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What is dyslexia? - Kelli Sandman-Hurley

What is dyslexia? - Kelli Sandman-Hurley
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Astrophysicist Writes Brutal Response To WSJ Article Claiming Science Has Proven God Exists Recently – Christmas Day, in fact – the Wall Street Journal published an article by a Christian apologist who boldly declared that science was “increasingly” making the case for God, year-after-year. Eric Metaxas is best known as a biographical writer, but he is also lauded (in conservative circles) for his work promoting the pro-life movement and making sweeping, outrageous conclusions about the existence of God based on whatever tenuous evidence seems handy at the time. If sweeping, outrageous conclusions be Metaxas bread-and-butter, than his Wall Street Journal article is perhaps his magnum opus. It’s a doozy. After subtitling his work “The odds of life existing on another planet grow ever longer. Intelligent design, anyone?” The arguments aren’t new. Today there are more than 200 known parameters necessary for a planet to support life—every single one of which must be perfectly met, or the whole thing falls apart. Feature image via The Conversation

8 astuces pour motiver les élèves En s’appuyant sur les éclairages apportés par la recherche, le livre “Comment apprend-on? : La recherche au service de la pratique“ édité par Hanna Dumont, David Istance et Francisco Benavides, fournit plusieurs astuces pour motiver les élèves en classe. Nous en déduisons des actions possibles pour l’enseignant. 1- Les élèves sont motivés s’ils se sentent capables de réaliser la tâche. Les élèves qui estiment avoir les qualités nécessaires pour réaliser la tâche demandée vont se lancer plus facilement dans l’activité, vont persévérer et ne pas craindre la difficulté. Actions possibles pour l’enseignant : éviter les notes et les classementsdonner à l’élève des moyens de connaître ses forces et faiblessesl’aider à percevoir les sollicitations d’une tâche vis à vis de ces forces et faiblesses.encourager l’autonomiedonner des exemples réels ou symboliques de dépassement de soi. 3 : Les élèves sont motivés s’ils ont une vision claire de l’objectif. Actions possibles pour l’enseignant :

5 Ways to Support Students Who Struggle With Reading Comprehension When we think of reading issues, we often imagine children who struggle to decode the letters in text and turn them into spoken language. This type of struggling reader has a very difficult time figuring out what many of the words are and has poor phonological (speech-sound) skills. However, there are also many students who sound like they’re reading beautifully but have difficulty with understanding vocabulary and figurative language, inferencing, verbal reasoning, grammatical development, and oral expression. As children get older, if they are decoding text well we assume they are reading well. Since this type of struggling reader is less noticeable than ones who have difficulty decoding, they often slip under the radar until they begin to fail standardized state comprehension tests. These struggling readers should be targeted for remediation—the earlier the better. Start of newsletter promotion. We read the major academic journals and case studies so you don’t have to. I want that 1.

Dyslexia in the General Education Classroom The following passage is about dyslexia. I want you to assume that I will be asking you a comprehension question or two when you are done. You have one minute. The bottob line it thit it doet exitt, no bitter whit nibe teotle give it (i.e. ttecific leirning ditibility, etc). How was that? You just experienced dyslexia for one minute. What can a general education teacher do to help? Understand Dyslexia Let's debunk a few of the myths and misconceptions right now. Seeing letters or words backward (In fact, reversing letters and words is developmentally normal through the first grade.) It is often said that dyslexia is an "umbrella term" when, in fact, it has a very specific definition. It is characterized by difficulties with accurate and/or fluent word recognition and by poor spelling and decoding abilities. Here is a short video from TED-Ed that explains dyslexia in just four minutes: Understand the Role of Accommodations Dyslexia is real, occurring in up to 20 percent of the population.

Body Painter Transforms Humans Into Breathtaking Portraits Of Animals There’s more to this beautiful heron than meets the eye. It’s actually a human body covered intricately in paint. The stunning work was created by artist Shannon Holt, a body painter from Florida who’s known for her ability to transform the human body into a canvas for beautiful art. The piece is part of Holt’s “Florida Wildlife Series,” a collection of several animal portraits, all painstakingly drawn on human bodies. Each portrait is said to have taken Holt about six to 12 and a half hours to complete, according to Caters News. In a May interview with the Daytona Beach News-Journal, Holt explained what it is about body painting as a medium that she loves so much. “You can have a really beautiful work that transforms the body into a human sculpture or abstract piece that touches on art history, or is a master copy of an Italian Renaissance painting,” she told the news outlet. She added that she loves the “ephemeral” nature of body painting.

Bienvenue sur le site de Alain Lennuyeux Ce document a été rédigé par un comité pluridisciplinaire comprenant des parents, des enseignants, des psychologues et des orthophonistes dans le cadre d'un groupe de réflexions sur ce thème à Deuil-La Barre. La rubrique "Que faire, comment les aider" a été élaborée avec le concours des enseignants qui ont généreusement détaillé nombre de leurs "Trucs, méthodes et stratégies". Le dyslexique est un élève qui va devoir, sans arrêt, compenser, parfois à son insu, parfois en recherchant activement des moyens, afin d'avoir le même rendement que les autres élèves. La rééducation orthophonique sera sa principale "arme", mais il devra, lui aussi, mener son propre combat. Nous devons essayer de comprendre les difficultés rencontrées par l'élève dyslexique lors de sa scolarité, et ceci par matière, puisque la dyslexie et les troubles associés du langage oral et écrit pourront le perturber dans toutes les activités scolaires et pas seulement en français. Pour l'ensemble des matières Par matières

Spelling: In Depth Learn about the different stages young children go through in developing their spelling skills and how phonetic or "invented" spelling can play an important role in helping children learn how to write. Children advance through identifiable stages in their development as spellers. These stages have been described by several different researchers but all derived from the research of Charles Read and Edmund Henderson in 1971. Researchers began to understand that learning to spell is not a matter of merely memorizing letter sequences, but of developing and applying linguistic knowledge as well as knowledge of letter-sound relationships and vowel patterns. Children’s spellings provide a window into their understanding of language, which is informative for understanding their reading as well as their spelling. High-quality spelling instruction includes building upon a child's word knowledge and enabling them to move from one stage to the next. Learn the stages of spelling development below.

Insane Assassin's Creed III concept art by William Wu.
