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The Secret to Teaching Math Facts: Number Bonds Below you will see why I think teaching math basics with number bonds is the best way for your homeschoolers to learn math. Over our last four years of homeschooling, I have used several different math curricula. Some I liked better the others, but they all had their own strengths and weaknesses. One of the strengths of one particular curriculum we use, Singapore Math, is their method of teaching basic math facts. Instead of teaching fact families by rote, Singapore illustrates fact families using number bonds. Now, I realize this is just my unprofessional opinion, but as a self-professed math geek, I truly believe number bonds are (likely) the best ways to teach math facts.

Using D3.js to visualise Hierarchical Classification Why D3.js? I’ve been playing around with a fairly new visualisation library called D3.js for the last couple of weeks. Given my last post about how awesome the python plotting library matplotlib is, why bother? D3 is for visualisation, as opposed to plotting. Web 2.0 Tools for Math Educators By Laura Turner This is a continuing series on Web2.0 and other web-based tools for educators. This information is specific to math educators, but there is some crossover into science. Math educators will find a large number of useable interactive companion web sites for the teaching of math concepts and skills.

WebKit.js: Yes it has finally happened! Browser Inception is now possible. I knew this was going to happen eventually, it was just a matter of time. WebKit has been ported to JavaScript, and no, this is not just some Emscripten compile, it is a full hand port of the popular browser engine to JS. WebKit.js uses WebGL as a rendering backend and basically enables developers to never worry about browser differences again since we can now control what browser our users are using on our site. Of course, it includes fallback renderers in 2d canvas and by generating PNG images on the fly for older browsers as well.

Adding Signed Numbers - Lesson 101 Video Adding Signed Numbers - Lesson 101 Hi, I’m Larry. This is the video from Lesson 101 on my website, adding signed numbers. This is one of the most important lessons on my site so make sure that you fully understand it and feel fully comfortable with it. I you have difficulty understanding this lesson you will have trouble with all the materials that follows because it builds up on this lesson especially when we get to Algebra we’re going to be using the skill again and again, so make sure that you don’t have any difficulty with it whatsoever.

Sankey Diagram Source: Department of Energy & Climate Change, Tom Counsell. Sankey diagrams visualize the magnitude of flow between nodes in a network. This intricate diagram shows a possible scenario for UK energy production and consumption in 2050: energy supplies are on the left, and demands are on the right. Intermediate nodes group related forms of production and show how energy is converted and transmitted before it is consumed (or lost!). The thickness of each link encodes the amount of flow from source to target.

Conceptua™ Math - Free Fractions Tools Conceptua Math includes interactive, visual tools that are ideal for teacher-facilitated, whole-class instruction, "Number Talks" and for parents supporting their students at home. These tools, available free of charge, are located under the Tool Library tab in our full curriculum. The full Conceptua Math curriculum includes integrated teacher supports, adaptive teaching, student investigations, and much more. Teachers Build Instructional Expertise with Supports Integer Number Line In this lesson,we will look at integers and the number line. Related Topics: More Lessons on Integers Integer Worksheets Integer Games Integers Stephen Boak — Tutorial: Network Flow Visualizations With Directed Edges in D3 Back in May I posted some network visualization experiments we did at Boundary to the Boundary Blog. This is the companion post walking through the code and showing you how we made them. In total we made 4 of these experiments. Since much of the code repeats across experiments I’ll walk through the general setup and then the specifics of each experiment. General Setup All of these experiments use the same base of draggable circles, shown here:

Math Practice - Aplicações no Android Market ★ Math for kids is either a big task or a milestone. Teaching your child math isn't something that happens overnight. ★ Remember KISS - Keep It Simple, Stupid! Small children aren't going to be able to handle too much complexity with math at this point. Be patient and never go faster than your child can take.

s Math Resources - Integers: Operations with Signed Numbers Have you ever been to a party like this? Everyone is happy and having a good time (they are ALL POSITIVE). Suddenly, who should appear but the GROUCH (ONE NEGATIVE)! The grouch goes around complaining to everyone about the food, the music, the room temperature, the other people.... Visualizing min-heap algorithms with D3.js I haven't done any real work on learning Javascript and D3.js since my last attempt a couple months back. To keep at it, I thought I'd try using D3.js to visualize a simple algorithm: finding the largest couple of items in a list. This problem comes up all the time when doing search and recommendation type tasks. Every time you query a search engine, it has to find the couple best scored results in all matching items. For example, Google finds 15 million results when querying for 'D3.js', but only shows you the 10 best scored of these.

Mathematics Grades 3-6 A+ MATH This Web site has flashcards, math problems, and games -- all with the intent of increasing mathematical knowledge. AAA Math This interactive site provides online math exercises with explanations and challenging games as a resource for the classroom BBC Education Maths File ReviseWise Beacon Learning Center The resources posted in the Beacon database are products of professional development activities teaching a standards-based planning model. The Thirty Greatest Mathematicians Click for a discussion of certain omissions. Please send me e-mail if you believe there's a major flaw in my rankings (or an error in any of the biographies). Obviously the relative ranks of, say Fibonacci and Ramanujan, will never satisfy everyone since the reasons for their "greatness" are different. I'm sure I've overlooked great mathematicians who obviously belong on this list. Please e-mail and tell me!
