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Moon Zoo

Moon Zoo

Lunar Eclipse: Watch It Live on YouTube At 11:20 a.m. PT Wednesday, a total, 100-minute-long lunar eclipse will be visible in South America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia. If you're not from those parts, Google and Slooh have prepared a myriad of options that let you enjoy the lunar eclipse from the relative safety of your couch. AAAS News Release - "SCIENCE: Dust Scooped From Asteroid Confirms Source of Earth-Bound Meteorites" Researchers got their first up-close look at dust from a small, stony asteroid after the Hayabusa spacecraft scooped up the dust from the asteroid’s surface and brought it back to Earth. Analysis of the dust particles, detailed in the 26 August issue of Science, confirms a long-standing suspicion: Most common meteorites found here on Earth, known as ordinary chondrites, are born from these stony, or S-type, asteroids. Since chondrites are among the most primitive objects in the solar system, the discovery also means that these asteroids have been recording a long and rich history of early solar system events.

Iberian Peninsula at Night The city lights of Spain and Portugal define the Iberian Peninsula in this photograph from the International Space Station (ISS). Several large metropolitan areas are visible, marked by their relatively large and brightly lit areas, including the capital cities of Madrid, Spain—located near the center of the peninsula’s interior—and Lisbon, Portugal—located along the southwestern coastline. The ancient city of Seville, visible to the north of the Strait of Gibraltar, is one of the largest cities in Spain. The astronaut view is looking toward the east, and is part of a time-lapse series of images. The network of smaller cities and towns along the coastline and in the interior attest to the extent of the human presence on the Iberian landscape.

Spectacular Space Station Moon Dash: Big Pic Jan. 6, 2012 — The right place at the right time... that's all it took (along with some great camera skills!) for a NASA photographer at Johnson Space Center in Houston to capture some fantastic photos of the International Space Station (ISS) passing across the face of the moon! BIG PICS: Spectacular Space Station Solar Eclipse Transit The image above, made from a series of photos captured on Jan. 4, shows the ISS making its trip across the sky.

Galaxy Zoo: Hubble Exoplanet Orbit Database The James Webb Space Telescope
