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Remote Control and Monitoring Solutions

Remote Control and Monitoring Solutions

Technology We created to be an instant communications link between devices and applications. Our platform is leading the architecture for the Internet of Things by leveraging real-time web services and cloud technologies. is designed from the ground up and solving a lot of issues with building wireless sensor networks, M2M, and remote control and monitoring applications. enables the suite of technologies that ioBridge licenses to companies looks to build next generation products and services. We are completely flexible with how you interface with and the ioBridge Cloud.

Tracking your carbon footprint 25 February 2008 An innovation called Carbon Hero may help reduce global warming by making people more aware of their carbon footprint. Regional prize winner in the 2007 European Satellite Navigation Competition, sponsored by ESA’s Technology Transfer Programme, the device uses satellite navigation technology to track journeys. Smart home solutions » Home There Corporation has a plan to publish and widely share its ThereGate™ platform and APIs. Due to market interest in energy related applications we have during the first business year of the company focused our R&D work heavily on these solutions and the components needed to support them in the platform. All this work and components are enhancing the capabilities of the ThereGate platform and will also benefit future platform users

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