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Toolset - Develop WordPress Sites with No Coding

Toolset - Develop WordPress Sites with No Coding

ExpressCurate NOTE ON APP NOTIFICATION: The recent update will show the AppOptix notification on the status bar. Depending on your Android version, it may be possible to switch the notification status off. If you are using Android 4.1 or higher, under Settings-Manage Applications->Downloaded->AppOptix, there is a checkbox for turning off the notification. Please note that this option is not available on all devices or versions. NOTE ON PANEL APPROVAL: Approvals are subject to available openings in our panel. 60 brilliant WordPress tutorials (Image: © Alexandra Bruel) WordPress is one of the world's most popular publishing platforms. It's highly customisable, very easy to use and it's completely free, making it an obvious choice for anything from a simple blog to an online design portfolio.

How to Add Audio Files and Create Playlists in WordPress Do you want to add audio files to your WordPress site? As a content management system, WordPress is capable of handling audio files by default. However, many beginners are not aware of this. In this article, we will show you how to add audio files and create playlists in WordPress. Supported Audio File Formats in WordPress WordPress uses HTML5 audio tag to embed audio files. How to make a Flip Book in 3 Easy Steps (Free Tools) My first acknowledgment on how to make a flipbook was when I watched Walt Disney on Sundays. The opening credits featured how to make a flipbook of blank paper become animated drawings of Mickey Mouse. How to make a flipbook has a history that stems back to the 19th century. How To Make A Flipbook Technique

Perfect Blog Images Every Time with Auto Scale and Crop for WordPress Placing images in your posts has several benefits. For one, posts with images are easier to read – photos break up long blocks of text and give context to the story being told. Images also have search engine mojo; and when labeled correctly they can be an important part of how potential visitors find your article and your site. But, some of the most often cited areas of confusion for new WordPress users are the image uploading and inserting features that are native to post and page editing. Google Tag Manager Tracking Guide for WordPress This guide shows you how to track: External Link Clicks Internal Link Clicks Affiliate Link Clicks Anchor Link Clicks 404 Errors Comment Form Submissions Contact Form 7 Submissions Subscriber Opt-Ins Social Follows Media Shares Social Shares How to setup Google Tag Manager Tracking in WordPress

WordPress Theme Customization Guide New to WordPress theme customization? Just brushing up? This tutorial guide will teach you how to customize a WordPress theme the right way. Who is this guide for? This guide is intended for those with some knowledge of HTML and CSS, but aren’t too familiar with the way WordPress themes work. Floating Social Bar Social media share buttons are a must have for every site, but they can significantly impact your site's speed. At WPBeginner, we created the floating social bar to maximize our social media visibility without impacting our site speed. Floating social bar is a light-weight WordPress plugin that adds a horizontal floating share bar to your blog posts, pages, and other post types. The floating ability allows this eye-catching social media bar to get you maximum shares. Slim and Fast Unlike other social media plugins, we only support major social media networks to keep our plugin slim.

The Best 100 Free WordPress Themes Ever However, the sheer volume of themes contributes to the repository’s less user-friendly side. Of those thousands of themes, many will not be up to the standard you require. And with somewhat limited search and filtering tools, it can be extremely difficult to find the right theme for your WordPress website. Fortunately, that’s where this resource come in. We’ve taken the time (a long time!) to trawl through the directory and carefully selected what we consider to be the best 100 free WordPress themes available.
