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Lua Implementations LuaDirectory > LuaAddons > LuaImplementations There are quite a few reimplementations of Lua. The simplicity of Lua is a factor in this. Reimplementations of Lua compilers and interpreters: (sorted by target/host platform) ANSI C / Lua Bytecodes [Lua] (5.1) - Compiles Lua source to standard Lua bytecodes. Reimplementations only of the Lua lexer or parser (no code generator or VM): See LuaGrammar. Bindings to Standard Lua: BindingCodeToLua Other languages implemented in Lua: Lisp: [LuaLisp] (5.0?) Languages based on Lua These languages are based on the Lua implementation (e.g. adapted VM). Agena[17][30] - based on Lua C source, but has significant syntax differences Idle[18] Dao[19][31][32] [LuaPlus] - based on 5.0work, no longer appears maintained Bright[20][21] - more C like syntax, based on Lua 4.0, no longer appears maintained Squirrel[22] [SquiLu] - A mix between Squirrel and Lua, trying to get the best of both. Lua test suites

29 Incredibly Useful Websites You Wish You Knew Earlier There are so many wonderful websites around, and it is difficult to know each and every one of them. The below list provides some of those websites that I find particularly helpful, even though they are not as famous or as prevalent as some of the big names out there. 1. BugMeNot Are you bugged constantly to sign up for websites, even though you do not wish to share your email? If yes, then BugMeNot is for you. 2. This nifty little website tracks whether the emails sent by you were opened and read by the receiver. If you are on a constant lookout of free full length movies, then Zero Dollar movies provides a collection of over 15,000 movies in multiple languages that are available to watch for free on Youtube. 4. Livestream allows you to watch and broadcast events live to viewers on any platform. converts your email address into a short custom URLs, that can be shared on public websites. 6. 7. Fax Zero allows you to send faxes to US and Canada for free. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Installing The Aptana AJAX Development Environment On Ubuntu Version 1.0 Author: Falko Timme <ft [at] falkotimme [dot] com> Last edited 03/01/2007 This tutorial shows how to install the Aptana IDE on an Ubuntu Edgy Eft system. The Aptana IDE is a free, open-source, cross-platform, JavaScript-focused development environment for building Ajax applications. It features code assist on JavaScript, HTML, and CSS languages, FTP/SFTP support and a JavaScript debugger to troubleshoot your code. I want to say first that this is not the only way of setting up such a system. There are many ways of achieving this goal but this is the way I take. 1 Preliminary Note To install Aptana, you must already have an Ubuntu desktop installed. I will use the username falko in this tutorial, and I will download all necessary files to falko's desktop which is equivalent to the directory /home/falko/Desktop. cd /home/falko/Desktop you must replace falko. 2 Download Aptana For Linux The download (~74MB) can take a few minutes: 3 Install Aptana sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

The R Project for Statistical Computing How to Search Google Like a Pro: 11 Tricks You Have to Know Google is a powerful tool, but you’re missing out on a lot of that power if you just type words into it. Master Google and find the best results faster with these search tricks. Whether you’re an inexperienced user or a seasoned professional, you’ll probably find at least one search operator you weren’t aware of here. Many of Google’s search operators aren’t very well-known. Exact Words and Phrases One of the most basic and widely known search tricks is using quotation marks to search for an exact phrase. “Hello World” This same method now works for exact-word queries. “mining” Excluding a Word The minus sign allows you to specify words that shouldn’t appear in your results. linux distributions -ubuntu Site Search The site: operator allows you to perform a search in a specific site. windows 7 You can also use the site: operator to specify a domain. Related Words ~geek Apparently, “Linux” is the most similar word to geek, followed by “Greek.” The Wildcard Time Ranges File Type

Sridhar&#039;s Blog : Customizing MySite in MOSS 2007 Support case volumes coming in for MOSS 2007 is huge. When we try and help customers to find answers to complex problems/questions, many a times we end up learning great stuffs & things that sometime make us yell “Wow, it’s amazing stuff man!!”. Well, this was one of such “case” and I thought I’d share this out. The requirement was as simple as it could be. Customizing MySite in MOSS 2007. Well, that’s fairly simple I though! 1. 2. 3. Feature the savior Thankfully, we have this very useful and new feature in MOSS/WSS called Features. First thing first – create a custom master page This was very simple for me. The default.master page found under the TEMPLATE\GLOBAL folder structure under 12 hive is the master page used by MySite by default. Grab a copy of this file and put in another folder where you would also be putting your feature files soon. Do I need to do something with Visual Studio 2005 at all? Yes, you have to. using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Text; try 1. 2. 3.

ometa/ OMeta is a new object-oriented language for pattern matching. It is based on a variant of Parsing Expression Grammars (PEGs) which we have extended to handle arbitrary data types. OMeta's general-purpose pattern matching facilities provide a natural and convenient way for programmers to implement tokenizers, parsers, visitors, and tree transformers, all of which can be extended in interesting ways using familiar object-oriented mechanisms. I am about to release a new version of OMeta/Squeak. Read all about it (and download the release candidate) here. Documentation The most in-depth and up-to-date piece description of OMeta is in Chapter 2 of my Ph.D. dissertation. There are also some older materials that may be of interest: The original Dynamic Languages Symposium 2007 paper and slides. Downloads There are also several third-party implementations — here are the ones that I know about: Questions? Please e-mail me if you have questions, comments, or suggestions.

Lostpedia - The Lost Encyclopedia Essential free apps for your web design toolkit Some of the very best web design and development tools are free. Free as in speech and as in zero pence. We take a look at the best free software you can use to build a successful, contemporary website, starting with the obvious: tools to design it with. First you'll need a web editor. These tools are based on the original Netscape Composer code that went open source with the launch of the Mozilla Project. Nvu's CSS tools are a bit basic, so a dedicated editor such as CSSed can be used to boost your toolkit. The open source community serves coders better than designers, with free tools that can handle HTML, CSS, JavaScript and server-side programming tasks. At the top of the current heap, we wholeheartedly recommend Aptana Studio 1.1 . Aptana is available for Windows, Mac and Linux, though Linux devotees may want to look at Quanta Plus , which is aimed more squarely at site development than Aptana. Alongside your Ajax coding-capable editor, you'll need a good script library.

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