background preloader - The Global Broadband Quality Test - The Global Broadband Quality Test

hellas online Speed Test: μέτρηση ταχύτητας σύνδεσης στο internet How do you fix packet loss? Noodle jokes aside, it could be any number of things, most often the connection to your ISP is flaky. Do the usual things first: Scan, defrag your hard drive, upgrade your drivers, and install all Windows updates. Check your connections starting with the PC and working your way to the wall to make sure the plugs are clean, not rusty or corroded, and inserted firmly into the devices. (I've seen this clear up after a bit of green crude was found on the phone cable connector pins.) If you're using dialup or DSL pick up a phone receiver and listen for crackling noises, echos, or other odd noises on the line. Now go here: and follow the guide for tuning your connection. Finally, your ISP may be at fault.

ICSI Netalyzr - Debug your Internet. Débit maximum Niveau : Résumé : TCP + RTT + window size = debit Si je me connecte au réseau local gigabit, que je fais un transfert de fichier ... je n'arrive pas à dépasser 200Mb/s ! Vous rendez-vous compte que c'est normal ? Vous allez me dire que je ne suis pas doué, mais ce n'est pas moi, ce sont les lois de la physique. Bon puisque nous somme dans un cas particulier je m'explique. Temps de réponse Le débit a beau toujours augmenter, il y a quelque chose qui s'améliore beaucoup moins vite : le temps de réponse. De plus il faut une certaine électronique pour traiter tous ces paquets et ce débit. Tout ceci se voit avec la commande ping. Par exemple : PING mamachine ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from mamachine ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=61 time=1.16 ms C'est le temps qu'il a fallu pour créer le paquet ping, l'envoyer à travers le switch, le réceptionner, répondre, repasser dans le switch, lire la réponse. Pour une machine sur un autre réseau c'est plus dans les 20ms voire 100ms. Erreurs

Why Our Civilization's Video Art and Culture is Threatened by the MPEG-LA We've all heard how the h.264 is rolled over on patents and royalties. Even with these facts, I kept supporting the best-performing "delivery" codec in the market, which is h.264. "Let the best win", I kept thinking. But it wasn't until very recently when I was made aware that the problem is way deeper. No, my friends. It's not just a matter of just "picking Theora" to export a video to Youtube and be clear of any litigation. UPDATE: Engadget just wrote a reply to this article. UPDATE 2: Engadget's editor replied to me. UPDATE 3: And regarding royalties (as opposed to just licensing), one more reply by Engadget's editor. You see, there is something very important, that the vast majority of both consumers and video professionals don't know: ALL modern video cameras and camcorders that shoot in h.264 or mpeg2, come with a license agreement that says that you can only use that camera to shoot video for "personal use and non-commercial" purposes (go on, read your manuals). Think about it.

What Causes Packet Loss on the Internet? Why Packet Loss?: When faced with the typical Global Internet ping time of 300 milliseconds and 1 out of 25 packets being lost (4 per cent) an Internet VPN user with a T1 connection who might expect 10 megabytes/minute throughput on a clean local connection will find he is getting less than 10 per cent or under 1 megabytes/minute. Congestion: The Internet Standards treat packet loss and congestion as synonyms. Routers discard incoming packets that can’t be stored or transmitted. Imagine an Ethernet (10 megabit/sec) pipe feeding a T1 (1.54 megabit) router. Anytime the average feed from the Ethernet exceeds 1.54 megabits/sec, packets will be lost. Bit errors: As information packets move from place to place, there is always a chance that some bits will be modified. Deliberate Discard: ATM networks can guarantee that voice or video connections won’t lose bits. What is causing the delay?

Astrill 2.1 - OpenWeb and OpenVPN Client Overview | Astrill Blog Astrill 2.1 brings about 50 new features and improvements. We will review here the most important new features and changes. OpenVPN Client Improvements OpenVPN client is significantly improved and brings 4 VPN Modes, new IP Filter, Application Filter and Port Forward. VPN Options From this version it is possible to use alternate ports for OpenVPN client “Connection Port”, thus if some port is blocked by your ISP or network, you can pick up another port. MSS parameter is relevant only for TCP connections in UDP mode. The major feature in this new version are 4 VPN Modes: Full VPN – in this mode all traffic from all applications is tunneled (routed) through Astrill VPN servers. IP Filter “IP Filter” is improved in new Astrill for better performance. C:\Users\Administrator>nslookup Server: UnKnown Address: Non-authoritative answer: Name: Addresses: in IP Filter. or which is equal. Port Forward

Comprendre pourquoi votre ordinateur est ralenti Cette page vous explique les éventuelles raisons qui peuvent conduire votre ordinateur à ralentir. A l’issu de la lecture de cette page, vous devriez connaître la raison du ralentissement de votre ordinateur et y remédier. Le fonctionnement des programmes Pour fonctionner un programme a besoin : de place disqued’allouer un certains espaces en mémoire selon les opérations à effectuer (cela peut aller de quelques ko à des centaines de MO).d’utiliser votre processeur lorque le programme effectue une tâche (et seulement à ce moment là. Votre ordinateur possède une certaines quantités de mémoire, une certaines vitesse de processeur et une quantité d’espace disque. CPU 1,5 Mhz512 Mo80 giga de disque dur. (Si vous ne connaissez pas ces caractéristiques, faites un clic droit sur le poste de travail puis propriétés). Lorsque Windows a démarré, les programmes neccessaires au fonctionnement de celui-ci consomme un certain espace en mémoire. Inspecter l’utilisation Mémoire & CPU La chasse aux octets
