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.. The Tool that makes addicted!

.. The Tool that makes addicted!

What is my Twitter account worth? Sloganizer „Wer nicht wirbt, stirbt!” – sagen die Werbeleute. Stimmt! Aber wer auf übliche Art und Weise wirbt, stirbt auch. Vielleicht sogar schneller … Wirf doch eine Münze in den Slot und lass dir einen frischen Slogan generieren. Was bin ich? Ich bin Sloganizer, ein Generator zum Erzeugen von Slogans. Wie bedienst du mich? Um mich zu starten, wirf eine Münze in den Eingabeslot! Über den runden Rückgabeknopf unter dem Einwurfslot kannst du deine Eingaben löschen oder, wenn du bereits einen Slogan bekommen hast, zur ursprünglichen Ansicht zurückkehren. Warum werden nicht immer alle meine Vorgaben verwendet? Nun, viele Sprüche enthalten beispielsweise kein Verb. Wer hat den Sloganizer erfunden? Der Sloganizer entstand lange vor der Krise in einer funkensprühenden Allianz eines Haufens Kreativer und des Programmierers Günter Gehl. Wer ist besser? Gute Frage! Darf ich die Slogans für meine Werbezwecke einsetzen? Ja, wenn du den Sloganizer als Quelle angibst.

Google Maps: 100+ Best Tools and Mashups Most people think of Google Maps in terms of finding a place or business, or getting directions from one point to another. Others use the satellite images and terrain mapping features. But there are tons of other uses out there for Google maps. From mapping the weather and news to mapping things that aren't maps at all, like paintings or magazines, Google Maps has a lot to offer. Have a favorite Google Maps tool or mashup? Travel and Transportation Mapness - An online travel journal that interfaces with Google Maps to show where you've been. The AA Route Planner - Plan trips around the UK. Montreal Metro Map - A complete map of Montreal Metro stations. TubeJP - A London Tube journey planner using Google Maps that also incorporates a search function to find local businesses. District Taxi Fare Estimator - A taxi fare estimator provided by the Washington Post that shows travel routes in Google Maps. Dublin Public Transport Advisor - A trip planner for public transportation in and around Dublin.

Come creare GIF animate Ti sei appena registrato su un forum su Internet e vuoi stupire i tuoi interlocutori con delle firme spettacolari? Che ne dici di prendere una sequenza da un film, un cartone animato o un video musicale famoso e inserirla nei tuoi messaggi sotto forma di GIF animata? Tutto quello che ti serve è Movie to Animated GIF Converter, un eccezionale software per Windows che permette di creare GIF animate da video gratuitamente. Il software non necessita di installazioni per poter funzionare e supporta tutti i principali formati di file video: AVI, MPG e WMV. Ecco come usarlo. Il primo passo che devi compiere è collegarti al sito Internet di Movie to Animated GIF Converter e cliccare sulla voce MovieToAGIF.exe (299 kB) che si trova in fondo alla pagina per scaricare il programma sul tuo PC. Per creare GIF animate da video gratuitamente con Movie to Animated GIF Converter, clicca sulla voce Open Movie del menu File e seleziona il file video che desideri convertire in immagine animata. - Instant Slogans mit dem Slogan Generator. Nombres para empresas Pensar el nombre para una empresa es algo complicado, por eso quería recomendarles unas herramientas que les van a ayudar un poco en esa tarea. Son 5 sitios con diferentes funcionalidades cada uno, pero con la misma finalidad, los nombres para empresas. Nombres para empresas Naming Machine: Es un sitio que tiene un generador de nombres para empresas un tanto particular, funciona de una manera similar a un tragamonedas, generando tres términos que uniéndolos pueden generar el posible nombre de nuestra empresa.Fantasy Name Generator: Es otro generador de nombres para empresas que tiene 3 formas de funcionar, nos permite elegir nombres serios, nombres graciosos o nombres especializados.Noemata: Es un generador bastante simple, sólo tenemos que ir clickeando en el botón y se irán generando nombres para empresas, tendremos que seguir clickeando hasta dar con un nombre que nos guste.Web 2.0 Name Generator: Es un generador de nombres para empresas que ya comentamos alguna vez en el blog.

Barcode Yourself by Scott Blake Barcode Yourself is a complete, interactive experience in the series of barcode art, created using the personalized data of participants. Enter an individual's gender, weight, height, age and location, and the barcode is formed using real-world data. The individualized barcode can then be printed, mapped, scanned, even depicted on a t-shirt or coffee mug. Uber-geeks can even test out their barcodes on their next grocery run. It is in scanning a barcode that the project reveals its humor, like a banner that reads: Disclaimer! Human beings are not merely worth somewhere between one cent and 10 dollars. It is here, within the confines of an American obsession with "worth," in which the fun begins. The data entered into Barcode Yourself takes a topsy-turvy twist to its personalized end numbers, with the exception of the hard-data that correlates with "location," which tallies up in the Gross Domestic Product of each country. More info in FAQ.

der Textgenerator. Der PHP-Code für deine Webseite [Info Um diesen Code verwenden zu können, muss zwingend PHP auf deinem Webspace installiert sein. ]: Den Rückgabewert dieser PHP-Einbindung kannst du nach herzenslust formatieren und ans Design deiner Webseite anpassen. Einige Hinweise für PHP-Beginner: 1) Wie finde ich heraus, ob mein Webspace eine PHP unterstützt? 2) Mein Webspace unterstützt PHP, aber es erscheint kein Slogan. 3) Wie kann ich den Slogan formatieren? Bestehen trotzdem noch Probleme mit diesem Service? Saying Goodbye To Xtranormal - Video Maker Tips A ‘so long’ to an old friend It’s kind of a sad day in the world of online animation as we bid a farewell to a fellow innovator in professional-grade “make your own” movie makers. As of July 31, 2013, Xtranormal, an easy online animation tool, will be closing its virtual doors. A solid online movie maker for educators and business folk alike Xtranormal provided a strong tool that allowed its users to manipulate a cast of cute and cool characters around interchangeable backgrounds to tell their own stories. Websites like Xtranormal (and GoAnimate, for that matter) allow teachers to make educational videos, professionals to make training videos and animated presentations, and everyday users to easily make movies poking a little fun at the world around them. We fondly remember the “I want an iPhone 4” movie as a stellar example of both the humorous and vaguely surrealist possibilities of Xtranormal’s characters and environments and the creativity of its users. Sad for us, but sad for you too
