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Children of divorce score worse in math, social skills. NEW YORK - Children of divorced parents often fall behind their classmates in math and social skills and are more likely to suffer anxiety, stress and low self-esteem, according to a new study. Researcher Hyun Sik Kim, of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, said the study showed that the detrimental effects on the children do not start until after the parents begin divorce proceedings. "People tend to think that couples go through intense marital conflict before the divorce," Kim, a PhD candidate in sociology, he said in a statement. "My original prediction was that children of divorce would experience negative impacts even before formal divorce processes began. But my study finds that this is not the case. " The findings, published in the American Sociological Review, are based on data that tracked the development of 3,585 students from kindergarten through fifth grade to examine the impact before, during and after the divorce.

"Reading is not that cumulative. Conclusion. Personal Expirence (6) Counter (5) Opposing View Point (4) Divorced Parents: Kids Should Decide Where They Live/Custody. Thesis Statment (3) Background Information (2) Child Custody in Arizona - Know Your State's Child Custody Laws. In Arizona, child custody is determined based on a number of factors.

Child Custody in Arizona - Know Your State's Child Custody Laws

However, the main basis for deciding child custody in Arizona is the best interests of the child. In a custody determination, a family court in Arizona will not discriminate against a parent due to the parent's gender. Parents who reside in Arizona and wish to file for custody should first become familiar with the child custody laws in Arizona. Related: Help our readers by sharing your experience with child custody in Arizona. Best Interests of the Child The court will determine custody of a child based on the best interests of the child. Joint Child Custody in Arizona In Arizona, a court may grant parents either sole or joint custody.

Teen Life Q&A. Your Role in Custody Decisions After Your Parents Divorce. Q: My Mom is driving me crazy and I want to go live with my Dad.

Teen Life Q&A. Your Role in Custody Decisions After Your Parents Divorce

Can I go live wherever I want? What are my rights? Help because if I can’t go live with my Dad I’m going to run away! A: It is a sad reality in this world of broken homes that children often have to choose between their parents. This is the main reason that courts make the final custody decision on behalf of the children, to help mitigate the psychological trauma that can occur when children are forced to choose between two people they love very much.

The older the child the more weight the courts assign to their wishes. So now to answer your question directly; if you want to change which parent you live with you only have two options. Unless your life or security of person is at risk it can be difficult to change a custody arrangement without the consent of both parents. Continued on Page 2. 9 negative effects divorce reportedly has on children. How Could Divorce Affect My Kids? We now have an enormous amount of research on divorce and children, all pointing to the same stubborn truth: Kids suffer when moms and dads split up. by Amy Desai, J.D.

How Could Divorce Affect My Kids?

Many years ago, the myth began to circulate that if parents are unhappy, the kids are unhappy, too. So divorce could help both parent and child. "What's good for mom or dad is good for the children," it was assumed. But we now have an enormous amount of research on divorce and children, all pointing to the same stubborn truth: Kids suffer when moms and dads split up. The reasons behind the troubling statistics and the always-present emotional trauma are simple but profound.

Children (and adult children) have the attitude that their parents should be able to work through and solve any issue. Research on Children and Divorce While virtually every child suffers the lost relationship and lost security described above, for many, the emotional scars have additional, more visible consequences. A few more statistics to consider: Effects of Divorce on Children - Clinical Psychology Associates of North Central Florida. Attention Grabber (1)