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Alchemy Dictionary: Arcane Words and Ciphers

Alchemy Dictionary: Arcane Words and Ciphers
To find out the meaning of a word, select the beginning letter: Or select the symbol for which you would like to see a definition: For Alchemy Lab website assistance, click ablution The process of washing a solid with a liquid, usually in water. Spiritually and psychologically, it is facing one's emotions and letting feelings flow, so that innocence and purity can be restored. Aion (see Ouroboros) Air Air is one of the Four Elements of alchemy. alchemy The word is derived from the Arabian phrase "al-kimia," which refers to the preparation of the Stone or Elixir by the Egyptians. alembic The upper part of a still; a still-head. alkahest The alkahest is the power from Above that makes possible alchemical transformation. aludel A pear-shaped earthenware bottle, open at both ends. amalgam The amalgam is a solid metal formed by the combination of mercury with gold, silver, lead, or other metals. angel An angel in alchemical treatises symbolizes sublimation or the ascension of the volatile principle. Ankh

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