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The Catholic Gentleman. “Do you know what causes that?”

The Catholic Gentleman

“Wow, you have your hands full.” “You are done now, right?” “You’re overpopulating the planet!” “Are all of those yours?” “Can you afford that many?” Those are just a few of the things you’ll hear from complete strangers if you have more than the nationally approved average of 1.7 children. It really seems to boggle the mind of the average American that anyone would want more than 2 kids. Kids are awesome Forget what the culture says. It is such a joy to help a little life discover the world—to explore, to learn, to wonder at nearly everything.

Fatherhood is sometimes terrifying, yes, but mostly, it is dizzyingly happy. Of course, there are times of stress, and frustration, and sacrifice too. Arrows in the Hands of a Warrior One of the Psalms I’ve grown to love is Psalm 127. “Fatherhood itself is the Lord’s gift, the fruitful womb is a reward that comes from him. Did you catch that? In conclusion, don’t let the world steal the joy of fatherhood. Like this: Stuff Moms say: The Real Reason Motherhood Is So Hard. Motherhood.

Stuff Moms say: The Real Reason Motherhood Is So Hard

It's hard, but few understand why. It's not the day to day tasks, really: caring for children, kissing boo boos, and all of that. To the mom that feels lost in motherhood - Finding Joy. No one told me that could happen.

to the mom that feels lost in motherhood - Finding Joy

I think back to all the birthing classes and books and early busy busy years of motherhood and I don’t think that I ever had anyone tell me that it’s easy to lose me in the motherhood story. In fact, I think I was led to believe that the more I gave and the more that I said no and worked and achieved that the better mom I would become and that was the right and noble thing to do. I get being a good mom. I really do. I get birthdays and streamers from the doorway and preschool and lunches with notes in the lunchbox and sometimes laughing and sometimes crying.

But somehow in that journey I faded just a bit. Not entirely, but a bit. And then then in the last couple of years as I’ve been jolted from normal and what I thought life was I had those times of looking in the mirror and the reflection looking back at me was a bit foreign. Were those wrinkles that now dot the corners of my eyes from laughter and smiles or were they just indicative of stress? 15 Things That Don't Define Motherhood - and the One Thing That Matters - Finding Joy. For real.

15 Things That Don't Define Motherhood - and the One Thing That Matters - Finding Joy

Don’t let these fifteen things take away from your awesomeness. Mom's Plea: Please Don't Help My Kids. Dear Other Parents At The Park: Please do not lift my daughters to the top of the ladder, especially after you’ve just heard me tell them I wasn’t going to do it for them and encourage them to try it themselves.

Mom's Plea: Please Don't Help My Kids

I am not sitting here, 15 whole feet away from my kids, because I am too lazy to get up. Why being a mom is enough. I’m talking about simply being a mom.

why being a mom is enough.

I’m talking about getting up in the morning, slapping your face with water, looking in the mirror, sighing, brushing your teeth (maybe), and picking up that toddler and wandering into the kitchen and pouring cereal in bowls, rinsing dishes, kissing the top of their head, and waiting for your coffee to brew. There isn’t much glamour. There is you. You giving of yourself. Minute, by minute, by minute, by minute until those hours add up to create a day which adds up to create a week which adds up to create a month which adds up to create years which add up to create a life.

Maybe Your Two-Year Old Just Needs You. 7 Things to Ask Your Toddler at Bedtime. Ahhhh bedtime.

7 Things to Ask Your Toddler at Bedtime

It’s some parents worst struggle in the day. And many times I’m one of these struggling parents. It seems like Noella and Eli like to pull some crazy stunts at night, right when my exhaustion levels are kicking in high gear. Anyone relate? However, I’m going to pull out a positive message here! Bedtime can be a time for connecting with your little one and also setting them up for a good night’s rest too. You can get their little minds flowing with positive questions and even get some giggles in before the end of the day. Check out my list and write a comment with anything you can think of! What was the most fun thing you did today? Who do you want to spend time with tomorrow?

Can you think of one person we can help tomorrow? What would be the most yummy breakfast you could have in the morning? Positive Parents: 10 Things That Are More Important Than Discipline. Parenting is a very complex task.

Positive Parents: 10 Things That Are More Important Than Discipline

If we're not careful, we will become too focused on one aspect and let the others fall by the wayside. Many times, I see parents who are intently focused on discipline, and I'm talking about the traditional use of the word here with regard to modifying behavior. Sometimes we get very caught up in "What do I do when... " or "How do I get my kid to... " and we lose sight of the bigger picture. The truth is that there are many things that are more important in shaping our children than the methods and techniques we use to modify their behavior.

Here are 10 things that are more important than any method you choose, in no particular order. 1. In addition to that, our influence comes from a good relationship.