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Archéologie de l'informatique

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Formalnotation. Plateforme ligne de temps. AnthropoNet. MITH's Vintage Computers. The Apples came first.

MITH's Vintage Computers

I had a IIe and a IIc growing up, and, at my father’s insistence, both remained boxed at the back of a closet long after I had moved on to other systems (and away from home). When my parents sold their house, however, I had to take custody of the machines or see them sent to the dumpster. Computer History Museum. MO5.COM : Accueil de MO5.COM. Machinology. Aaron Uhrmacher — Telestory. My thesis project for the Interactive Telecommunications Program at NYU, Telestory is a secure web and phone based interface for recording stories to share with future generations of one’s family.

Aaron Uhrmacher — Telestory

Mark Twain demanded that 100 years pass before the publication of his memoirs so that anyone referenced therein was no longer living. What stories do you want to pass on and how long will you wait to reveal them? Telestory generates calls at a determined frequency determined by the user (once a month, twice a year) and prompts him or her to record a story. The stories are then saved on the site until the user’s 85th birthday before automatically become public. John Henry Thompson: Computer Programming and Software Inventions. Even in high school, John Henry Thompson was interested in computer programming languages.

John Henry Thompson: Computer Programming and Software Inventions

The Daniel Langlois Foundation : About the Daniel Langlois Foundation. Mandate Founded in 1997 the Daniel Langlois Foundation for Art, Science, and Technology is a private, charitable organisation with an international scope.

The Daniel Langlois Foundation : About the Daniel Langlois Foundation

The Foundation aims to further human knowledge by supporting artistic, scientific and technological research. Revealing the interdependency between ourselves and our omnipresent technological environment is at the core of the Foundation’s questioning. Because good research needs good data. Dia Art Foundation - Exhibition Main : Circa 1971: Early Video & Film from the EAI Archive.

September 17, 2011 - December 31, 2012 Circa 1971 presents a selection of video and film works by key figures in early video art from the collection of Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), a nonprofit organization that fosters the creation, exhibition, distribution, and preservation of moving-image art.

Dia Art Foundation - Exhibition Main : Circa 1971: Early Video & Film from the EAI Archive

Celebrating EAI’s 40th anniversary, the exhibition takes the organization’s founding year as its point of departure and presents a diverse series of media artworks—created in and around 1971—linked by the alternative artistic practices and activist impulses that drove the early video subculture. WJ-Spots Bruxelles : Passé et Futur de la Création Artistique sur Internet. Archiver l'art numérique... Les œuvres numériques selon le rapport potentiel / démarche Lors du « Panel Discussion » du CAC 3, auquel nous avons participé avec Marc Veyrat, un des thèmes de discussion était directement lié à notre intervention, à moins que nous n’ayons manqué quelque chose du premier jour auquel nous n’avions pu assister.

Archiver l'art numérique...

Peu importe, il ne s’agit pas là de s’attribuer une antériorité à la question elle-même — de toutes façons régulièrement abordée par les recherches sur les TIC —, à savoir : l’archivage du numérique. Rhizome. Whitney Museum of American Art. Le disque dur en papier par D.Guez.

The Variable Media Initiative. The most ambitious and widely known preservation project undertaken by the Guggenheim Museum is its Variable Media Initiative, a nontraditional, new preservation strategy that emerged in 1999 from the museum’s efforts to preserve media-based and performative works in its permanent collection, and which later spawned the Variable Media Network (VMN).

The Variable Media Initiative

Initially supported by a grant from the Daniel Langlois Foundation for Art, Science, and Technology in Montreal, Canada, the VMN now comprises a group of international institutions and consultants, including University of Maine, the Berkeley Art Museum/Pacific Film Archives, Franklin Furnace,, and Performance Art Festival & Archives. The Variable Media approach integrates the analysis of materials with the definition of an artwork independently from its medium, allowing the work to be translated once its current medium becomes obsolete. Variable Media Network. Variable Media Questionnaire: documentation. Art_of_the_Archive_Fa11. Internet Archive: Digital Library of Free Books, Movies, Music & Wayback Machine. Enssib. Hurricane Sandy Highlights the Problems of Digital Archives » Archiver le numérique. Archive2020 - Sustainable Archiving of Born-DIgital Cultural Content. Active Archives - ActiveArchives. Active archives.

Architecture et archives numériques. L'architecture à l'ère numérique : un enjeu de mémoire. Aligning National Approaches to Digital Preservation Conference Edited Volume. On May 23-25, more than 125 delegates from more than 20 countries gathered in Tallinn, Estonia, for the "Aligning National Approaches to Digital Preservation" conference.

Aligning National Approaches to Digital Preservation Conference Edited Volume

At the National Library of Estonia, this group explored how to create and sustain international collaborations to support the preservation of our digital cultural memory. This publication contains a collection of peer-reviewed essays that were developed by conference panels and attendees in the months following ANADP.

Rather than simply chronicling the event, the volume intends to broaden and deepen its impact by reflecting on the ANADP presentations and conversations and establishing a set of starting points for building a greater alignment across digital preservation initiatives. Above all, it highlights the need for strategic international collaborations to support the preservation of our collective cultural memory.