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CSS-Tricks. Flat UI Colors. Bootswatch: Free themes for Bootstrap. Download Bootstrap 3 UI Kit. Stackicons - Icon Fonts for Web Designers. SoundKit. Learn How to Code in HTML5 and CSS3. - The Database of JavaScript Libraries.

Information Hiding done with JavaScript. Leonardo da Vinci did a great job hiding secret stories in the paintings he created.

Information Hiding done with JavaScript

Nowadays, in the time of digital images, he would have hidden this information in the alpha channel of his paintings. What is steganography.js? Steganography is the art and science of hiding messages or other secret information in a bunch of carrier information. steganography.js is a JavaScript library which provides this functionality for hiding information in images. How does it work? The library processes the given message to binary data and hides all this information in the alpha channel of a given image usign the HTML5 canvas element. Where does it work? Steganography.js works on every browser which supports the HTML5 canvas element. Why use steganography.js? Steganography.js is very simple to use. Download latest stable version. Introduction. Knockout is a JavaScript library that helps you to create rich, responsive display and editor user interfaces with a clean underlying data model.


Any time you have sections of UI that update dynamically (e.g., changing depending on the user’s actions or when an external data source changes), KO can help you implement it more simply and maintainably. Headline features: Elegant dependency tracking - automatically updates the right parts of your UI whenever your data model changes. Declarative bindings - a simple and obvious way to connect parts of your UI to your data model. You can construct a complex dynamic UIs easily using arbitrarily nested binding contexts. Additional benefits: Developers familiar with Ruby on Rails, ASP.NET MVC, or other MV* technologies may see MVVM as a real-time form of MVC with declarative syntax. OK, how do you use it? The quickest and most fun way to get started is by working through the interactive tutorials. Everyone loves jQuery! Vasilis van Gemert: "Er heerst een gebrek aan materiaalkennis" - Webdesigner.

Er is de laatste weken weer een discussie opgelaaid over snelheid.

Vasilis van Gemert: "Er heerst een gebrek aan materiaalkennis" - Webdesigner

Websites moeten snel zijn. Sommige bedrijven, zoals Facebook en Google, vinden dit zo belangrijk dat ze trage websites willen bestraffen. Er gaan al tijden geruchten dat trage sites minder hoog in Google komen te staan. En Facebook embedt geen nieuwspagina’s meer in z’n iOS-app omdat die te traag zijn door alle nodeloze rotzooi die er in geplaatst wordt. Facebook gaat zelf zo ver dat het grote mediabedrijven eigenlijk dwingt om unieke content direct via Facebook aan te bieden. Is alles te traag? Maar Facebook en Google hebben wel een punt. Probeer dat soort fancy sites maar eens te bekijken als je in de trein zit. Ik snap heus wel dat bedrijven graag statistieken willen bijhouden van wat er allemaal op hun sites gebeurt, maar het is niet vreemd voor krantensites om tien of meer verschillende tracking-scripts te draaien op hun sites.

Materiaalkennis. A simple search with AngularJS AJAX and PHP. Debugging Firefox for Android with WebIDE - Firefox Developer Tools. This article describes how to connect the Firefox Developer Tools to Firefox for Android from Firefox 36 onwards.

Debugging Firefox for Android with WebIDE - Firefox Developer Tools

It's been possible for a long time to connect the Firefox Developer Tools to Firefox for Android so you can debug your mobile website. Until now, though, this was a fairly complex and error-prone process. From Firefox 36 we've made the process much simpler: in particular, you don't need to deal directly with the adb tool at all. Now you connect using WebIDE, which takes care of setting up adb behind the scenes. This guide's split into two parts: the first part, "Prerequisites" covers stuff you only need to do once, while the second part, "Connecting", covers stuff you need to do each time you connect the device.

Prerequisites First, you'll need: a desktop or laptop computer with Firefox 36 or higher running on it an Android device capable of running Firefox for Android with Firefox for Android 35 or higher running on it a USB cable to connect the two devices ADB Helper Connecting. Kosprov/AngScope.