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Page. Page. 48874178.pdf. Competition distrib pharmaceuticals. Dp6124. Report. Impact of the Economic Downturn on Total Joint Replacement Demand in the United States. Overview of Wound Healing in Different Tissue Types. Statistiques - Cartes de répartition géographique. ICD-9 Code Lookup. Panorama-de-la-sante-2013.pdf. EMDT. EY - Global medtech industry needs to better differentiate products or face commoditization. Despite ongoing commercial challenges in 2013, the global medtech industry’s financial performance held steady at the relatively low levels of growth that have become common in recent years.

EY - Global medtech industry needs to better differentiate products or face commoditization

But even as the industry grapples with these market and regulatory pressures, it faces a potential growing challenge: the threat of commoditization, according to new findings outlined in EY’s annual medical technology report, Pulse of the industry: differentiating differently, released today. Physicians are becoming less important influencers of purchasing decisions for medical technology Revenues of public medtech companies in the US and Europe totaled US$336.2b in the year ending June 2014 Total value of M&A for US and European medtechs jumped 135% to US$85.6b during the same period To understand how commoditization is playing out now and in the future, EY surveyed US and European health care buyers for the report in four major medtech markets: the US, the UK, Germany and Spain.

MD+DI Online. Competitiveness. Enhancing competitiveness is one of the key objectives of the European Commission.


Accordingly, our services are in permanent contact with industry associations in order to verify what can be done to facilitate the activities of enterprises and to ensure that the high growth rates to be observed in the medical devices sector can be maintained. The medical device industry today is in very good shape and is one of the most innovative sectors with an average lifecycle of only 18 months before an improved product becomes available. An exploratory process on the future of the medical devices sector has been put in place over the second semester 2009 to map the existing public health and industrial challenges in the sector and investigate possible topics of reflection at the European level. This process will provide for industry, users, and consumers of medical devices with an opportunity to share existing challenges.

FMH-Ärztestatistik / Statistique médicale de la FMH. Medical device-regulations-global-overview-and-guiding-principles. Getting CE Marking for Medical Devices in Europe. Dispositifs médicaux. La présente directive s'applique aux dispositifs médicaux * et à leurs accessoires *.

Dispositifs médicaux

Elle ne s'applique pas: Exigences essentielles Les dispositifs médicaux ne doivent pas compromettre l’état clinique ni la sécurité des patients. Ils ne doivent en outre pas présenter de risques pour les personnes qui les implantent, ni pour des tiers. Ces dispositifs sont tenus d’atteindre les performances déterminées par le fabricant. Normes harmonisées Les États membres sont tenus de publier leurs normes nationales mettant en application les normes harmonisées correspondantes qui comprennent également les monographies de la pharmacopée européenne.

Les États membres présument les dispositifs conformes aux exigences essentielles définies par la présente directive lorsque ces dispositifs satisfont aux normes nationales transposant les normes harmonisées déjà existantes en la matière. Medical Device Daily, The Daily Medical Technology Newspaper. Policymix_final_report_excl_annexes_cleared.pdf. Medical devices for_the_eu_070910. EM12_EuropeanMarketFacts.pdf. Eucomed - Home. Reforming Healthcare in Europe - The Need to Transform the Medtech Model in Europe. The Need to Transform the Medtech Model in Europe Pressure is rising in Europe and will force the medical-technology (medtech) industry to fundamentally change how it operates.

Reforming Healthcare in Europe - The Need to Transform the Medtech Model in Europe

The outlook for medtech in Europe is deteriorating as pricing pressure mounts, competition intensifies, and payers demand clear evidence of the cost-benefit tradeoff for products. Medtech companies need to make the most of their current operations by taking steps to transform their commercial model, prove the clinical and economic value of products, and improve their cost structure. Medtech companies must also reinvent how and where they compete—an effort that includes innovating differently, expanding to adjacent markets, and exploring the “value” segment. It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. This quote—which refers to the work of Charles Darwin but is often erroneously attributed to him—underscores the need for all organisms to transform in the face of change.

Health at a Glance 2013. OECD Health Statistics. Publication ATIH. Depuis la loi du 31 juillet 1991 portant réforme hospitalière, les établissements de santé publics et privés doivent procéder à l’analyse de leur activité médicale et transmettre aux services de l’État et à l’Assurance maladie « les informations relatives à leurs moyens de fonctionnement et à leur activité » : articles L. 6113-7 et L. 6113-8 du code de la santé publique.

Publication ATIH

À cette fin ils doivent « mettre en œuvre des systèmes d’information qui tiennent compte notamment des pathologies et des modes de prise en charge » : c'est la définition même du programme de médicalisation des systèmes d’information (PMSI). Pour les séjours hospitaliers en soins de courte durée — médecine, chirurgie, obstétrique et odontologie (MCO) — cette analyse est fondée sur le recueil systématique d’un petit nombre d’informations administratives et médicales, qui constituent le résumé de sortie standardisé (RSS). Les informations ainsi produites sont utilisées principalement à deux fins : Informations médicales.

ICD-9 Code Lookup. ICD-10 Version:2010. Advanced search lets you search selected properties of the classification.

ICD-10 Version:2010

You could search all properties or a selected subset only First, you need to provide keywords in the Search Text field then check the properties that you'd like to include in the search.