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Writing Hacks, Part 1: Starting

Writing Hacks, Part 1: Starting
By Scott Berkun, Aug. 28 2006 (#54) Writing is easy, it’s quality that’s hard. Any idiot who knows 5 words can write a sentence (e.g. “Dufus big much Scott is”). It might be without grammar, broken, or inaccurate but it is still writing. This means when people can’t start they’re likely imagining the polished precision of the finished work. For this reason writer’s block is a sham. Consider this: Have you ever been blocked while playing Frisbee? So play. Writing hacks for starting In the grand tradition of lists and books of hacks, writing hacks are clever little actions that give you leverage and put the dynamics in your favor. Start with a word. Write about how it feels not to be able to write. Have a conversation. Read something you hate. Warm up. Make lists. Switch to something harder. Run like hell. Whiskey. Rummage your scrap pile. Smart writers have stockpiles of old ideas to arm themselves against the evils of the blank page. [2] True story. Further advice:

The Research Paper: Developing Historical Questions What Is It? A way to teach students how to develop historical questions. This is the beginning of a multi-step research paper process that encourages sophisticated historical thinking. EDC - Lip Balm Applications in Survival Situations via... Lip Balm Applications in Survival Situations via theprepared: Chapped lipsIn extreme cold weather, you can rub it on the exposed parts of your face. The thin layer helps prevent heat loss by limiting radiation and air convection.Lubrication for your fire bow drill, etc.It is a great firestarter!

A Flappers' Dictionary Hidden deep within a box of materials that came into the shop this week was a short stack of old magazines. I’d never seen this title before, but I knew what it was just as soon as I saw it: Flapper. “Not for Old Fogies” said the masthead, but I took a look anyway. These were in beautiful condition (“Near Mint” is the technical term) and were just a lot of fun to page through.

Fifteen Writing Exercises Writing exercises are a great way to increase your writing skills and generate new ideas. They give you perspective and help you break free from old patterns and crutches. To grow as a writer, you need to sometimes write without the expectation of publication or worry about who will read your work. - Living Bueno - How to Live Anywhere in the World for Free Skeptical Face Travel for free? This dudes crazy right? Today is part two of what I am calling the "Knowledgeable Nomads" series, in which I will be teaching my readers how they can travel the world while ballooning their savings accounts rather than draining them dry. In the first part of this series I discussed general topics such as how to figure out what you want, devising your own getaway plan, quitting your job, creating a mobile income and taking the leap. All of these topics will be expanded on in upcoming posts, however today I will be covering a more specific topic, instructing my fellow nomadic souls on how they to can travel the world for FREE.

The Proletarian Writer Broadcast in the Home Service of the B.B.C., 6 December 1940; printed in The Listener, 19 December 1940. Discussion between George Orwell and Desmond Hawkins Desmond Hawkins was an author, editor and radio personality. Creative writing prompts Here are some creative writing prompts we've developed that you may find useful. We'll be adding to these periodically, so check back often. These have been compiled by many people, please feel free to contact us if you think of any. We'll be happy to add them. Creative Writing Prompts: Story Starters Think back to a time when you say a stranger say or do something that that caught your attention.

Books.Blog - Guests - Skip Graduate School, Save $32,000, Do This Instead Three years ago, I invested $32,000 and the better part of two years at the University of Washington for a master's degree in International Studies. The verdict? It wasn't a complete waste of time and money. Once I accepted that 80% of the course requirements were designed to keep people busy, I enjoyed the other 20% of the work. Film School: How to write an ending- Flixist Good afternoon, class. Please settle down. Tomkins, put that finger away. Journal Writing Prompts Looking for some free journal writing prompts? A situation might have arisen compelling you to record a piece of your history; to retell some of your family stories, your traditions, and highlight some of your quirky and unusual family members. What do you write about? Maybe you have considered writing your personal autobiography and need some ideas to get you started. I love to simply pick up my pencil and put it to paper without thinking too much about what I am writing about.

How to Write Like You Love It: Stephen King and 6 Tools Every Writer Should Have in His ToolBox In his Memoir of the Craft , Stephen King breaks up his book into three parts: 1) memories of his personal and professional life told in numbered chunks and fragmented snippets; 2) what's in his toolbox and what should be in yours; and 3) comments on the actual craft of writing. In this post, I will be discussing the toolbox and what King deems worthy in including in his own writer's tool box. He compares writing to a craft, a trade, like carpentry. Writing The standard types of written assignment required of a university student are usually: an academic essay a report a dissertation The third, the dissertation, is always a summatively assessed piece of work, and this is therefore dealt with in the The following pages offer advice on writing essays or reports whether they are assessed or whether they are purely a means of developing your intellectual, writing (and time-management) skills. Essays The essay is a particularly academic form of writing, and is a standard method of developing and demonstrating a student's intellectual abilities at almost all levels of a humanities degree programme.

5 Things Nobody Tells You About Being Poor Being poor is like a game of poker where if you lose, the other players get to fuck you. And if you win, the dealer fucks you. A bunch of you reading this are among the 45 million "working poor" in America, and if you're not, you know somebody who is. Like me. Getty.comOr 60 percent of all retired NBA players, according to this site. I'm not blaming anybody but myself for getting into this situation (I was drunk for two straight decades) and I'm not asking for anybody's sympathy.
