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New research finds link between some baby books and postnatal depression. A new Swansea University study has highlighted the link between parenting books that promote strict routine for babies and postnatal depression.

New research finds link between some baby books and postnatal depression

New research from academics in the Department of Public Health, Policy and Social Sciences has explored the link between parenting books that encourage parents to try and put their babies into strict sleeping and feeding routines and maternal wellbeing. The study found that the more mothers read these books, the more likely they were to have symptoms of depression, low self-efficacy and not feel confident as a parent.

The research was carried out by MSc Child Public Health student Victoria Harries and supervised by Dr Amy Brown, Associate Professor and maternal and infant health researcher. Three hundred and fifty four mothers with a baby aged 0 – 12 months reported whether they had read these types of parenting books, how the books made them feel and then completed measures of their mental health and wellbeing. Be Worried About Boys, Especially Baby Boys. I'm Not Forcing My Grade-Schooler To Do Homework. No, my elementary-aged children will not be doing homework.

I'm Not Forcing My Grade-Schooler To Do Homework

Why? Because they don’t have to. 20 Gratitude Activities for Kids. Aaaand Another Study Says Preschool Hurts, Not Helps. Parenting Science – The science of child-rearing and child development. Behavioral sleep interventions in the first six months of life do not improve outcomes for mothers or infants: a systematic review. Dr. Gordon Neufeld- Why Children Need Rest & How to Provide It. Didac -  Didac en bref. L'école Didac est un institut de formation privé avec des écoles à Berne, Lausanne, Genève, Lugano et Eastbourne (sud de l'Angleterre).

Didac -  Didac en bref

Selon le lieu, notre offre comprend des 9èmes (11èmes Harmos) et 10èmes (12èmes Harmos) années, des années linguistiques, des cours d'été ainsi que des cours préparant au CFC de commerce. Sans oublier notre activité en tant qu'agence de placement au pair. Nous plaçons depuis plus de 30 ans des jeunes dans des familles d'accueil en Suisse romande, en Suisse allemande, au Tessin et en Angleterre. Depuis sa création en tant qu'Académie de Commerce en 1907, l'entreprise s'est développée régulièrement.

L'école de commerce traditionnelle de Berne a racheté en 1997 les quatre écoles Didac, devenant ainsi la 5ème école Didac. Malgré les différentes conditions sociales, géographiques, culturelles et politiques, toutes ces écoles poursuivent le même but : la satisfaction de ses clients (parents, élèves, familles d'accueil) et la réussite de ses élèves. Narcissistic Parents’ Psychological Effect on Their Children. Creative Child Why Connection is the Parenting Key. To understand why connection is the parenting key, we must first understand a bit about the brain.

Creative Child Why Connection is the Parenting Key

For a simple explanation, let's talk in terms of the downstairs brain and the upstairs brain. The downstairs brain, fully functioning at birth, is the primitive part of the brain. This controls the body's vital functions such as breathing, temperature, heart rate, and balance. 50 Activities for Toddlers. Five Responses that Work with Children. Positive Parents: 5 Things That Keep Us From Fully Enjoying Our Young Children by Erin Leyba. Today, I welcome Erin Leyba, LCSW, PhD of to share her post with us.

Positive Parents: 5 Things That Keep Us From Fully Enjoying Our Young Children by Erin Leyba

****Children are naturally full of innocence, joy, exuberance, and wonder. Just spending time with them can be tremendously healing. They can help us recover the playful parts of ourselves, enjoy the moment, and see the world through fresh eyes. How baby dancing enhances your cool & may boost development. If you met my father, you wouldn’t suspect him of being a mesmerizing dancer.

How baby dancing enhances your cool & may boost development

He doesn’t reveal his superpower to the world at large, and, just to be clear, his moves are more Bill Cosby than Justin Timberlake. But pair him with a grandchild, and you’ll see a baby whisperer at work. He bops. He grooves. 18 Easy Play Ideas for Kids Ages 9-18 months. My youngest turns 16 months old today.

18 Easy Play Ideas for Kids Ages 9-18 months

Crazy! Although the majority of the activities we do are more for my preschooler and kindergartener, we've been trying to find activities that our baby/little toddler likes to do too. I've been compiling several easy play ideas for 9-18 month olds so that I have a "go to" resource when I need a quick idea for my little guy. Breastfeeding and Sleeping Arrangements - Science and History in Parenting.

Tricky People Are the New Strangers. Image via

Tricky People Are the New Strangers

Why Parents Yell.'s ineffective but it's also a sign that parents and children are growing apart.

Why Parents Yell

If life is getting crazy, if your child "isn't obeying" and if you find yourself yelling or even escalating to other punitive methods, find a way to bring the hearts together. "Why We Shout In Anger" ~Author Unknown A Hindu saint who was visiting river Ganges to take a bath found a group of family members on the banks, shouting in anger at each other. Sharing the Bounty: Money and Unconditional Parenting. Unconditional parenting, what some might also call non-punitive parenting or peaceful parenting (it comes in many terms) reaches every aspect of our lives.

Sharing the Bounty: Money and Unconditional Parenting

Academics, religion, biology, neuroscience, emotional wellbeing...let's not forget finances! I've been very happy with the way my parents introduced money values and developed financial skills in their family. Bright children should start school at six, says academic. Dr House, who was due to present his findings at a major conference in central London on Wednesday, called on the Government to launch an independent inquiry into England’s school starting age.

Beyond the Labels: Parenting with Respect. There are a lot of parenting theories swirling around right now. I’ve found that I can relate to many of them and sort of fit with some of them. But I don’t really belong to any of them. I never found a group and followed along. And in searching for how or why I came to my particular set of beliefs, I came to this conclusion: I treat my kids with respect. Parenting gets really simple when you realize your children are human beings. On Being a Mother and a Time Traveler. The problem with getting older is that we only have our youth to compare it to. I look in my bathroom mirror, leaning gingerly over the dried toothpaste on my right and the puddle of what I hope is water on my left, and I blink mascara onto my lashes, stopping to study the fine lines and scars in magnified detail and to pluck some wandering eyebrow hairs from my chin. Music and intelligence. A parent's evidence-based guide © 2008-2014 Gwen Dewar, Ph.D., all rights reserved Music and intelligence: Why music training, not passive listening, is the focus of recent interest Everybody’s heard of the Mozart effect, the notion that you can increase your intelligence by listening to Mozart’s music.

Experiments have reported that people enjoyed brief improvements in their visual-spatial skills immediately after listening to a Mozart sonata (Rauscher et al 1993; Hetland 2000). 14 Nomadic Families Share Their Thoughts on Preparing For The Travel Lifestyle. Posted on May 2, 2011 | 27 comments I'll be really honest. A huge part of me is just schoolgirl giddy about traveling the world with my family starting next year. And I'm a dad so that means I am, like, really, really giddy!

Another part of me is cautious, tentative and - dare I say - a bit nervous. We are taking our kids to live and travel around the world for the rest of our lives. The authoritative parenting style: A guide for the science-minded parent. © 2010 - 2013 Gwen Dewar, Ph.D., all rights reserved. Day care is bad for babies - Biddulph - National - Angry parent battles may shape babies’ brainsBabyCenter Blog. Why does my kid freak out? The science behind toddler tantrums. The science of picky eaters: Why kids reject foods that you like.

© 2009 -2013 Gwen Dewar, Ph.D., all rights reserved The sensory world of picky eaters Does your child want to live on a diet of sugar and starch? ISIS - ISIS Online. Mindful Standing. Last weekend I came back from certification week at the Restorative Exercise Institute. Dirt Cover. Can babies be potty trained by 9 months?BabyCenter Blog. Katy Bowman and the Biomechanics of Human Growth: Barefoot Babies. Why Homeschooling is Becoming Hipster - Katie Kieffer. Who knew? My parents are cool. Je Porte Mon Bébé - JPMBB ® - Baby Sling. “W” Sitting. Is Early Potty Training Harmful? Brain scan study: Watching TV isn’t mindlessBabyCenter Blog. Please Don't Help My Kids - Alameda, CA Patch. Not all Stretchy wraps are created equal – Natural Mamas.