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Technology by Barracuda Digital

Technology by Barracuda Digital

MicroData (Rich Snippets) - Cours de photo paris et stage de photographie pour apprendre la photo 50 Reasons Your Website Deserves to Be Penalized By Google Google’s on an uncompromising mission. It wants to give its users access to accurate information, unique content and the finest writers. It continually tweaks and improves its algorithms so that the best of the web gets the exposure it deserves. Unfortunately, there’s a flipside: a penalty. What Is a Google Penalty? Google has been changing its ranking algorithms since December 2000. Over the next decade-and-a-bit, Google continued to refine the quality of its search results. The Penguin update was rolled out in 2012. Recognizing a Penalty Penalties can be automatic or manual. For algorithmic penalties, here are some sure-fire clues. Your website is not ranking well for your brand name any more. If you see one or more of these factors, you can be pretty sure that a penalty has affected your site. Why Has Google Penalized My Site? Google is continually tweaking and revising the way it indexes content. Buying links. How to Deal With a Penalty Figured out the cause for your penalty? Don’t panic.

Google Analytics Official Website – Web Analytics & Reporting – Google Analytics Delivered on Google's world-class platform. Learn more Monitor activity as it happens on your site. So you'll immediately see what's working and what's not. Don’t rely on guesswork when it comes to your social media investment. See how your marketing channels work together to create sales and conversions.

14 Great Tools to Create Engaging Infographics and Images for your Social Media Posts 3.8K Flares 3.8K Flares × It wasn’t long ago that Twitter added inline image previews to its official apps, including the web view. Now, Twitter is including more image focus in the latest redesign. We’ve done tests on our own Twitter account previously that showed images make a huge difference to engagement: Images aren’t just useful for Twitter, either. In particular for looking at Twitter, in a recent research study we conducted, we found that images can increase retweet rate by up to 150%: To make the visual side of your social media strategy a bit easier, here are some tools to help you create awesome pictures. 1. PicMonkey is a really easy-to-use photo editing tool that runs in your browser. I love how easy-to-use PicMonkey is, and that you can jump in straight away and give it a go without creating an account or even uploading your own photos. It even has some handy built-in collage designs for Pinterest, Etsy and Facebook: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Analyser une pénalité de google et en sortir (SEOcampus 2012) Analyser une pénalité de google et en sortir (SEOcampus 2012) 13 mars 2012 Compte rendu de la conférence "Analyser une pénalité de google et en sortir". Par Aurélien Bardon, Cette intervention du SEOcampus 2012 était menée par un ancien de chez Google Irlande, Sébastien Monnier. A l'instar d'une prise de parole de Matt Cutts, chaque mot employé pèse donc plus lourd que celle d'un simple SEO du dimanche (non mon cher sylvain cela n'est pas une attaque déguisée, j'en profite pour dire que tu nous as manqué au SEOcampus :-) Voici une synthèse des informations communiquées Souvent, pour ne pas dire la plupart du temps, les webmasters imaginent subir une pénalité alors qu'il n'y en a aucune. Voici quelques causes pouvant être à la source de ce sentiment erroné : Exemples de pénalités pouvant entrainer un avertissement dans Google Webmaster tools Texte caché, cloaking Liens achetés, trop d'échanges de liens Quelques paramètres pris en compte par les évaluateurs : Un avis sur les tendances 2012 !

Links to Avoid in the Post Google Penguin Era (With Alternatives) In my previous posts, I shared post-panda/penguin era link acquisition strategies, un-common and powerful link building techniques, and advanced link building strategies. But, sometimes the best way to learn is by understanding what NOT to do, and especially in the post Google Penguin era. With this post, I would like to spread the word about links to avoid while executing your link building campaign, and mention some alternatives. Manipulative linking strategies leave footprints that can be detected and rooted out by humans and algorithms. While some manipulative link building strategies may still work, the reality is that they put your reputation at risk and are likely to result in penalties down the road. Avoid these strategies like the plague: 1. Purchased links can and do still work, but there are several reasons you should never buy a link anyway. – Purchased links are usually over-optimized, reside in the sidebar, and offer little value. Alternative: Offer value to site owners. 2.

What’s the story, Storyboard? This Web app helps you create an online multimedia press kit Quick and easy – two core underlying components of many of the best Web and mobile apps out there. Too many of the wrong features can confuse; not enough of the right features and, well, traction can be difficult to garner. With that in mind, Storyboard is the latest app to hit our radar that manages to focus on the mission in hand, making it easy for prospective users to come back for more. Storyboard is a little like…for businesses, but it’s a much more multimedia-oriented than that. What’s the story, Storyboard? Remember those days of re-editing and uploading PDFs to the ‘Media Centre’ section on your company website? With Storyboard, the creators are going for the traditional press kit’s jugular. Here’s how it works. You’ll be invited to start creating your first press kit – at which time you’ll probably want to grab a company-specific URL. You only need to give an email address, password and you’re good to go – once in, you’ll see a list of options to get the ball rolling.

Trellian - Le spécialiste mondial des logiciels de référencement et de positionnement de sites (SEO) The Delegator® AlgoSleuth Tool After weeks of tweaking, beta testing, and fine tuning our formulas we are happy to present the Delegator® AlgoSleuth Tool. AlgoSleuth harnesses the power of the Google Analytics API to provide a powerful analysis of your site’s organic traffic and highlights all major Google Algorithm updates that may have affected you over the past several years. The process for extracting your data takes, on average, just 2-3 minutes. After that, you can use AlgoSleuth to query results for one or any number of Google Analytics profiles. Current Version: v1.6 – Now updated for the new Panda 4.0 Algorithm! Because we know how important this data is for every SEO analyst, we want to help you extract it for free. The data tab of AlgoSleuth highlights the % change in traffic values 30 days prior to & 30 days following an algorithm update. The AlgoSleuth graph tab plots your site’s traffic over time against the major Google algorithm updates of the last 2+ years. Ready to see your site’s data?

Free SEO And Webmaster Tools Free SEO And Webmaster Tools Free SEO And Webmaster Tools Share on ketnooiShare on tumblrShare on facebookShare on twitterMore Sharing Services305 You are invited to use all our free seo tools! Welcome to Free SEO And Webmaster Tools Use our free SEO tools for your comprehensive search engine optimization, analyis and research. Popular! Page Rank Checker- Check your website's Page Rank Page Rank Display Badges-Get a variety of attractive Page Rank display badges which dynamically display the Page Rank of your webpages. Link Tools Link Analyzer Analyze incoming and outgoing links. Link Extractor Extract all links from the specified domain. Link Suggestion Generator Generate links that relate to the keyword/topic of your choosing. No-Follow Finder Scan a website to find nofollow links to various other sites. Reciprocal Link Checker Check multiple sites to see if they are really linking back to you. Keyword Tools Search Engine Tools Website Rank Checkers IP Tools Links
