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Zimride- Carpool

Project management, collaboration, and task software: Basecamp Gradual Organization: How to Go from Slob to Productive Photo by Yvestown. By [post_author_posts_link] I’ll admit it: I used to be a slob. Several years ago, I would have been lucky just getting my clothes in the right drawers. To-do lists, calendars and detailed systems for managing my energy and time would have seemed like a fantasy. Instead I had nothing written down or sorted, relying on memory to keep track of important dates and tasks. Looking at the way I run my life now, it would be hard to recognize my prior messiness. Since I began writing about productivity and improvement at my own blog, I’ve been asked by a lot of people how I made such a dramatic switch. Are You Running a Race You Can’t Finish? Most of the time I’ve received feedback from people trying to organize their life, I see the same pattern: mass consumption. It’s important to know how long to run a race before you start. Permanent Productivity My goal with any habit is a change that will last. The Foundation Comes First. “Capture” device. Invest One Month for One Habit.

Welcome to Exclusive Exchanges Tonido - Run your own Personal Cloud Getaround - Peer-to-peer car sharing and local car rental Aardvark Social Search Service Arrives Aardvark, the secretive, invite-only social search service founded by ex-Googlers that we first mentioned late last year, is preparing to become a little less secretive (the company has changed its name from Mechanical Zoo to Aardvark). They’ll start giving users virtually unlimited invitations starting next week – until now invites have been limited to one or so per month per user. Aardvark is a way to get quick, quality answers to questions from your extended social network. I’ve used it for feedback on restaurant recommendations in Paris, vacation rentals in Sonoma and wine bars in San Francisco. The service works best when you already have friends using it, which is why the company is focused on user invitations rather than just opening it up to the public. The company is also experimenting with a very promising sub-product that groups people under topics of interest.

Practice five key concepts to improve your EQ The University Record, May 22, 2000 Practice five key concepts to improve your EQ By Britt Halvorson Do you have a high EQ? Emotional intelligence (EQ) was the focus of a Workplace 2000 program led by Janell Kilgore, a staff counselor in the Faculty and Staff Assistance Program. People often feel uncomfortable when discussing their feelings because they think negatively of expressing emotions or see them as problematic, especially in the workplace, Kilgore commented. “IQ is not the determining factor for success,” Kilgore said. According to Kilgore, understanding and practicing five key concepts can improve your emotional intelligence. Knowing one’s own emotions Recognize and name emotions you feel; understand why you feel that way; and distinguish between feelings and actions. Motivating oneself When considering how to productively harness your feelings, practice some emotional self-control and delay gratification, Kilgore advises. Recognizing emotions in others Managing emotions

Event and Party Venues to simplify your event planning | Eventup Top 20 Photo Storage and Sharing Sites Looking for the best way to store and share your photos? You’re not alone! There are many fantastic sites for photo sharing and we’ve rounded up the top twenty. We’ve rounded up the top twenty absolute best photo storage and sharing sites, including pricing, storage, accepted file types and other core information to make your decision even easier. Flickr, Picasa and SmugMug Shootout The following twenty photo sharing sites are listed in order—somewhat. If you haven’t had a chance, be sure to read our comparison of the top three photo sharing sites here, Flickr, Picasa and SmugMug Shootout. If you know of a site that should’ve been on this list, please let us know by leaving a comment below. Flickr 1. Flickr, one of the most popular photo sharing sites on the web, is one of the most community oriented photo sharing sites available. Not only is Flickr’s community aspects fantastic, it also has some of the best features and most affordable pricing in comparison to most other options. SmugMug 2.

Geoloqi - Geoloqi - A powerful platform for mobile location, messaging, and analytics Diddit: A Social To-Do List For Your Life Diddit, a new site launching today to the public, is looking to help you check off all the things you’ve done with your life, and discover new things that you’d like to do. The site allows users to browse through thousands of activities in categories ranging from the bars you’ve visited to “Bizarre Retro Candies” you’ve eaten at one time or another. To coincide with the launch, Ludic Labs, the company behind Diddt, has also announced that it has closed a $5 million funding round led by Accel Partners with KPG Ventures also participating. At first glance, the site seems a little pointless – I don’t particularly care if my friends know that I’ve eaten Pop Rocks during my lifetime or that I’ve visited AT&T park (though I should note that I had similar thoughts when I first discovered Twitter). But after exploring the site a little more thoroughly, I can see why it might become very addictive.
