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~ Activate your compost. 'Activators' can be added to your compost to help kick-start the process and speed up composting. Common compost activator materials are: comfrey leaves, grass clippings, young weeds, well-rotted chicken manure. ~ Flying insects attracted to your compost? Small fruit flies, especially, are naturally attracted to the compost pile. ~ Unpleasant odors from your compost pile? ~ Is your compost pile steaming? ~ Is your compost pile soggy? ~ Matted leaves, grass clippings clumping together? ~ Problems with raccoons? ~ A moveable feast. ~ Additive only. ~ Take advantage of autumn's bounty.

what to compost, what not to Small Scale or Backyard Composting - Cornell Waste Management Institute A significant fraction of the solid waste generated in the United States is organic material that can be recycled through small scale composting. There are many advantages to this strategy of waste management. Households, businesses and institutions may save money by composting items such as food scraps and yard trimmings while sending less waste to landfills and incinerators. In addition, small scale composting is often the most environmentally sound way of recycling organic materials. Health Considerations. Just as individuals vary in their resistance to disease, a few individuals may be particularly sensitive to some of the organisms in compost. To minimize these potential risks, common OSHA approved dust masks can be worn under dry and dusty conditions, especially when the compost is being turned. Composting at Home - The Green and Brown Alternative. 12-page fact sheet shows how to separte and collect organic residuals, and how to choose a compost unit. 2011. Composting in Schools.

Adam Brock of Denver's The GrowHaus on Food Justice & Regenerative Agriculture Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis. Waylon chats with Adam Brock of The GrowHaus, a food justice nonprofit in Denver that has become a key hub for Denver’s local food movement. They talk regenerative agriculture, social/food justice, sustainable business in an urban context, seed exchanges and spirals of change. Elephant is psyched to be working in partnership with Google+ on our new live video series, which features three live videos a week (that can be watched later, too). GrowHaus video: Ted Talk on bioregional cuisine: A recent talk Adam gave on his trip to Cuba on “reclaiming the future”: Video of GrowHaus hydrofarm: Adam Brock Adam Brock is a permaculture designer and teacher based in Denver, Colorado. Adam’s background includes a B.A. in Ecological Design from New York University’s Gallatin School of Individualized Study, a semester certificate from the Ecosa Institute, a Permaculture Design Certificate from Andrew Faust and a Permaculture Teacher’s Certificate from Dave Jacke.

To spray or not to spray? Easy Project: How to Build a Compost Pile Here’s what you need: 1. Carbon-rich “brown” materials, such as fall leaves, straw, dead flowers from your garden, and shredded newspaper. 2. 3. 4. Here’s what to do: Start by spreading a layer that is several inches thick of coarse, dry brown stuff, like straw or cornstalks or leaves, where you want to build the pile. Continue layering green stuff and brown stuff with a little soil mixed in until the pile is 3 feet high. Every couple of weeks, use a garden fork or shovel to turn the pile, moving the stuff at the center of the pile to the outside and working the stuff on the outside to the center of the pile. You don’t need a compost bin to make compost. Turn kitchen scraps into super-fertile soil! New for your e-reader or tablet: Compostology 1-2-3.

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