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Grève des travailleurs de fast-food

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Sign on to Support McDonald's Workers Striking For Better Wages! Undefined Afghanistan Aland Islands Albania Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola Anguilla Antarctica Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bonaire Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Bouvet Island Brazil British Indian Ocean Territory Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad Chile.

Sign on to Support McDonald's Workers Striking For Better Wages!

Seconde partie du reportage de Sophie Simonot. Reportage avec les salariés de McDo de Villefranche-de-Rouergue. How low can McDonald's go to disrespect its workers? It seems both ironic and fitting that while most Americans are obsessed with food for the Thanksgiving holiday, this week also marks International Food Workers Week, organized by the Food Chain Workers Alliance.

How low can McDonald's go to disrespect its workers?

While many large restaurant chains and other sectors of the food industry bear responsibility for mistreating their workers, recently, McDonald’s has engaged in a series of jaw-dropping and idiotic communications with its workforce. Each one is a painful reminder of how impossible it is to live on fast-food wages. For example: - In July, McDonald’s shared a budget planning guide that included a line-item for a second job, which would sadly be needed on the typical hourly wage of $8.25 (compared to the CEO’s annual salary of $8.75 million). But as CNN demonstrated, McDonald’s attempt to help its workers with a sample budget was way out of touch with the realities they face.

Now is a good time to add your voice to this growing chorus. Additional Resources: Low wages and cheap food: Separated at birth. As fast food workers go on a one-day strike for higher wages across the U.S., it’s a good moment to reflect on what we are buying when we pay for cheap food.

Low wages and cheap food: Separated at birth

The strength of the fast-food business model is that it is accessible to all: It’s so cheap that even the poorest people in America eat at McDonald’s. And in some cases it’s not just cheap, it’s the cheapest. If you don’t have time to cook dinner, or the means to buy unprocessed food in bulk, it makes perfect economic sense to dine out at the closest greasy spork. And so there’s an argument to be made that the poor actually need more fast food, or at least Wal-Mart-style cheap food. LA Fast Food Protests, As Part Of Nationwide Strike, Call For $15 Minimum Wage. LA fast food workers joined what is touted as the largest-ever nationwide strike against the industry, walking off their jobs in protest Thursday.

LA Fast Food Protests, As Part Of Nationwide Strike, Call For $15 Minimum Wage

Employees of McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Burger King, Taco Bell, El Pollo Loco, Jack in the Box and others plan to protest at three different Los Angeles locations Thursday to demand a $15-an-hour minimum wage, Good Jobs LA said in a statement. The first protest began at 6 a.m. at a Burger King in South Los Angeles. Nouvelle grève des employés de fast-foods américains. Des milliers d'employés de McDonald's et d'autres chaînes de restauration rapide américaines ont prévu une nouvelle journée de grève, jeudi 29 août, pour réclamer de meilleurs salaires et un meilleur traitement.

Nouvelle grève des employés de fast-foods américains

Les grévistes réclament un salaire minimum de 15 dollars de l'heure, soit plus du double de l'actuel salaire minimum de 7,25 dollars payé par de nombreux fast-foods, et la possibilité de se syndiquer. Le mouvement, qui avait démarré en novembre à New York avec 200 grévistes, s'est depuis élargi. McDonald's: Stop putting employee wages on fee-riddled debit cards. When single mother Natalie Gunshannon went to get her first paycheck from her new job at McDonald’s, she was in for a shock — McDonald’s gave her her wages on a fee-riddled debit card that would charge her every time she used it charging her $5 just for withdrawing money at the bank.

McDonald's: Stop putting employee wages on fee-riddled debit cards

What’s more, when Natalie asked for a check, McDonald’s refused, saying she had to take the card — and the charges — or not take any money at all. This is a way for her local franchise operator to save a few dollars from the cost of cutting checks, by passing the burden on to its employees, pushing many of them below minimum wage. Tell McDonald’s to ban the practice of forcing employees into fee-riddled debit cards. The practice of replacing checks with expensive cards is gaining ground with employers around the country.It’s employee abuse, pure and simple telling workers that they have no choice but to accept unfair charges or go hungry. ********************** More info:

Check out McDonald's latest idea to cheat its workers. Make the minimum wage an actual living wage. Fast food and furious: Restaurant workers are fed up with minimum wage. Fast food workers are striking.

Fast food and furious: Restaurant workers are fed up with minimum wage

That’s not a sentence I thought I’d ever write. While the strike “movement” dates back to November, a wave of walkouts this week has upped the ante considerably. Grèves des fast-food: «La figure du travailleur précaire a changé aux Etats-Unis» - Page 2. Why It's Important for Fast Food Workers to Fight for a Just Wage. There’s something really wrong with the $200 billion fast food industry and it’s not just that the food they serve is full of fat, sugar, sodium and calories.

Why It's Important for Fast Food Workers to Fight for a Just Wage

The average wage for fast-food employees is $9 an hour. That’s a whopping $1.75 over the current minimum wage but, as researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have noted, a single adult living in Milwaukee needs to earn $9.48 to support themselves, in Chicago it would be $10.48 and in New York, $12.75. On August 29, workers and a coalition of labor, religious and other groups are calling for a nationwide strike of fast food employees. The nationwide day-long strike follows a number of one-day work stoppages at McDonalds, KFC and Taco Bell franchises held across the country earlier this year.

A public relations agency, whose clients include the Service Employees International Union and Unites Food & Commercial Workers, made public the call for the strike. Workers, Franchise Owners and the Central Company Take Action!