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What is your Privacy Score?

7-things-to-stop-doing-now-on-facebook: Personal Finance News fr If you want to drive something dependable and long-lasting, steer clear of these vehicles. With a 22% improvement in sales last month, and despite the six-month, $4.3 billion loss it announced Wednesday, General Motors is likely to have its strongest spring and summer in years. Plus, the automaker had critically acclaimed new products at the recent New York Auto Show and the much-anticipated Chevrolet Volt is due out this fall. Google condamné en France pour diffamation par algorithme Il est parfois difficile d'adapter le Droit aux évolutions technologiques, et vice-versa. La décision du tribunal de grande instance de Paris du 8 septembre 2010, diffusée par Legalis, en est encore une démonstration. En effet, le tribunal a jugé que Google était civilement responsable des termes suggérés lors de la recherche au fil de la saisie, via son système Google Suggest.

The (Very) Unofficial Facebook Privacy Guide [DOWNLOAD] Time to lock your Facebook settings and private profile information. Facebook doesn’t make this easy, however; features are constantly added and the default for each new one seems to favor transparency instead of privacy. This Facebook privacy guide outlines everything you could ever want to know about locking down your privacy on Facebook, and a few things you probably didn’t even know you wanted to know. There are a bunch of important but not so obvious things regarding Facebook privacy. Consumer Reports Survey: 52 Percent of Social Network Users Post Annual State of the Net Survey Found Around $4.5 Billion Lost to Viruses, Spyware and Phishing; Tests of Security Software Reveal that Free Options Offer Ample Protection YONKERS, N.Y., May 4 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The number of online U.S. households using social networks such as Facebook and MySpace has nearly doubled in the past year expanding online opportunities for criminals. According to Consumer Reports latest State of the Net survey, in the past year, 52 percent of adult social network users have posted personal information such their full birth date which can increase their risk of becoming a victim of cybercrime.

Suivi de la grippe Skip to content Thank you for stopping by. Google Flu Trends and Google Dengue Trends are no longer publishing current estimates of Flu and Dengue fever based on search patterns. The historic estimates produced by Google Flu Trends and Google Dengue Trends are available below. It is still early days for nowcasting and similar tools for understanding the spread of diseases like flu and dengue – we're excited to see what comes next. Academic research groups interested in working with us should fill out this form.

How To Tweak Your Facebook Places Security Settings Have you heard of Facebook Places yet? (Facebook’s announcement) Places is basically the new ability to use Facebook to share with your friends where you are. It’s kind of like FourSquare but it’s integrated into Facebook. It’s cool because you can tell your friends where you happen to be in case they want to join you. Report: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Doesn’t Believe In Privacy Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg appears to have been outed as not caring one whit about your privacy — a jarring admission, considering how much of our personal data Facebook owns, not to mention its plans to become the web’s central repository for our preferences and predilections. Also interesting is how this came about: Not in a proper article, but in a tweet by Nick Bilton, lead technology blogger for the The New York Times‘ Bits Blog, based on a conversation he says was “off the record” and which he may have confused with “not for attribution.” “Off record chat w/ Facebook employee,” begins Bilton’s fateful tweet. “Me: How does Zuck feel about privacy?

permet de contrôler sa présence sur Facebook by prepaclasse Jan 5

Controlla il tuo livello di privacy su facebook. by marimoreno Dec 8
