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Robert Sapolsky: The uniqueness of humans

Robert Sapolsky: The uniqueness of humans

Psychology of Groups in Psychology 101 at AllPsych Online Section 1: Introduction to Social Psychology Section 2: Our View of Self and Others Section 3: Obedience and Power Section 4: The Role of Groups Dysfunctional Family Patterns : Counseling Center : Texas State University Breaking Free of Dysfunctional Family Patterns Everyone has had a conflict with their family at some time or another, but for some it is more of a lifetime struggle involving much confusion and emotional pain. Many students come to college thinking that this change will relieve them of their family stress. Very often, however, this change only exacerbates the problem and students find themselves being pulled back into the family chaos. What is a "Dysfunctional Family"? The term is often overused and some people believe that every family is dysfunctional to some extent.

Group Psychology How groups form, conform, then warp our decision-making, productivity and creativity. When we’re in a group other people have an incredibly powerful effect on us. Groups can kill our creativity, inspire us to work harder, allow us to slack off, skew our decision-making and make us clam up. The keys to understanding human behaviour—our lives as citizens, as workers, as friends—are in the research on group psychology, which PsyBlog has been exploring over the past few months. Institute for the Study of Coherence and Emergence Social Complexity is the study of complexity as it is experienced in groups and organizations. The most productive applications of complexity insights have to do with new possibilities for innovation in organizations. These possibilities require new ways of thinking, but old models of thinking persist long after they are productive. New ways of thinking don't just happen; they require new models which have to be learned. ISCE is dedicated to helping both practicing managers and academics acquire, understand and examine these new mental models. Social Complexity Theory provides another perspective rooted in the felt experience of coherence and in the importance of emergence.

Study: Social complexity is 'evolution' LONDON, Oct. 13 (UPI) -- Human societies evolve slowly from the simple to the complex in much the same way as living organisms have evolved, a British study says. Tom Currie of University College of London says most scientists "think that biological evolution happens in small steps. We found the same thing in political evolution." The study defined political "complexity" as the number of layers of authority, from local to regional power bases, covering ever-expanding areas, from small tribes or bands with informal leadership roles to complex modern nation states, reported.

Modeling Social Complexity Back to War, Peace, and the Evolution of Social Complexity An Investigative Workshop at the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS), Knoxville, TN; Feb. 6-8, 2012 Organizers: Peter Turchin (University of Connecticut and the Evolution Institute), Laura Fortunato (Santa Fe Institute), and Sergey Gavrilets (University of Tennessee and NIMBioS) Summary The great majority of humans today live in complex societies, which can exist only due to extensive cooperation among large numbers of individuals. Ultrasociality, the ability of humans to cooperate in large groups of genetically unrelated individuals, presents a puzzle to both evolutionary and social theory.

Articles Inclusion! The Bigger Picture by Marsha Forest & Jack Pearpoint Our key question as we initiate a new millennium is "How do we live with one another?" What Do You See? A plainclothes cop walks into a diner and finds no less than five gun-wielding criminals holding up the crowded joint. “We’re not just going to let you walk out of here,” the cop says. “Who’s we, sucka?” History's Greatest Monsters - Ta-Nehisi Coates I did a reading at Wesleyan last week. Some nice folks took me out to lunch and dinner, and then dinner afterward, because I can't eat before a reading or talk. A few of the people there were from Wesleyan's African-American Studies department. At some point, I ended up in a conversation with Sarah Mahurin, who teaches a course on the black South, about the problem of teaching history to young people. A common response, she pointed out, was for a student to say "I couldn't have been a slave" or "I couldn't have been a slave-master" or "I would have been like Garrison" or "I would have been like Douglass." This wasn't new to me.

Robert es un gran cientifico y un gran orador ... by leclercfl Jan 17

a great talk about what make us human and really special from other animals by leclercfl Jan 15
