to normal after the Christmas break and looking for ideas to get students back into the mood, my faithful companion The Wheel of Fortune is again unfailingly helping me to provide, with almost no effort, an engaging activity to get started: grammar and vocabulary will probably follow, but let’s start off on the right foot. So, I have in mind a warm-up activity that gets students out of their seats (have they even had time to sit down?) while animatedly sharing their experiences during their Christmas break. How to go about it: I filled the wheel with some questions from the Internet TESL JournalAfter the mandatory welcome-back salutation, I asked my students to stand up (initial sceptical look assured, so please, don’t be discouraged and insist with your sweetest voice)and occupy the space in the middle of the class or any other free space available in your classroom. Note: this is a warm-up activity, so I’ll keep it going for just about 15 minutes.

The Impact of Cell Phones on Student Attention in the Classroom Many studies have investigated the so-called “downstream” effect of cell phone presence on learning. Students who split their attention between a learning task and texting on their cell phones or accessing Facebook, for example, perform poorly when compared to students who are not dividing their attention. But recent research from the Journal of the Association for Consumer Research suggests that cell phones might have a negative “upstream” impact on learning, too. The authors propose that the mere presence of a cell phone, even when it is silenced and stored out of sight, might be undermining our ability to focus.

Sweden officially the 'goodest' country in the world, study says Sweden has topped a poll as the best ‒ or “goodest” ‒ country when it comes to serving the interests of its people while avoiding damaging impacts to other nations and the environment. The country has outranked 162 others to take pole position in the Good Country Index, a league table based on 35 separate indicators from sources including the United Nations and the World Bank. Sweden scores highest for positive lifestyle contributions including prosperity, equality, health and wellbeing, while also performing well culturally. We’ll tell you what’s true. You can form your own view. From 15p €0.18 $0.18 USD 0.27 a day, more exclusives, analysis and extras.

What makes a hero? - Matthew Winkler The Hero Archetype in Literature, Religion, and Popular Culture: (along with a useful PowerPoint presentation teachers can download at this URL: )Maricopa Center for Learning and Instruction (users embark on their own hero's journey): American Masters Lesson from PBS for Teachers on George Lucas, the Power of Myth, and the Hero's Journey: an interactive approach to the Hero's Journey: of course, information about Joseph Campbell's works on the subject, on the Joseph Campbell Foundation site:The Hero With A Thousand Faces Hero's Journey (semi-biographical film): the stories of (a) Odin hanging from the world tree, Yggdrasil, (b) the Buddha seated under the Bodhi Tree, and (c) the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Do all of these religious episodes follow the pattern of the hero’s journey? Find a comparable story from another continent.

Machines 'will replace teachers within 10 years' Inspirational teachers of the future will be intelligent machines rather than humans as teacher AI continues to advance, according to a university vice chancellor and former headteacher. Within 10 years a technological revolution will sweep aside old notions of education and change the world forever, Sir Anthony Seldon has said. School teachers will lose their traditional role and effectively become classroom assistants, according to the vice chancellor of the University of Buckingham, who was previously a master at the independent Wellington College, in Berkshire. Human teachers will remain on hand to set up equipment, help children when necessary and maintain discipline, he added. However, the essential job of instilling knowledge into young minds will wholly be done by artificially intelligent computers. Sir Anthony said: "It will change human life as we know it.

The psychology of narcissism - W. Keith Campbell Interested in learning more on narcissism? Here are the abstracts for two good papers: Narcissism at the crossroads: Phenotypic description of pathological narcissism across clinical theory, social/personality psychology, and psychiatric diagnosis and Grandiose and vulnerable narcissism: A nomological network analysis. These papers describing vulnerable and grandiose narcissism can be found on Google scholar or at your local university library. The clinical description of narcissistic personality can be found in the . But, for a quick overview, there are web resources like those found at the Mayo Clinic website or at this Medscape link.

The Fine Art of Not Being Offended There is an ancient and well-kept secret to happiness which the Great Ones have known for centuries. They rarely speak of it, but they use it all the time, and it is fundamental to good mental health. This secret is called The Fine Art of Not Being Offended. In order to truly be a master of this art, one must be able to see that every statement, action and reaction of another human being is the sum result of their total life experience to date. In other words, the majority of people in our world say and do what they do from their own set of fears, conclusions, defences and attempts to survive.
