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Web Conferencing & Online Meetings Overview: WebEx Top-rated mobile apps Collaborate from wherever you are with WebEx mobile apps for iPhone, iPad, Android, or Blackberry. If you can get online, you can work together. Learn more: WebEx Mobile Peace of mind included WebEx products are delivered through the Cisco WebEx Cloud. Featured Solution: Manage your entire network over the cloud with Meraki, now part of Cisco. Less travel, more green Using WebEx doesn't just simplify your life. See how you're reducing your carbon footprint. Don't take our word for it.

Sweet Search Porting out of Google Voice | Matthew Seeley For those who haven't used it before, Google Voice is a half 'voice over IP' and half 'number virtualiation'. When you connect your phone with Google Voice, it automatically logs your text messages, calls, and voicemails (including transcribing them to text messages or e-mails). The service also allows you to make cheaper international calls, and route calls to different, or multiple phones at once, among many other features. Google Voice has many features, a list too long to repeat here, and Google offers native Voice clients for Apple iPhone / iOS and Google Android devices. By default, when you sign up with Google Voice, Google gives you a 'Voice Number', that compliments your other phones. Sprint subscribers can resolve much of this automatically, by using the native Google Voice to Sprint integration. And for non-native users, there are drawbacks to Google Voice. Porting Out The internet is littered with many horror stories about porting away from Google Voice. That's it!

Google SafeSearch for Kids! Search the web with safe search powered by Google. Google SafeSearch: Search the Entire Web Search Wiki for Kids Wiki Search Tools | Safe Image Search | Google SafeSearch | Terms / Privacy | Contact | Wiki Home ©

Digital Differentiation Technology is a tool that can be used to help teachers facilitate learning experiences that address the diverse learning needs of all students and help them develop 21st Century Skills. At it's most basic level, digital tools can be used to help students find, understand and use information. When combined with student-driven learning experiences fueled by Essential Questions offering flexible learning paths, it can be the ticket to success. Here is a closer look at three components of effectively using technology as a tool for digital differentiation. Note: The interactive graphics you see below have been updated. They can be found in a newer post on this blog. The goal is to design student-driven learning experiences that are fueled by standards-based Essential Questions and facilitated by digital tools to provide students with flexible learning paths. Essential Questions: Student-driven learning experiences should be driven by standards-based Essential Questions.

Skilling up Skilling up - learning about e-learning by Clive Shepherd E-learning provides some exciting new possibilities for the training department, but to really take advantage of these will, in most cases, require a radical review of available competencies and an up-skilling programme aimed at the principle job roles of e-learning manager, developer and e-tutor. In this article, Clive Shepherd looks at the skills needed to make e-learning a success, at the issues involved in bringing these skills in-house, and at the opportunities currently available in the UK for training in e-learning skills. ContentsNew skills - who needs them?What skills? New skills - who needs them? In many ways, as far as trainers are concerned, e-learning is just ‘more of the same’ - the same mountain of training needs, the same demanding learners, the same inadequate budget and the same impossible time constraints. The reality, of course, is that things are never that simple. What skills? Staying in or going out Barry Conway

Phonedeck Glean Comparison Search: An Information Literacy research tool to compare search results for different opinions Learn What You Want, Teach What You Love The idea for MentorMob sprouts from the backgrounds of Kris Chinosorn and Vince Leung. Both avid learners, they found early on that the Internet was not quite the incredible tool for learning new skills and hobbies that everyone thinks it is. Even with millions of free lessons online, the content is almost impossible to navigate. "You don’t really know where to start, what to learn next or who you can trust, which is why in a sea of free content, people are still paying for online lessons." - Vince Leung, CTO Both Kris and Vince knew there had to be a better, more efficient way to learn for free online and that is when MentorMob was born. Since MentorMob’s inception, the company has seen many changes, and pivoted from it’s original website (now residing as to create a community focused social learning platform that features one in-depth learning experience that works.

About Fotobabble Fotobabble is a software company that provides photo- and audio-powered social marketing solutions for businesses, brands and nonprofits. Fotobabble’s integrated application suites help organizations attract and engage audiences across web, mobile and social networks. Who Uses Fotobabble? Fotobabble’s customers include businesses, education, professional photography, real estate, nonprofits, dating sites, and brand marketers. How Do They Use It? Engage and attract audiences in an integrated way across mobile, web and Facebook. Team Kamal Shah Founder, CEO, CTO Michael DeLapa VP Sales and Marketing Tanya Caragol Director Business Development Stonia Seng Marketing, Community and Support

10 awesome ways to use a USB flash drive Your trusty USB flash drive is much more versatile than you might realize, packing capabilities that go well beyond storing and transferring files. These little-known tricks can be utilized by computer newbies and technogeeks alike to achieve anything from restoring a virus-ridden computer to launching and playing portable apps right from the drive. Unlock our top-10 ways to use a USB flash drive with the guide below. Thanks to fellow How To blogger Ed Rhee, and the team at CNET, you'll be surprised to find that storing files might not be the best use of thumbdrives after all. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Bonus: Quickly remove USB devices without using Safe Removal

Kids Search Engines. Google's Safe Kids Search Engine. Kids Search Engines We started Safe Search for Kids in order to bring awareness to Google’s Safe Search tool. Most people do not know that the default setting on your computer is set to “moderate safe filtering” when using Google’s regular home page. To set search filtering on your computer to the most strict filtering for young children and teens, you need to change the setting on every computer you own or purchase internet security software. However, when you have your kids at home or students in school conduct their searches on Google SafeSearch for Kids, you can be sure that Google safe search is always set to the highest level of security for safe browsing. Please be advised that no safe search engine should replace the supervision of a parent or teacher when it comes to children browsing the internet. Kids search engines are not flawless. About Kids Search Engines: The search tool above delivers safe search results by Google. Internet Safety with Search Filtering
