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Wanna be a writer? Just do it!
Je suis certaine que vous connaissez tous ou presque cinq ou six personnes qui ont un projet de scénario (ou de roman, recueil de nouvelles, traité philosophico-culinaire…) « dans un coin de cerveau » et ne manqueront pas de profiter des prochaines vacances, c’est juré, pour s’y mettre. Enfin ça c’est ce qu’ils répètent tous les six mois sans que le chantier avance. Peut-être êtes vous d’ailleurs dans ce cas? La vérité c’est qu’amasser des dizaines de débuts d’histoires et le double de pitches mirifiques, ne feront pas de vous un auteur professionnel. Si vous souhaitez vraiment devenir auteurs, amis lecteurs, il faut vous y mettre, tout de suite, et sérieusement! Je compare souvent l’écriture professionnelle à un sport de haut niveau: on n’y parvient qu’à force de pratique quotidienne et l’inspiration est un muscle qui a besoin de séances d’échauffement afin de travailler à plein régime. Copyright©Nathalie Lenoir 2013 Auteur : Nathalie Lenoir
Magical World Builder's Guide
By, Stephanie Cottrell Bryant <map name="admap78618" id="admap78618"><area href=" shape="rect" coords="0,0,468,60" title="" alt="" target="_blank" /></map><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:468px;border-style:none;background-color:#ffffff;"><tr><td><img src=" The Magical World Builder's Guide is a tool for creating a fantasy universe. In addition, I've written a much-beloved 30 Days of World Building tutorial designed to help you hit the ground running with your world building in just a few minutes a day. By popular demand, you can now download the Magical WorldBuilder Guide in three easy-to-carry (non-DRM) formats:PDF for printing out at home or reading on a computerePub for use with many fine ereader devicesMOBI for use with Kindles and MobiPocket software. Fantasy, like all fiction, is a function of the imagination. In another classic fantasy example, Ursula K.
Writing Prompts 101
By Simon Kewin Even if you are not a professional writer you probably already heard about writing prompts. They represent a very effective tool for any writing project, so it’s a good idea to know how to use them. What Is A Writing Prompt? If you’re a fiction writer, you may want to consider using writing prompts to kick-start your creativity. You may just come up with rough, disjointed notes or you may end up with something more polished and complete, a scene or even a complete story. Here are four good reasons for writing to prompts : Sometimes it’s hard to start writing when faced with a blank page. Examples of Writing Prompts The following are twenty writing prompts that you could use to spark your imagination. It was the first snowfall of the year. Where To Find Writing Prompts Online The internet is a wonderful source of writing prompts. There are also numerous blogs that offer a regular writing prompt to inspire you and where you can, if you wish, post what you’ve written.
Character Trait Chart
Character Trait Chart and Personality Components It can sometimes be helpful to make a Trait Chart for each character. This is especially helpful during the early stages of character development, before the character becomes as real to you as your mother. To use this chart, print it out and make a copy for each of your characters. Full name - a character's name is very important. Besides the character's official name, we also need to know what he is called (and, perhaps, what he prefers to be called). Date of Birth/Age - we should carefully consider assigning our character a birthday. Address - this can be as detailed or as vague as you wish, but it should answer a few questions: does the character live in a large city, the suburbs, a small town or deep in the country? Height - this doesn't need to be specific. Weight/Body Build - again, we don't really need to know a character's exact weight, only if he or she is stocky, slender or "had a figure that . . ." Smell - everyone has a smell.
creative writing prompts . com ideas for writers
Magical World Builder's Guide
By, Stephanie Cottrell Bryant The Magical World Builder's Guide is a tool for creating a fantasy universe. Although there are several good guidebooks to creating a science fiction world, few deal with the quintessential elements of a fantasy realm. This guide ambitiously attempts to help fantasy authors discover their realms long before they sit down to the keyboard and fill in the details. In addition, I've written a much-beloved 30 Days of World Building tutorial designed to help you hit the ground running with your world building in just a few minutes a day. By popular demand, you can now download the Magical WorldBuilder Guide in three easy-to-carry (non-DRM) formats:PDF for printing out at home or reading on a computerePub for use with many fine ereader devicesMOBI for use with Kindles and MobiPocket software. Fantasy, like all fiction, is a function of the imagination. In another classic fantasy example, Ursula K. Basic World-Building For basic world-building, start with a map.
10 useful and inspiring websites for writers
All writers need a little mental refreshment—a walk in the woods, a quiet drink at a local watering hole, a coffee date with a friend. Sound nice, don’t they? They’d probably work for Stephen King or any writer from the 19th century—but you live in the social media age and have a full-time job. The good news is that if you can’t pull yourself away to enjoy a stroll in a sylvan glade, there are plenty of online destinations that offer inspiration and advice. You probably know about the more popular sites for writers: Quick and Dirty Tips, Copyblogger,, etc. But what about these? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Which ones do you recommend?
Writer's Block, Geek-Block, and Procrastination
'ecomkid' on Wed, 14 Jul 2004 06:12:09 GMT, sez: yes, this stuff works 'secretGeek' on Wed, 14 Jul 2004 20:27:57 GMT, sez: thanks Ecomkid! the tricky bit is recognising that you're procrastinating in the first place... but if you do realise - then this list trick should help. best of luck leon 'procrastinating tim' on Wed, 29 Jun 2005 15:43:35 GMT, sez: very nice. thanks! 'Rob Smith' on Wed, 29 Jun 2005 19:35:25 GMT, sez: Those interested in this might be interested in a roundtuit I blogged awhile ago: 'Nelson Rodríguez-Peña' on Thu, 30 Jun 2005 00:08:37 GMT, sez: Great! 'snow scorpion' on Fri, 01 Jul 2005 21:07:10 GMT, sez: I've been using that form for years. It's a standard technique in cognitive therapy. For more info, look for books by a Dr.