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Fractal World Generator

Fractal World Generator

Related:  Gamification

Gamification: What it means and how you can use it A group of scientists were struggling to solve a thorny problem: They were studying the structure of an enzyme similar to HIV, trying to understand the stability of the enzyme. This is a very hard problem, and traditionally scientists used to run computer simulations to try out various structures to study how stable they were. Since there can be billions of different ways the structure could form, computationally this was a very expensive and very long process. This particular problem had stumped the scientists for over 15 years. Tools You must have Java 1.6 or later (also called Java 6) installed on your system to run these tools. Note that the OpenJDK/Java 7 does not currently work. Some tools require Java 5 or later as indicated on the Launch page. If you are using Mac OS X, your Java implementation is provided by Apple. Use Software Update to ensure you have the most up to date version.

Battlegrounds Games' Links & Resources Here we present links to other useful tools and resources to use with . While we think you might find the information useful, the fact that a product or site is listed here does not necessarily mean that we endorse them or their products. If you would like to be listed here, or wish to suggest that we list a particular site or product, please visit our Forums and post your suggestion there.

Fantasy Name Generator By Samuel Stoddard - Version 1.5 One of the perks of creating fantasy stories -- whether by writing a story or game or by role-playing -- is you get to make up the names. Some people relish the task while others are frustrated by it. HOW TO: Use Game Mechanics to Power Your Business Shane Snow is a regular contributor to Mashable and tweets at @shanesnow. This post was co-authored by Phin Barnes, a principal at First Round Capital, SneakerheadVC and creator of the Xbox game, Yourself!Fitness. He has also served as a consultant to MTV games. Before Foursquare managed to storm social media, GPS friend finders and city guides did in fact exist. But, Foursquare quickly became a star, engaging hundreds of thousands of users in just a few months and turning them into evangelists for its product.

Yafnag - Fantasy Name Generator This random name generator provides lists of fantasy names, useful in role-playing games, for World of Warcraft, or in any situation where many names of characters or places are needed. Some links: SOAP server: Yafnag can be used through a SOAP web service (SOAP server). How Gamification Works - 3D GameLab Instead of courses consisting mainly of textbook learning and lectures, classes built using game mechanics such as badges, experience points, levels and leaderboards, boost student engagement by allowing students to choose from “quests” and progress at their own pace through a series of educational activities. Students are motivated due to personal choice and meaningfulness, real-time feedback, the ability to collaborate or compete, and over time, they learn stay persistent in learning due to prior successes. Quest tasks can range from listening to a podcast, collecting and analyzing real-time data, or watching a short video to partnering with a classmate for discussion or writing a short essay. As students complete each quest, they can level up to new assignments on their journey toward an “A.” Teachers have the ability to approve quests or put them on auto-approval so students can keep progressing while waiting for their teacher’s feedback on milestone work.

Magic Item Shop Random Inventory Generator Instructions: Simply enter a number for how many items of each type the magic shop should have. If a shop shouldn't have any of those items, leave the field blank or enter a 0. Then press submit and the page will reload with a Magic Item Shop inventory listed below that fits your criteria. Random City Map Generator The Random City Map Generator creates a "random" city or town map suitable for fantasy and other role-playing games (RPGs) such as Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder, GURPS, HERO and many others. Note: you can try out version two of this tool. Because the map is made from layered images, to save or print a map you need to either: Take a sceenshot (print screen key) and paste into an image editor; Or print the page to a pdf file (Macs have this built-in, PCs may need a product like "cutePDF".)

Octalysis: Complete Gamification Framework - Actionable Gamification - Quora Octalysis: Complete Gamification Framework Gamification is design that places the most emphasis on the human in the process. In essence, it is Human-Focused Design (as opposed to “function-focused design”).
