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75 Reminders for Tough Times - StumbleUpon

75 Reminders for Tough Times - StumbleUpon
post written by: Marc Chernoff Email When life gets stressful, we often forget the things we should remember, and remember the things we should forget. Here are 75 reminders to help motivate you when you need it most. Tough times never last, but tough people do. - Robert H. Schuller You never know how strong you really are until being strong is the only choice you have.Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.You cannot change what you refuse to confront.Nobody is perfect, and nobody deserves to be perfect. Oh, and… You wanna know who’s awesome? Photo by: Funkyah If you enjoyed this article, check out our new best-selling book. And get inspiring life tips and quotes in your inbox (it's free)...

9 Mindfulness Rituals to Make Your Day Better “Smile, breathe and go slowly.” - Thich Nhat Hanh, Zen Buddhist monk Post written by Leo Babauta. Are you simply moving through your day, without fully living? I did this for many years. It was as if life were just passing by, and I was waiting for something to happen. I always felt like I was preparing for something later. Inspiration Gallery #189 - Quotations & From up North In From up North’s inspiration galleries we present the latest of our findings from the wonderful world of design. Amazing high quality artworks in various categories from great designers all over the globe. Wasted time May the bridges I burn light the way The best way to predict the future is to create it Future – Submitted by Housseynou Fall

11 Tips to Help Manage Anxiety If your mind were a diesel engine, anxiety would be the leaded gas that was accidentally poured in and responsible for all the burps and stutters. Even more so than depression, I think, anxiety is the big disabler in my life, with a capital D. That is why I try to nip my anxiety in its early symptoms. How To Buy New Must-Have Products For Next To Nothing Last Updated: 4/01/2014 15:47 PST Have you ever heard of "Penny Auctions?" They’re a new online auction model that is becoming hugely popular. Penny auctions allow individuals to do just what the name implies--buy new, popular products for just pennies on the dollar. One of the most interesting and successful companies offering penny auctions is called QuiBids.

54 Life Lessons 14 Years of World Travel Taught Me post written by: Marc Chernoff Email This post was written by Caz, author of the y Travel Blog. 5 Ways To Hack Your Brain Into Awesomeness Much of the brain is still mysterious to modern science, possibly because modern science itself is using brains to analyze it. There are probably secrets the brain simply doesn't want us to know. But by no means should that stop us from tinkering around in there, using somewhat questionable and possibly dangerous techniques to make our brains do what we want. We can't vouch for any of these, either their effectiveness or safety. All we can say is that they sound awesome, since apparently you can make your brain...

The Charles Schultz Philosophy The following is the philosophy of Charles Schultz , the creator of the "Peanuts" comic strip. You don't have to actually answer the questions. Just read the e-mail straight through, and you'll get the point. EFT More Effective than Medication in Treating Anxiety (NaturalNews) EFT, or The Emotional Freedom Technique is a technique based on acupuncture points that helps people to experience emotional harmony. Emotional stress has a tremendous impact on physical health, causing it to go into its primal state of fight or flight, with hormones being released, the digestive system turning off and muscles tightening. While diet and exercise are essential for health and wellbeing, emotional health is equally vital.

Creative Feet - Satinedge Foot - Sewing Machine Presser Feet - Sewing Supplies The Satinedge sewing machine presser foot was originally designed in 1986, for a blind customer that wanted to make her own napkins using a satin stitch edge . ***If your internet speed is slow, pause the video and come back to view in a few minutes and you will be able to watch it easier.The Satinedge sewing foot has an adjustable guide that you can see in the photos pictured on this page. One foot fits ALL!

21 Habits of Happy People Contributed by Cindy Holbrook “Happiness is a habit – cultivate it.” ~ Elbert Hubbar Happiness is one aspiration all people share. No one wants to be sad and depressed. We’ve all seen people who are always happy – even amidst agonizing life trials. Evie Read is an active five-year-old - but ataxia-telangiectasia will rob her of ability to speak and walk while leaving her mind untouched Twenty children in the UK are diagnosed with ataxia-telangiectasia every yearProgressive condition will slowly rob Evie of her physical abilities. There is no known cure By Claire Bates Updated: 10:23 GMT, 29 February 2012

Three Things That Maintain Anxiety How many times have you had the same conversation with someone over and over again, and then became frustrated again and again because they did not follow your advice? I hear about this happening all of the time actually. I hear about it from therapists that I train who tell me how frustrating it is to work with anxious patients. Now, I will agree that it can be frustrating to work with some anxious patients, but it does not have to be. In fact, some of the best therapy in the world was designed to treat anxiety disorders. So, treating stressed and anxious people is not all that difficult if you know what you are doing.

Cinnamon Sugar Pull-Apart Bread — Joy the Baker - StumbleUpon I’m sorry. I know it’s Monday morning and you probably came here for some pretty pictures of food that you could glance at, and then move on with your day… and here I go thrusting warm, soft cinnamon sugar bread in your face. It’s not fair. I know it’s not fair. I know that now you’re craving cinnamon rolls, and cream cheese frosting and chili fries and hot dogs. I am too… and I already ate half of this warm bread. 7 Habits that Will Make You Happier, Healthier & Way More Likeable Happiness — I want it, you want it, we all want it. Just the fact that you’re reading The Change Blog means that you and I are on a similar path—seeking for those nuggets of wisdom that will bring us more peace, joy, and personal fulfillment. After having owned a businesses for about 10 years in the swimming pool industry, a little over a year ago I commenced a new quest in life to satiate my need to teach and help as many possible to achieve their full potential. This is also why I asked Peter if I could contribute a guest post to The Change Blog.

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