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The Behavioralist as Nutritionist: Leveraging Behavioral Economics To Improve Child Food Choice and Consumption. NBER Working Paper No. 20132Issued in May 2014NBER Program(s): HE Childhood obesity has reached epidemic proportions in the U.S., with now almost a third of children ages 2-19 deemed overweight or obese.

The Behavioralist as Nutritionist: Leveraging Behavioral Economics To Improve Child Food Choice and Consumption

In this study, we leverage recent findings from behavioral economics to explore new approaches to tackling one aspect of childhood obesity: food choice and consumption. Using a field experiment where we include more than 1,500 children, we report several key insights. The Passion of Parenting. Lying children will grow up to be successful citizens. Teenagers Are Still Developing Empathy Skills. Random Bedtimes Breed Bad Behavior In Kids : Shots - Health News. Hide captionPlay now, pay later: consistency matters when it comes to kids and sleep. Parents learn the hard way that late bedtimes make for cranky kids the next day.

Random Bedtimes Breed Bad Behavior In Kids : Shots - Health News

Losing Is Good for You. Against Redshirting: Why It Pays to Be the Youngest Kid in Class. When the Harvard sociologist Hilary Levey Friedman was expecting her first child, one thing worried her: her due date, January 3rd.

Against Redshirting: Why It Pays to Be the Youngest Kid in Class

It was uncomfortably close to January 1st, an often-used age cutoff for enrollment in academics and sports. “I was determined to keep him in until after January 1st,” she said. And if the baby came early? Losing Is Good for You. Even When Told True Risks, Kids Often Misjudge Them : Shots - Health News. I told him he would break his arm if he did that.

Even When Told True Risks, Kids Often Misjudge Them : Shots - Health News

But he did it anyway. hide caption toggle caption Parents are forever warning children and teenagers that bad things will happen if they take big risks. But the kids never seem to listen. To find this out, researchers at University College London asked 59 young people, ages 9 to 26, to guess the odds that particular bad things would happen to them. After they guessed, they were told the real odds of those bad things. After being told the real risk, the participants were asked to guess the odds once again. Learning to Read, With the Help of a Tablet. Shyness. Reviewed by the BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board Why it happens If your child frequently hides his head in your pant leg and resists trying new things, you've probably already concluded that he's naturally bashful.


He might also be a bit anxious or restless and cry when he's faced with unfamiliar people or situations. Maybe he's a light sleeper. Outsmart Your Toddler: 5 tricks for getting yours to do what you want. By Deborah Carpenter Adjust font size:

Outsmart Your Toddler: 5 tricks for getting yours to do what you want

When the Bully Is a Sibling. 36 Little Hacks That Will Make Parenting So Much Easier. When Children Pose a Danger to Parents. Photo When Carter Roberts was 2, he gripped a Matchbox car and, mimicking the Kung Fu Panda, whacked his mother, Sarah Rosengarten, across the face.

When Children Pose a Danger to Parents

Christine Gross-Loh: Have American Parents Got It All Backwards? Quirky Ways to Get Your Kids to Behave. I've made a lot of bad rules in the decade I've been a mom, from irrational threats ("No graham crackers in the house ever again if you eat them in the living room even one more time") to forbidding human nature ("You may not fight with your sister").

Quirky Ways to Get Your Kids to Behave

But occasionally I've come up with rules that work better than I'd ever contemplated. These made-up rules have an internal logic that defies easy categorization, but their clarity and enforceability make them work. Several of them are not, technically, rules at all, but declarations of policy or fact. And they're all easy to remember. How To Turn Down The Heat On Fiery Family Arguments : Shots - Health News. Hide captionParents can minimize the negative impact of their arguments on their children using a few simple techniques to calm down. All parents are bound to disagree, argue or even raise their voices with each other.

How To Turn Down The Heat On Fiery Family Arguments : Shots - Health News

But psychologists say parents can minimize the negative impact of their arguments on their children. It's just a matter of using a few simple techniques to turn down the heat and repair the damage after it's over. Psychologist Suzanne Phillips at Long Island University says one of the most important things for parents to remember when they're on the verge of a big argument is not to involve the child.

"Remember, the child in some ways identifies with both of those parents," Phillips says. The Power of Talking to Your Baby. Fixes looks at solutions to social problems and why they work.

The Power of Talking to Your Baby

Rose Blake By the time a poor child is 1 year old, she has most likely already fallen behind middle-class children in her ability to talk, understand and learn. Should Kids Pick Their Own Punishments? - Room for Debate. What Does a Tablet Do to the Child’s Mind? Feng Li/Getty ImagesSpending time with devices instead of interacting with people may hinder communication skills, researchers say. I recently watched my sister perform an act of magic. We were sitting in a restaurant, trying to have a conversation, but her children, 4-year-old Willow and 7-year-old Luca, would not stop fighting. The arguments — over a fork, or who had more water in a glass — were unrelenting. Like a magician quieting a group of children by pulling a rabbit out of a hat, my sister reached into her purse and produced two shiny Apple iPads, handing one to each child.

Suddenly, the two were quiet. After our meal, as we stuffed the iPads back into their magic storage bag, my sister felt slightly guilty. Really? Celiac Disease Is Influenced by Season of Birth. The Cost, in Dollars, of Raising a Child. How Spoiled Are Our Children? No Simple Answer. Juliette Borda A mother asked me last week whether I thought she was spoiling her child. It was the typical pediatric exam-room version of the question: In the weary, self-doubting voice of the recently postpartum, she wondered if it was right to pick up and feed her crying baby.

These days, a lot of parents are wondering about the spoiling question. Insights in Human Knowledge, From the Minds of Babies. Raising Successful Children. Don't Make Your Children the Exception to Every Rule. Why Fathers Really Matter. Modifying a Child’s Behavior Without Resorting to Bribes – This Life. NYTimes: How Not to Talk With Children About the Newtown Shooting - brothtran - Gmail. The Family Stories That Bind Us — This Life. Sarah Williamson Families may want to create a mission statement similar to the ones many companies use to identify their core values. Sure enough, one night all the tensions boiled over. At dinner, I noticed my nephew texting under the table. I knew I shouldn’t say anything, but I couldn’t help myself and asked him to stop. Reading, Writing and Video Games. What Should Children Read? Screen Fixation and A.D.H.D. The mother had brought in a note from her son’s elementary school teacher: Dear doctor, I think this child needs to be tested for . Brain Waves Stay Tuned to Early Lessons.

Joyce Hesselberth When children learn to play a musical instrument, they strengthen a range of auditory skills. Recent studies suggest that these benefits extend all through life, at least for those who continue to be engaged with music. 'Dating' Other Mothers.