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How pets benefit child development. Caring for a pet really is a childhood rite of passage.

How pets benefit child development

The excitement of nurturing another being — which quickly becomes a best friend — is incomparable to anything else. The experience creates lifelong memories, and we always remember our first pet. But while it's obvious that having a pet is entertaining and gives kids the warm fuzzies, did you know it can also positively affect your child in a much more profound way? Experts say a child's physical, social, emotional and cognitive development can all be encouraged by interaction with the family pet. More: 10 Cat Breeds That Have the Absolute Best Personalities Physical Having a pet helps kids improve their motor skills and also just increases overall activity. In fact, a 2010 study showed that kids in England who had a dog exercised on average 11 minutes more a day than other children who didn't have a dog.

Social You know how the saying goes: "Dog is man's best friend" — which is true. Emotional. Teaching Children to Handle Dogs. Let's face it, kids can be rough.

Teaching Children to Handle Dogs

Just look at the mangled and matted stuffed animals strewn across your child's bedroom. Introducing a living, fragile, self-protective animal into this environment could be disastrous. How pets benefit child development. Fun Animal Facts for Kids - Crazy, Cool, Funny, Amazing, Interesting.

Virtual Pet Games For your Kids. Virtual Neopets Games has tons of pet games, whether you're looking to dive into a world of adventure or just relax with some quick entertainment.

Virtual Pet Games For your Kids

You'll meet new Neopets in our games, along with their companions, Petpets, and of course the faeries of Neopia also make an appearance. There are plenty of action games for when you want to run around and test your arcade skills. Leap for doughnutfruits with adorable Petpets in Hasee Bounce or travel to outer space in Freaky Factory and control vats of goo to make plastic toys... but watch out for the thief, because he'll run off with your products! In Meerca Chase II, you win by gathering tasty Negg fruits that make your tail grow, but in Ice Cream Machine, it's best to dodge the ice cream flying toward you. On the other hand, try one of our puzzle games if you want more thinking and less crazy clicking. Acara. Fun Animal Facts for Kids - Crazy, Cool, Funny, Amazing, Interesting. 9 No Good, Very Bad Toddler Habits » Pint-sized Treasures. Virtual Pet Games For Animal Lovers. Teaching Boys to be Respectful.

I never thought my son would speak to me the way he did.

Teaching Boys to be Respectful

Whoever wrote that sticks and stones diddy was wrong because words wound deep. There have been times in this parenting journey that our boys exhibited the sweetest, most respectful behavior and other times when I shook my head in dismay, wondering what I was doing wrong. Especially as each of our sons entered the choppy waters of puberty and adolescence. I don’t write these thoughts as an expert mama but rather a mama who has been on her face before God, asking for help and receiving His love, grace and wisdom in the form of His peace.

Asking for suggestions was the right thing to do but that doesn’t mean that every suggestion was meant for your child. So, mama whose little ones are having trouble with respect, here are the things I have learned in my 17 years of parenting boys. Lead by example. Our family rules center on the theme of respect: Respect God, respect your parents, respect others, respect yourself and respect belongings. 7 Ways to Get Your Kid to Stop Whining. My daughter Abby has a tendency to – well, there’s no pleasant way to put this – WHINE.

7 Ways to Get Your Kid to Stop Whining

She’s a good kid and awfully mature for being just four years old. But when she wants something or feels wronged in some way, her voice veers into nasal territory. Accomplishments of the Past Year. 13 Life Hacks for Parents - Princess Pinky Girl. 24 Kids Toy Clean Up Tips. In “From the Mouths of Moms” I bring you kid-tested parenting tips for a specific parenting challenge “from the mouths of moms.”

24 Kids Toy Clean Up Tips

We’ve already shared lots of tips for dealing with picky eaters, getting kids to sleep better, ensuring stress-free play dates, cooking with kids, potty training success, promoting sibling bonding, teaching good touch bad touch, taming toddler aggression, dealing with an overly emotional child, and keeping kids safe while on the go. Whew! Now here are direct quotes from a diverse group of moms (with kids of all ages and tons of ideas) on teaching kids to clean up and organize toys. Meet your new mommy friends… Grow a Plant – Science Activity on Germination. 20 Parenting Tips Every Parent Needs to Know - Dirt and Boogers. How to Deal With Anger. Stop the Yelling!

How to Deal With Anger

25 Alternatives to "Good Job" Last week I shared some thoughts on praise and manipulation.

25 Alternatives to "Good Job"

Consequences and Privileges - How to Use Them Effectively. 5 Ways to Lavish Your Kids Without Spoiling Them. Today I am happy to introduce you to my friend Emily Wierenga.

5 Ways to Lavish Your Kids Without Spoiling Them

I first met Emily last October, and in the months since I have been so blessed and inspired by her writing about faith, parenting, and life after anorexia. Her brand new memoir, Atlas Girl, launches today, and I can’t say enough good things about it! It is a very moving look at Emily’s own experience in traveling the world in search of herself but finally finding home in the last place she thought to look. I was deeply touched by her story and I’m sure you will be too. Get it in bookstores, starting today, or order it online. This is a guest post from Emily Wierenga. I grew up in a mushroom cut and second-hand clothes. And on the way home from church some Sundays we’d stop and get day-old donuts.

But they didn’t fill the hole. The one carved deep in my chest, the one that ached to know I was worth purchasing something new for. When you’re only ever given other people’s garbage, you begin to feel like other people’s garbage. 1. 20 easy travel activities to keep kids happy on an airplane. I remember feeling REALLY scared the first time I took my daughter on a plane.

20 easy travel activities to keep kids happy on an airplane

She was about 11 months old at the time, and I had stupidly suggested we go and visit my parents for a week while my husband was away at a conference. It seemed like a great idea, but the week before we were due to fly, I almost cancelled the trip. I just didn’t think I could do it. But then my mother reminded me that, when she was my age, she flew all over the world with my sister and me without any help from my dad, and that if she could get us through this horrible experience in a Malaysian public bathroom, I could handle a 4-hour flight to the US with an 11-month-old. Isn’t she sweet and sympathetic??! Here comes a feeling you thought you'd forgotten. Encourage Your Children Printable - Happy Monday, Friends! The 20 Things to Say to Encourage… posts have been a hit with readers. I’ve received several emails and messages essentially saying: “Thanks for helping me use my words wisely…” Today I’m providing the Encourage Your Children printable to accompany the 20 Things to Say to Encourage Your Children list.

5 Ways to Teach Your Children to Be Givers. As parents, we want to train our children to be lifelong givers. Not only will it impact many lives, but it will give them so much blessing and fulfillment in return. Here are five ways we’re seeking to teach our children to be givers: 1. Model It More is caught than taught when we’re raising children. Six Communication Tricks That Will Get Your Kids to Cooperate. Money Management. Adjusting to Life's Curveballs. Seriously? As I glanced at my alarm clock, I could tell this was going to be a fun day. I was already running two hours behind and the day hadn’t even started yet! In addition to our late start, the kids were already beginning to squabble at each other and I had a long list of things which needed to get done.
