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Close Up - Existentialism. The Indigo Evolution-Full Length Documentary. Indigo Child, Learn All About Indigo Children Here. Indigo Child is a term that is has recently been used by the media, without the proper understanding of indigo children and their implications.

Indigo Child, Learn All About Indigo Children Here

For those of you who are totally unfamiliar with indigo children or need a quick review of indigo children, Wikipedia has done an amazing job explaining the indigo child basics. You can access it here: Indigo Child Indigo Children By Ines Mi An Indigo child is a trailblazer. They are here to set the path for the new world, and they have a mission to break down old barriers and patterns in the world. Indigo's have been coming into the world for some time, but only recently have we had an influx of this very rare energy. These children have an insatiable appetite for learning, but not so much in the academic world, as in the world in general. Indigo children and adults alike become frustrated with anything relating to ritualistic systems such as politics and religion. Click Here. Indigo Children. Well, blessings to you, Beloved Ones!

Indigo Children

You have traveled many different planes (of existence) and many existences in your Earth and beyond your Earth. You are like a little time traveler. You are one to be honored and one to be cherished. For you are a divine child of God. And yet living on the Earth is not always easy for you. There are things for you to learn and there are things for you to teach. This does not make you better than anyone else. And I shall not tell to you all the things that you will do. Deep inside of you you know why you have come, for your heart knows. New society. It is important that you learn something about everybody.

And it is not that you should separate yourself from any other, but that you would bring the Gift of Unity and Oneness. You have already come with a gift and you have a purpose. You are different but you are also the same. So please, Beloved Indigo Child, please honor and love yourself. The Indigo's Reality. Excepts from "The Indigo's Reality" The reality of our world is a shifting, evolving, a dynamic energy field.

The Indigo's Reality

As part of this ecosystem, humanity is growing, and developing. As the needs of the whole shift, changes need to be made in the parts that make up that whole. So it is with the auras. A new colour-Indigo-has emerged, with ski talents, and physical characteristics significantly different those of the other colors. Parents of Indigo children have a special challenge-how to nurture and cultivate their unique children while at the same time helping them to exist in the mainstream of contemporary society.

The significant thing about Indigos is that they have leadership capabilities unlike those we have heretofore ex experience They understand what it means to be a fully actualized human being without having been taught that concept. The most difficult thing for an Indigo to develop is patience and forbearance. As infants, they are alert from the start. Indigo Children's Chat Room.