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Use the Impossible to Fail Quiz to Give Students Instant Remediation Does your gut (and your assessment) tell you some students didn’t get it the first time you taught it? Would you like to give students remediation exclusively for concepts they don’t understand? Isn’t it impossible to deliver precise remediation to each student in your classroom? The solution to these challenges is the Impossible to Fail Quiz. I had the opportunity to learn about this tool from Chris Aviles at EdCamp New Jersey. Reproduction MainPlaceHolderTop MainPlaceHolder Human reproduction is when an egg cell from a woman and a sperm cell from a man unite and develop in the womb to form a baby. A number of organs and structures in both the woman and the man are needed in order for this process to occur.

USA Geography - Map Game - Geography Online Games "I stumbled upon your fun interactive geography games from a link on the Massachusetts Geographic Alliance Website. Since then, your games have become quite a hit with my competitive colleagues!" --Candice Gomes, Education Outreach Coordinator, Boston Public Library Manifesto for 21st Century Teacher Librarians Editor’s Note: This article was originally published as a Tag Team Tech column on It has been reprinted and reproduced numerous times and in many places. We are making it available here to ensure that all of our readers have seen it. Manifesto for 21st Century Teacher Librarians By Joyce Kasman Valenza

Cool Geography: The Global Positioning System Cool Geography: The Global Positioning System Did you know that you can find the exact location of anywhere on Earth? It's true. You can use the Global Positioning System (GPS). World Sunlight Map Watch the sun rise and set all over the world on this real-time, computer-generated illustration of the earth's patterns of sunlight and darkness. The clouds are updated daily with current weather satellite imagery. The Mercator projection used here is one way of looking at the spherical earth as a flat map. Used since the 16th century for navigation, straight lines on this map can be used accurately as compass bearings but the size and shape of continents are distorted. Compare this with Peters, Mollweide or equirectangular projection maps.

White Ravens Each year the language specialists (Lektoren) at the International Youth Library (IYL), in Munich, Germany, select newly published books from around the world that they consider to be especially noteworthy. This list of books is compiled into the annual White Ravens Catalogue, which is introduced each year at the Bologna (Italy) Children's Book Fair. The White Ravens Online Catalogue, which includes all titles from 1993 through 2007, was created by ICDL researchers in collaboration with the IYL and is available on the ICDL web site with the permission of the International Youth Library.

Geography for Middle School Students Geography Menu: Countries and Regions | Cities | Maps | Flags and National Anthems Countries and Regions Countries - Information from Fact Monster. OpenStreetMap Where is this? Reverse Directions Welcome to OpenStreetMap! OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license. Hosting is supported by UCL, Bytemark Hosting, and other partners.
