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Cake Treat Boxes

Cake Treat Boxes
Finally, as promised, the tutorial! Yes, it really did take me two days to get this ready. I hope you enjoy it. Be sure to create a FREE studio on and upload photos of your cakes when you are finished. You can even sell them, too! Click HERE for more details. Also, to help spread the word about and to build our community, please link to this tutorial and share the news that is FREE to use. Now, on to the tutorial! Supplies Download the Template (Print the template directly onto the cardstock. If you have a Cricut machine, click HERE for the template Scissors Hole Punch Bone Folder for Scoring Double-Sided Tape Assorted Cardstock, Ribbons, Punches, & Embellishments Instructions 1) Remember, to make it easier, print templates directly onto cardstock **Please note that you need ELEVEN of each piece** 2) Cut out cake pieces on solid lines and score on dotted lines 3) Apply double-sided tape to pointy flap and adhere as shown below Now, you try it!

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How to Make a Cake with Zebra Stripes on the Inside! & MyCakeSchool Blog Hi everyone! Happy Friday! Okay, it is just about 15 minutes until Saturday here, but I’m still going to call this a Friday blog -:0) — Let’s celebrate by making a zebra cake! In my last video tutorial, I demonstrated how to decorate a cake with zebra stripes–a very fun look for your safari, fashion or just plain funky themed cakes! Lucky Wishing Stars You’ve probably seen these little puffy origami stars before. They are really quick to make, and you don’t need any special materials to make them. You can buy lucky star pre-cut strips from origami stores, but you can just as easily make your own from medium weight coloured paper, e.g. scrapbooking paper, or even strips cut from magazine pages – as the strips are so narrow, the original text or image won’t be obvious in the finished star. Anti-clockwise from top left: pre-cut strips, paper cutter, scrapbook paper, magazine page. Now on to the tutorial! To give you an idea of size, I’ve made stars in 3 different sizes to show you:

Recycled Pillow Box Favors You know that I save toilet paper rolls. They can be made into so many things — mummies, rockets, Uncle Sam hats, flower party favors………………. even cute pillow boxes perfect for a little favor! Fold in one side of the end. How to make Gak (Slime) We had a few days of rain around here so we made some slime to occupy our time inside. Just two ingredients and you will be able to really impress your kids! To make simply mix equal parts of liquid starch and glue together.

Easy Tiny Envelopes Guest tutorial by Ruth Bleakley I discovered this envelope making method completely by accident when pulling soggy rain-soaked mail out of my leaky mailbox - I had a total *eureka* moment when the envelope I gingerly opened up completely unfolded at the seams revealing an envelope "template" perfectly. I've seen many envelope tutorials online, some offer downloadable templates, some show fancy paper folding techniques and some suggest specific measurements to create your own D.I.Y. envelopes. I'm going to show you how to replicate any interesting envelope that you might already have, no measuring involved! Click below for the how-to: 1.

autumn leaf bouquet I don’t know what it’s like in your neighborhood, but when I step outside here in Oakland, I sense it right away: Fall is in the air! I’m lucky enough to have a few turning trees on my street, so I don’t miss out entirely on the brilliant autumn colors I remember from growing up in NH. Speaking of brilliant autumn colors, I’m thrilled to share this stunning maple leaf rose bouquet DIY from a fellow Kate — clay, fiber and paper artist Kate Hust. Kate first learned how to make these a few years ago from a retired art teacher in her community, and now they’ve become an annual tradition when fall rolls around. Her instructor taught her to wrap the leaves really tight, so they looked like rose buds, but Kate has modified the technique a bit to suit her own tastes: She likes to find the really big leaves and make them with large open “petals.”

Ice cream party At the end of last summer, we hosted a back-to-school ice cream party for the kids (remember the ice cream scoop invitations?) I wanted to share all the fun we had with you all so that you can host your own ice cream party this summer! We had games and prizes and of course, lots and lots of ice cream! The most fun decorations we made for the party were giant ice cream cones made from balloons and paper. I had a very specific use for them (you’ll see later), but they are great all-around decorations for any ice cream-themed party.

Square Pillow Gift Box Wrapping gifts yourself is half the fun of giving them. If this claim doesn’t convince you, there’s another, more down to earth, reason to prepare DIY wrapping - it’s so much cheaper than the bought one. Let the shops keep their pricey boxes and make one yourself just as we did! All you need is an old CD, triangle, scissors, sheet of thick paper, a pencil and a piece of soft fabric. Oh, I forgot about empty pen for scoring, but this doesn’t seem to be a scarce tool, huh? Add some fancy ribbon and you’ll have a perfect box for tiny presents, like jewelry :) If you’re in need of more wrapping ideas, go here.
