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RequireJS is a JavaScript file and module loader. It is optimized for in-browser use, but it can be used in other JavaScript environments, like Rhino and Node. Using a modular script loader like RequireJS will improve the speed and quality of your code. IE 6+ .......... compatible ✔ Firefox 2+ ..... compatible ✔ Safari 3.2+ .... compatible ✔ Chrome 3+ ...... compatible ✔ Opera 10+ ...... compatible ✔ Get started then check out the API.

Organizing Your Backbonejs Application With Modules If you have spent any time looking at Backbone.js, like many others, you are probably amazed by how lightweight, flexible and elegant it is. Backbone.js is incredibly powerful, but not prescriptive in how it should be used. With great power comes great responsibility, and if you’ve tried to use Backbone.js for a large project you might be asking yourself: how do I organize my code? When thinking about “code organization” the questions you might be asking are: How do I declare and invoke Backbone types? How do I manage a separation of concerns?

Closure Tools What is the Closure Compiler? The Closure Compiler is a tool for making JavaScript download and run faster. Instead of compiling from a source language to machine code, it compiles from JavaScript to better JavaScript. It parses your JavaScript, analyzes it, removes dead code and rewrites and minimizes what's left. Fade Out between pages - CSS-Tricks Forums # March 4, 2011 at 7:47 pm By the way, if you are wanting to fade pages IN as well, you’ll want to set the body’s display:none in the jquery and fadeIn().. Holla $(document).ready(function() { $('body').css('display', 'none'); $('body').fadeIn(1000); Asynchronous module definition Instead of loading files one-after-the-other. AMD can load them all separately, even when they are dependent on each other. Asynchronous module definition (AMD) is a JavaScript API for defining modules such that the module and its dependencies can be asynchronously loaded. It is useful in improving the performance of websites by bypassing synchronous loading of modules along with the rest of the site content.

D3.js Is Way More Than Just Another Visualization Framework If you're an experienced web developer, you probably (a) are intimately familiar with the DOM, and (b) still find data-driven JavaScript apps a little unusual. You may know about how Backbone.js has brought MVC architecture to the web -- and if you like data-driven programming, but aren't already using Backbone, you really need to check it out. (And if you're thinking about Backbone but can't quite dive fully into its particular brand of JavaScript MVC: DZone is hoping to publish a Backbone Refcard some time soon, so stay tuned!) But even if you already develop web apps that handle lots of data, you may still think of complex visualization as a thin skin on top of the DOM.

boxbox - javascript physics made easy what is boxbox? boxbox is a fun and simple framework for making games with the box2d physics engine. no, i mean really, what is it boxbox is a framework for box2dweb, a JavaScript port of box2dflash, an ActionScript port of box2d, a C++ library. The box2d physics engine is hard to use for a beginner. Further, its C++ style API doesn't make sense to JavaScript programmers. boxbox tries to solve both problems while adding its own sugar along the way. hash slider by manjographics This jquery-based slider does what the most jquery-sliders do, but adds a hashtag to the window location, so you can link to any content / position of the slider. I was searching for a script like this for a while but didn't find one and so a decided to make one myself. For example: will set the slider to its 3th position easy to implement full styleable via css mouse wheel integration direct links to slider postion via hash tag automatic generated number navigation content could be everything free for everyone only 2,2kb in size minified script download and css download rar-package with the script, the css and a example integration download

Simplicity and JavaScript modules All of us are looking for simplicity, but there are different levels to simplification. This is a story of what could be considered simple for modules in JavaScript. This post was prompted by the removal the optional AMD define() call in underscore. For a post on simplicity, it is a bit long, but I'm not a great writer, and I find I normally edit myself so much as to lose interest in posting, so then I end up not communicating. Sample App with Backbone.js and Twitter Bootstrap Backbone.js is a lightweight JavaScript framework that provides the basic infrastructure (Model, Collection, View, and Router classes) to bring structure to your Web applications. Twitter Bootstrap is a UI toolkit that provides simple and flexible HTML, CSS, and Javascript to implement popular user interface components and interactions. In other words, Backbone.js and Twitter Bootstrap focus on different areas of your application: core architecture and user interface respectively. Because of their well-defined and non-overlapping scope, Backbone.js and Twitter Bootstrap work well together. In general, I find a lightweight architectural framework and a UI toolkit to be a powerful combination, and an interesting alternative to full-stack frameworks: it gives you the flexibility to choose the library you like (if any) in the respective areas of your application. The Sample Application

A suite of Javascript libraries and tools designed for working with HTML5 Recent Updates Follow @CreateJS November 2014 Added Unit Tests to EaselJSUpdates in preparation for new releases (coming soon). New class model, with big performance increases October 2014 10 cool HTML5 games and how to create your own Thanks to Apple dropping support for Flash on iOS, HTML5 has gained a lot of traction and is getting very popular. For games, HTML5 (understand canvas and a lot of javascript) is slowly replacing Flash on online gaming websites and mobile games. I have done in this post a selection of cool and popular HTML5 games, maybe it will give you some motivation to create your own. 10 cool HTML games

Jump Start: GSAP JS You may use the code at no charge in commercial or non-commercial apps, web sites, games, components, and other software as long as end users are not charged a fee of any kind to use your product or gain access to any part of it. If your client pays you a one-time fee to create the site/product, that's perfectly fine and qualifies under the "no charge" license. If end users are charged a usage/access/license fee, please sign up for a "Business Green" Club GreenSock membership which comes with a comprehensive commercial license. See for details. Use at your own risk. No warranties are offered. AMD is Not the Answer : Tom Dale Every so often, we get requests to make Ember.js support AMD (asynchronous module definition). Until today, I had yet to hear anyone articulate why the advantages outweighed the (in my opinion) many disadvantages. Then, James Burke wrote an article called Simplicity and JavaScript modules that has so far done the best job outlining why AMD is good. However, I disagree with many of the assumptions and find many of the arguments outright contradictory. So, while James is both smart and I’m sure good-looking (and I agree with his comments on CommonJS), here are the reasons I think he is wrong about AMD.

db4o: Simple POJO Persistence We Recommend These Resources Ranging from mobile to web applications, and from plain old Java to Scala or Groovy dialects, a modern Java developer always needs an ace in the hole when it comes to dealing with data persistence. Ideally, you're looking for a solution that gives you enough power to handle your domain complexity while being simple enough to boost your productivity by avoiding painful configurations or steep learning curves. On one side of this scenario you have relational databases with ORM tools which force you to go through several steps like the creation of an object mapping file, a database configuration file, a helper class to initialize a session factory and class association mappings (i.e. precious time spent on downloading, installing, configuring, and then writing a lot of XML). On the other side there's just plain old serialization (mostly ending up in XML files). Using db4o in the Griffon framework

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