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Thom Yorke's BitTorrent Release Hits 1 Million Downloads. Last week, Radiohead frontman Thom Yorke released a new solo album, Tomorrow's Modern Boxes, as a $6 BitTorrent Bundle, letting fans purchase the album directly via PayPal or credit card and then download it using BitTorrent software.

Thom Yorke's BitTorrent Release Hits 1 Million Downloads

The unusual distribution strategy seems to have been successful, as BitTorrent Blog reports the album has been downloaded more than 1 million times in the first six days. It has to be noted, however, that this number includes the paid downloads for the album and the free downloads of the single and video; exact number of the paid downloads has not been released.

Upon the album's release, Yorke said the experiment could be “an effective way of handing some control of Internet commerce back to the people who are creating the work.” The math is simple: BitTorrent keeps 10% of the album's proceeds, while the artist keeps the 90% — on paper, a much more lucrative scenario than going through a record label. You can purchase Tomorrow's Modern Boxes here. Execute Your App Marketing Plan Effectively. Once you have a killer app marketing strategy in place, it’s now time to execute against that plan.

Execute Your App Marketing Plan Effectively

Execution is often one of the most difficult aspects for businesses, since any one can have compelling ideas on how to grow a company but making those ideas come to life is a completely different story. The execution of your app marketing plan often begins before the development of the app, continues through development, when it’s first released in the app store and then continues forward to drive ongoing engagement with you app. If you’re starting from the very beginning of this journey to execute the marketing plan for your mobile app, it’s best to start focusing on your budget. Budget To Fund Marketing Programs From the start, it’s important to set a budget associated with each aspect of your app marketing plan to ensure it can be fully executed. 20 Ways to Be Awesome on the Internet. Shy Rosenweig is the co-founder and COO of Meetey, bringing social networking to your neighborhood.

20 Ways to Be Awesome on the Internet

You’ll find tips and tricks everywhere online and some of them are actually very good. The problem many people have is TMI (too much information). They get overloaded by so much information from so many different places, it becomes hard to process what’s priority. So here’s a list of 20 things you need to remember online, the most important things, all in one place so you’re sure you don’t forget anything!

1. You know that guy who wears sunglasses indoors? 2. I wanted to say “know your audience” but it’s really more than that. 3. Stay updated with the latest news, follow competitors and see what they’re doing and follow anyone your audience seems to be attracted to or talking about. 4. Whether you like it or not, not everyone is going to like you. Accept their criticism, talk to them politely, and understand that they help you become better! 5. 6. 7. 8. Solve a problem. 9. 10. 11.

4 Steps to Starting a Web Business Without Knowing Coding. Eddy Lee, Ph.D, is a venture capitalist investing in Silicon Valley and Singapore.

4 Steps to Starting a Web Business Without Knowing Coding

He is also a Consulting Assistant Professor at Stanford University. So you have a great idea for a new mobile app or Web service—but you don’t know anything about coding or developing. You might have started searching for a tech-oriented co-founder to help you launch your idea, only to find that your startup can’t afford the ongoing salary for a skilled software developer. The question is: Does a startup need permanent tech staff right away or can you get things off the ground without one? This four-step plan will help you move from idea to full-fledged business, without the need for massive startup capital.

Step 1: Test your demand What drives sales for online services and mobile apps? You can find out whether your idea will succeed ahead of time by gauging the potential demand for your product or service. Step 2: Build your preliminary website Step 3: Outsource a developer Step 4: Planning for the long run. The First 1,000 Users Are Easier Than You Think: 6 Simple Tricks. Ilya Pozin is the founder of Open Me and Ciplex, and a columnist for Inc, Forbes, and LinkedIn.

The First 1,000 Users Are Easier Than You Think: 6 Simple Tricks

He’s also a gadget lover, investor, mentor, husband, father, and ’30 Under 30′ entrepreneur. Listen to this post as audio, courtesy of SaveToListen. It might sound strange, but creating something great is the easy part of being an entrepreneur. The hard part is to get customers as excited about your product as you are. Getting the first 1,000 users is a hurdle most startup companies and small businesses know well. Here are some simple tricks the Lob team used to snag their first 1,000 customers and keep the company growing far beyond the first grand: 1. “One user is very powerful,” said Lob co-founder Leore Avidar. Businesses need solid foundations.