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Hands on kids activities for hands on moms

Hands on kids activities for hands on moms

Marbled Sunset Painting While the sun was setting behind us, I thought Emily would like to paint a picture of a sunset. I wanted to use a technique that would be easy for her, but give great results. This one was a hit! Pipe Cleaner Magnetic Water Play - Modern Preschool Summer leads to lots of water play in our house! The great thing about water play is that it’s easy to set up and clean up, like our star sensory soup. There are just a few simple materials in this pipe cleaner magnetic water sensory bin can lead to lots of play and learning time. Sensory bins are also full of all kinds of science and math concepts that little learners benefit from being exposed to.

25 Ways to Talk So Children Will Listen A major part of discipline is learning how to talk with children. The way you talk to your child teaches him how to talk to others. Here are some talking tips we have learned with our children: 1. Connect Before You Direct Thousands and Thousands of Tiny Robots A few weeks ago Jon Hiller showed some ideas for next-level robot programming at our weekly engineering meeting. We got to talking about boxes-and-arrows programming or “visual” programming or whatever you might want to call it. We’re pretty into visual programming.

Making Books to Invite Creativity – with EASY Video Tutorial A colorful pile of blank homemade books! Don’t they just speak of creative possibilities? Stories and drawings and hand-drawn comic books! 64 Positive Things to Say to Kids - Creative With Kids Download a printable of 64 Positive Things to Say to Kids here! In the years since my grandmother has been gone, I am still inspired to notice the good things in life when I remember the way she would pause at those good moments and say, “This, now this is good.” To this day I can hear my mother encouraging me when I try new things. Her voice of confidence from my childhood continues to give me confidence now. And eighteen years after my dad died, I can still hear him, when I get too serious saying, “Lighten up, Lissy!”

7 Things Every Parent Should Discuss with Their Children and 3 Things They Absolutely Should Not Image via John Cave Osborne To be an effective parent, you must also be an effective communicator. Yet being an effective communicator doesn’t necessarily make you an effective parent. Build With Letters - Alphabet For Starters The goal for our Alphabet For Starters series is to give you ways to introduce letters to your children through all sorts of play. This activity the 7th post in our series pairs gross motor play with letter recognition perfectly! Don’t forget that the number one thing you can do to teach your children about letters is to read to them so after the activity we’ve included some of our favorite books and if you are looking for alphabet books for kids we have 50 Alphabet Books too!
