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Cloud Security Alliance. Home. Building a Secure Multi-tenant Cloud for SaaS Applications: Challenges and Lessons Learned. ISO/IEC 17788:2014 - Information technology. ISO/IEC 27017 cloud security. Introduction This standard will provide guidance on the information security elements of cloud computing, recommending and assisting with the implementation of cloud-specific information security controls supplementing the guidance in ISO/IEC 27002 and indeed other ISO27k standards including ISO/IEC 27018 on the privacy aspects of cloud computing, ISO/IEC 27031 on business continuity, and ISO/IEC 27036-4 on relationship management, as well as all the other ISO27k standards.

ISO/IEC 27017 cloud security

Scope and purpose The standard will be a code of practice offering additional controls implementation advice beyond that provided in ISO/IEC 27002. The standard will offer information security advice for both cloud service customers and cloud service providers, offering guidance for both parties side-by-side in each section e.g. the draft of section 6.1.1 on information security roles and responsibilities says, in part: Other information for cloud computing Status of the standard The project is at CD stage. Un blog pour suivre l'actualité des technologies de l'information et comprendre leurs conséquences sur la sphère privée.

GovCloudForum. Serveurs Web sur l’infrastructure suisse d’informatique en nuage (cloud computing) la plus moderne. Centres de données ultramodernes en Suisse pour vos serveurs Web exploite en Suisse quatre centres de données indépendants à Lupfig, Glattbrugg, Zurich-Letzigrund et Brugg.

Serveurs Web sur l’infrastructure suisse d’informatique en nuage (cloud computing) la plus moderne

Ces centres de données répondent aux exigences les plus rigoureuses en matière de sécurité et de disponibilité pour l’informatique en nuage (cloud computing), notamment grâce à une protection intégrale des accès, une redondance étendue et des processus d'exploitation certifiés au niveau international. Surveillés en permanence (24/7), les centres de données garantissent une disponibilité de l’infrastructure de base de 99,995%. Avec le centre de données Zurich-Ouest Multi-Tier Level III Plus comme site principal pour vos serveurs Web, vos données sont hébergées dans le centre de calcul le plus moderne et le plus sûr en Suisse. TA-SWISS - Cloud Computing. Introduction | Procedure | Results / Downloads | Contacts Introduction What do we mean by Cloud Computing?

TA-SWISS - Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing is a concept which describes the virtualisation of IT infrastructures, namely the provision, via networks, of computing capacity, memory units (Infrastructure as a Service, IaaS), programs (Software as a Service, SaaS) and programming environments (Platform as a Service, PaaS). The applications and data are therefore no longer on a local computer, but – metaphorically speaking – in a cloud comprising a certain number of remote interconnected servers. They are used in a dynamic way, according to the needs of the users. Opportunities and risks of Cloud ComputingCloud Computing offers enterprises an effective and economical alternative to their growing need for data storage, as well as the conditions for using their computing resources in a dynamic and mobile way. Why is TA-SWISS conducting a project on the subject? What are the development factors?

Procedure. InterPARES - Records in the Cloud. Bib list RIC. Accueil - Le magazine suisse des technologies de l’information pour l’entreprise - ICTjournal. Call for papers. Context and Scope Cloud Computing promises to deliver computational resources on demand as services that are commoditised and delivered as in traditional utilities such as electricity, gas, water and telephony.

Call for papers

Utility with Cloud services can already be achieved for compute, storage and communication resources but also for hosted software and data. UCC is the premier IEEE/ACM conference covering all areas related to Cloud Computing as a Utility. There is also increasing interest from commercial providers to offer business and revenue models around the services they offer. Understanding how these model could be used to provide utility for both users, intermediary brokers (aggregators) and providers will also be of interest for this conference. This will be the 7th UCC in a successful conference series. Topic of interest include (but not limited to): Important Dates Camera Ready Papers Special Issues Call for Presentations on TCC.

Resources - Carpathia, Inc. Compliance & Accreditations Carpathia solutions have been engineered with compliance in mind.

Resources - Carpathia, Inc.

This isn’t an afterthought; it’s in the DNA of everything we do. Carpathia’s Compliant Hosting Platform (CCHP) has evolved with each iteration of NIST standards and federal requirements, delivering compliance across FedRAMP, FISMA, DIACAP, HIPAA, SOX and PCI, among others. We have oriented our entire business model around delivering infrastructure, services, policies and procedures that meet and exceed commercial, federal and Department of Defense (DoD) compliance mandates. The certification landscape is continuously evolving. Carpathia Held Certifications AT101 SOC 2, Type 2 As the replacement for SAS 70 Type 2, the AT101 examination with Service Organization Control provides a rigorous framework of control objectives.

Keynote: Luciana Duranti. Video/Photo/Presentations - Conférence. Cloud-Finder Schweiz: Cloud News, Experten, Berichte, Marktübersicht. Bib list RIC. UPIC - Stratégie suisse d'informatique en nuage. Cloud Computing L'informatique en nuage (cloud computing) est une forme d'utilisation souple et distribuée de prestations informatiques.

UPIC - Stratégie suisse d'informatique en nuage

Elles sont réservées sur Internet en temps réel, y sont mises à disposition et facturées en fonction de leur utilisation. Les utilisateurs ne doivent ni acquérir ni exploiter eux-mêmes les ressources informatiques, mais achètent la prestation de calcul, l'espace mémoire, les services ou des applications complètes comme «services du réseau» auprès des prestataires adéquats. ICT Switzerland – Startseite. Cloud Computing News & Strategy.