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100 Of The Best Twitter Tools For Teachers By Category

100 Of The Best Twitter Tools For Teachers By Category
In 2009, we shared our favorite tools for teachers on Twitter, with 100 resources for managing feeds, finding followers, and tackling classroom groups on the social media site. Since then, many tools have been revamped, replaced, or simply aren’t available anymore. Clearly, an update is in order, so we’re proud to present a new list for 2012, featuring the very best tools available to Twittering teachers today.

25 Ways To Get The Most Out Of Twitter Twitter may very well be the single most important tool for teachers right now. Considering many are not even using the service, that says a lot about how effective the platform is for learning, engaging, development, and more. In an effort to make sure you are getting the most out of Twitter, we’ve compiled a very lengthy list of tips and tricks. That long list is coming out tomorrow morning but we thought you’d enjoy our hand-picked choices. See Also: 45 Simple Twitter Tips Everyone Should Know About Katie and I went through our list and narrowed it down to the top 25. Follow folks who are interesting to you. Just tweet!

Increase Student Achievement in 5 Easy Steps Increase Student Achievement in 5 Easy Steps Posted on Tue, Jul 10, 2012 @ 08:54 AM In the forward of William Parrett and Kathleen Budge’s recent book, Turning High-Poverty Schools Into High-Performing Schools, Michael Copland describes standing in front of the faculty in an after-school meeting to discuss data regarding student achievement. Copland recalls presenting the information on an overhead projector and stoking his colleagues to produce a dialogue that would help him better understand the unsettling gaps in student achievement. At this point, the hands of several teachers went up. Copland recalls working hard to push the conversation into critical and self-reflective direction, but ultimately, it regressed into scapegoating and blaming students and their socio-economic “maladies” instead of taking ownership for the lag in student achievement. You should also know that Marygrove College has reduced tuition rates for several online graduate programs by 19 percent!

Actualités de l'ITC À l'occasion du premier Festival international de twittérature tenu à Québec le 16 octobre dernier, Lirina Bloom a voulu témoigner de l'état des lieux. Son texte rappelle les grands moments de l'histoire récente du jeune mouvement. Il suggère des interprétations concernant les motifs et les motivations des twittérateurs en évoquant les origines du genre, mais surtout en soulignant les balises esthétiques et poiétiques du nanotexte sur Twitter, qu'il soit en 140 caractères ou non.Le texte que nous reproduisons ici avec l'aimable permission de l'auteur est d'abord paru sur son blogue Ceci n'est pas un poème. La twittÉrature est-elle une littérature ? Un jour, fut inventée la Twittérature. En cette invention, l'humour et le second degré étaient de règle. On feignait d'encadrer l'affaire rigoureusement. Se bâtissait cependant, subrepticement, constamment, progressivement, obstinément, délibérément, un corpus, corps de texte, corps constitué, paquet d’écrits en Lettres de Lumière.

Twitter - A Necessity for Educators in 2012 - Texas Principal Twitter A Necessity for Educators in 2012 “Twitter won’t change your life, but it might make your job more fun and a little easier” - NEA What is Twitter? Twitter is an online social networking site which allows users to send and receive messages of up to 140 characters. Why should I join Twitter? Have your students and parents follow you on Twitter where you can post reminders about quizzes/tests, upcoming field trips, websites to check out, reminders about homework, etc.Hold “Twitter Chats” with your students. Key Lingo: Tweet - a tweet is just the way to say you posted something on Twitter. Some great hashtags to follow are #edchat #edtech #ntchat Educators really can’t afford to NOT be on Twitter. Follow us on Twitter! @The3TechNinjas @TechNinjaTodd @TechNinjaStacey

7 Ways to Transform Your Classroom I’m honoured to have been invited as a guest on Classroom 2.0 Live this Saturday morning, September 29th, 2012. I joined the Classroom2.0 Ning back in 2007, and I think it is a wonderful network to help new and seasoned teachers engage in a meaningful social network. [UPDATE: Here are audio & video recordings of the show: Inquiry Learning and Empowering Students and the accompanying slide show is embedded below.] I’ll be talking about Inquiry Learning inspired by our new Inquiry Hub school, (more on the school here and here). (Give learners choice.) Inquiry based learning is a key tenet of the Inquiry Hub. By helping students connect, create and learn together, we will encourage them to look outside of their box and seek a world of potential. * Transforming Classrooms with Inquiry: It starts with educators asking really good questions. (Give learners a voice.) When students explore their interests in-depth, they will often discover insights worth sharing with others. Connect | Create | Learn

Bloquer un correspondant insistant sur Twitter - Tous les navigateurs Web Un utilisateur n'arrête pas de vanter ses services en vous envoyant des messages privés ou en vous mentionnant sur Twitter ? Vous pouvez facilement le bloquer. Rendez-vous sur et identifiez-vous. 17 Ways to Visualize the Twitter Universe I just created a new Twitter account, and it got me to thinking about all the data visualization I've seen for Twitter tweets. I felt like I'd seen a lot, and it turns out there are quite a few. Here they are grouped into four categories - network diagrams, maps, analytics, and abstract. Network Diagrams Twitter is a social network with friends (and strangers) linking up with each other and sharing tweets aplenty. Twitter Browser Twitter Social Network Analysis The ebiquity group did some cluster analysis and managed to group tweets by topic. Twitter Vrienden Twitter in Red I'm not completely sure how to read this one. Twitter Network Maps When you create a Twitter account, you can enter where you are located, so in my case, I put New York. TwiterVision Yeah, it's a Google Maps mashup, but a bit better than what you're used to seeing. TwitterVision3d It's TwitterVision taken to the next dimension. Analytics TweetStat TweetVolume TwitStat TwitterMeter Abstract 24 o'clocks TweetPad

User Activity Comparison Of Popular Social Networking Sites Our Infographic “User Activity Comparison Of Popular Social Networking Sites” compares the latest user stastics of popular social networking sites – Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn and Pinterest. Infographic by – To Publish this Image on your Blog or Website . Copy this code <a href=" src=" alt="User Activity Comparison Of Popular Social Networking Sites" width="580" /></a><br /><strong>Infographic by- <a href=" Number of Users on Popular Social Networking Sites Unique Monthly Visits on Top Social Networking Websites Male-Female Ratio Time Spend by Average Social networking user per month Age Demographics of Social Networking Users Estimated User Worth of popular Social networking sites

Les partages sur les réseaux sociaux stimulent les achats Le rapport de Sociable Labs publié en Mars 2012 a démontré que 1 acheteur sur 4 ayant effectué des achats en ligne au moins une fois par trimestre, s’est connecté à son compte Facebook et a été influencé par l’une des recommandations sur le dit réseau social. 62% des répondants au sondage ont dit qu’ils avaient déjà lu sur leur fil d’actualité un commentaire d’un ami qui parle d’un produit qu’il avait acheté, tandis que les trois quarts sont partis voir directement le lien du produit figurant au niveau du commentaire. Une fois sur le site marchand, 53% ont tendance à acheter le même produit dont parlait le commentaire de leur ami sur Facebook. En outre, ces clients éventuels sont heureux de découvrir le produit à travers une recommandation, comme les 81% qui s’identifient comme prescripteurs eux-mêmes.D’autres recherches ont également montré l’influence des réseaux sociaux sur le comportement des consommateurs.

Twitterize Yourself Into an Infographic The new website called announced it went live yesterday. It is billing itself as the place to create beautiful visualizations in minutes and instantly apply the graphics of top designers to create an infographic of your information -- or as they call it, a push-button approach to a visualization creation. Unfortunately, this part is coming soon. However, its Twitterize Yourself visualization lab is open, ready to use, and oh, what fun. Essentially, you plug in your twitter handle, select a few customization options, decide if you want a “solographic” or a “faceoff” with another tweeter, and click to create.
