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Introducing a new Google Docs

Blogging Innovation » Create a Culture of Successful Failure Very often the best way to test an idea is not to analyze it but to try it. The organization that implements lots of ideas will most likely have many failures but the chances are, it will reap some mighty successes too. By trying numerous initiatives we improve our chances that one of them will be a star. As Tom Kelley, general manager of the design and development firm IDEO, puts it, “Fail often to succeed sooner.” Recognizing the Importance of Failure Deborah Bull is the creative director for the Royal Opera House in London. For example, Honda Motor Company entered the U.S. market in 1959 with its range of low-powered motorcycles. What made Silicon Valley so successful as a center of high-tech growth? In order to develop the concept of the benefits of failure, Penn State University instituted a course for engineering students – Failure 101. Many great successes started out as failures. Failing to Succeed Tips Conclusion The innovative leader encourages a culture of experimentation.

Annotum 5 Ways Google Tools Can Make Education More Exciting Google’s no stranger to the education space. Teachers have been benefiting from the tools they create for years. Every time Google adds a new product or tool to their offerings, teachers get to work figuring out creative ways their students can benefit from it. Whether or not you’ve been using Google tools in your classroom for years or are just now starting to consider their potential, a little inspiration never hurts. If you want to break outside of some of the obvious uses and give your students something fun and exciting to work on with Google, one of these ideas could do the trick. Assign Students Expert Interviews with Google Hangouts Several educators have used Google Hangouts to bring famous people and politicians into the classroom for lectures or discussions. Have them each identify an expert or professional on the subject of their choice and set up an interview with them over Google Hangouts. After their interview, have students write up a recap of what they learned from it.

Microsoft 365 After signing in with your work or school account you don't see an option to install the desktop applications on the Microsoft 365 home page, go directly to the Microsoft 365 Software page instead. Select the language and bit-version you want (PC users can choose between 32-bit and 64-bit), and then click Install. See Step 2 and 3 on the PC or Mac tabs above to help you with the rest of the install process. After signing in with your work or school account you don't see an option to install the desktop applications on the Microsoft 365 home page, go directly to the Apps & devices page at After signing in with your work or school account you don't see an option to install the desktop applications on the Microsoft 365 home page, go directly to the Apps & devices page at

Top 100 Lamest Excuses for Not Innovating - by Mitch Ditkoff Recognize any of these? If so, find your way pass the 100th and learn how to go beyond them. Takes less than five minutes. (Or maybe a lifetime). 1. 11. 16. 21. 26. 31. 36. 41. 46. 51. 56. 61. 66. 71. 76. 81. 86. 91. 96. How to Go Beyond These Lame Excuses Make a list of your three most bothersome ones.Turn each excuse into a question, beginning with the words "How can I?" Mitch Ditkoff is the Co-Founder and President of Idea Champions and the author of "Awake at the Wheel", as well as the very popular Heart of Innovation blog. Labels: Innovation, Leadership, Mitch Ditkoff

Google for Education It’s “Wednesday Wake Up” at the Pennsylvania Leadership Charter School (PALCS). Ms. Kofeldt’s 9th grade English students log into Tackk to review her latest prep materials for the upcoming Keystone exam. PALCS is unique because it is a public cyber charter school and each student attends class on the Internet. Ms. “In an online setting it’s tough to have the social aspect of a brick and mortar school. Adobe Premiere If you’re ready to improve your video editing skills in no time flat, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve put together helpful Adobe Premiere tutorials — starting from beginner to advanced techniques — for you to level up your expertise in an easy-to-follow progression. We’ll go over everything from basic editing principles, text, transitions, color grading, and more. Beginner Tutorials If you’re just getting started? Learn Premiere Pro in 15 Minutes by Motion Array This Adobe Premiere Pro CC tutorial will teach you how to import your video, timeline basics, add effects, export, and more. Basic Editing Principles by Motion Array The first step to becoming a video pro is mastering all of the basic editing skills. Cutting Clips by Justin Odisho There is no way around it. Adding Text Learning how to add, format, customize, and make text adjustments in Premiere Pro is a critical skill. Audio by Adobe Tutorial You project is not just a visual experience, but an auditory one tool. How to Crop by BigE

Les widgets deviennent mobile avec djinngo Netvibes September 20th 2010 at 09:36 AM Vous avez peut-être déjà vu que Netvibes est en partenariat avec Orange pour son nouveau service appelé djinngo (, qui permet à vos widgets netvibes d’être utilisés sur téléphone mobile. Djinngo vous aide à développer de nouveaux widgets mobiles et à partager du contenu avec une audience grand public, contrairement aux autres magasins d’applications/widgets mobiles dont la portée est limitée à des sous-sections du marché. La plate-forme djinngo est très intéressante pour les éditeurs puisque : Couverture de Djinngo (estimation basée sur le sur la répartition mondiale du parc mobile) Vous pouvez dès à présent créer vos propres widgets sur grâce à l’outil simplifié “Fast Widget” (aucune compétence de programmation requise).

The Gooru Some pretty big changes are going on at Google Gooru! The first of which was our brand new logo which we introduced yesterday (8/6), and today we're giving our newsletter subscribers and followers a sneak preview of our new website. The New Google Gooru site will launch officially tomorrow (8/8), so I wanted to give you guys a brief tour before we made the switch. We've organized all of our content into a 'mega-menu' at the top of the screen with the three main sections of the Google Apps ecosystem: Migrate, Adopt and Enhance. The Migrate section features content specifically for any organizations interested in making the switch to Google Apps. The Adopt section will look a lot like the old Google Gooru site. The Enhance section is designed for Google Apps Admins and users who want to get more out of the Google Apps experience. Another exciting development is the expansion of our Google Gooru Contributor Program.

Adobe Lightroom Adobe Photoshop Lightroom is a free, powerful photo editor and camera app that empowers your photography, helping you capture and edit stunning images. Easy image editing tools like sliders and filters for pictures simplify photo editing. Retouch full-resolution photos, apply photo filters, or start photo editing wherever you are. EDIT PHOTOS ANYWHERETransform raw photos with one of the world’s most intuitive photo editing apps. Tap and drag sliders to improve light and color, apply photo filters for pictures, and more. Retouch light and color to make photos pop. Crop and Rotate tools find the right size and aspect ratio to best show off your camera work. Experiment and compare different photo versions without losing the original and pick your favorite look. Access all your presets anywhere. EDIT THE FINE DETAILSFinesse details with the advanced picture editor. Easy, interactive tutorials from fellow photographers teach you to use the photo editor to its potential.

How Executives Are Using Social Media | Knowledge Is Social The time constraints on today’s executives are more numerous than ever before. Between the economic downturn, ever-changing industry regulations, fast-moving information and simple day-to-day management tasks, corporate executives are trapped in the virtual jail cell that is today’s business climate. The unintended result of executive “information-imprisonment” is a workplace where they may have little insight into employee morale, culture, and general goings-on during the workday. Blinded by the reflection of their own to-do-lists, executives are turning to consumer social networks to stay connected to the people that execute on daily tasks inside their organizations. According to The Society for New Communication Research (SFNCR), 92 percent of executives are users of LinkedIn, 51 percent are on Facebook, and 41 percent are on Twitter because these tools are “a great way to keep track of peers and colleagues.”

for Education: Computational Thinking (CT) is a problem solving process that includes a number of characteristics and dispositions. CT is essential to the development of computer applications, but it can also be used to support problem solving across all disciplines, including math, science, and the humanities. Students who learn CT across the curriculum can begin to see a relationship between subjects as well as between school and life outside of the classroom. CT involves a number of skills, including: These skills are supported and enhanced by a number of dispositions or attitudes that include: Confidence in dealing with complexity Persistence in working with difficult problems Tolerance for ambiguity The ability to deal with open ended problems The ability to communicate and work with others to achieve a common goal or solution See our Computational Thinking Concepts Guide for a printable version of this list, along with teaching tips for each concept.
