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SNA/New Text Literacies

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We are inspiring anthropolgists inspired by what different cultures consider TEXT. In our digital aged society, there are many new ways to communicate, understand and collaborate.

Maybe throughout this search we can find and help inovate new processes of horizontal communication via internet creating a world wide web of democracy! Interactive map of Linux kernel. Six degrees of Kevin Bacon : a webinar on graph visualization (and movies) - Linkurious. See Graph Databases Easily. Watch the video record on-line at In the 1960′s a scientist called Milgram unveiled the underlying social networks in human societies with a few simple letters. Today it seems networks are everywhere but without tools and techniques to explore them, they remain mysterious.

In a coming webinar, we’ll demonstrate how to use Linkurious to find information in the “Hollywood graph” and why Kevin Bacon is the center of the known Universe. Six degrees of Kevin Bacon Milgram’s experiments are linked to the small-world phenomenon. Through a series of experiences, Milgram and other researchers proved that human societies have a short average path between different people. How to explore graphs Graph exploration is not just a trivia game though. On Thursday September 05 @ 08:00 PDT / 17:00 CEST, we’ll present a webinar on the exploration of graphs. . - how to see the connections of a single node; - how to explore a graph starting from a local view; - how to run advanced queries; CUP - Making Policy Public - Making Policy Public. Stamen design | big ideas worth pursuing. The Functional Art: An Introduction to Information Graphics and Visualization.

The Diaspora Project. Developing Digital Literacies. Thinkmap Visual Thesaurus - An online thesaurus and dictionary of over 145,000 words that you explore using an interactive map. A Handsome Atlas: Wildly Awesome Data Visualizations from the Nineteenth Century. MUSIC DATA SCIENCE. This is the Hand Drawn Map Association. [1107.5728] The network of global corporate control. CreativeApplications.Net | Apps That Inspire... ReMap. ITP | Tisch School of the Arts | NYU. Urbanscale | Design for networked cities and citizens. Cosm - Internet of Things Platform Connecting Devices and Apps for Real-Time Control and Data Storage. Infographed. OpenFrameworks. Pitch Interactive, Inc., Data Visualization and Code in Many Flavors.

Geo-Blogging with the Google Earth API - DevelopRIA. The New Literacies Collaborative (NLC) OpenStreetMap. Selected Tools. Do good with data. Radicalcartography. The verdict: is blogging or tweeting about research papers worth it? Eager to find out what impact blogging and social media could have on the dissemination of her work, Melissa Terras took all of her academic research, including papers that have been available online for years, to the web and found that her audience responded with a huge leap in interest in her work.

In October 2011 I began a project to make all of my 26 articles published in refereed journals available via UCL’s Open Access Repository – “Discovery“. I decided that as well as putting them in the institutional repository, I would write a blog post about each research project, and tweet the papers for download. Would this affect how much my research was read, known, discussed, distributed?

I wrote about the stories behind the research papers – the stuff that doesn’t make it into the official writeup. So what are my conclusions about this whole experiment? Some rough stats, first of all. The image above shows the top ten papers downloaded from my entire department over the last year. Daily Infographic | A New Infographic Every Day | Data Visualization, Information Design and Infographics.

The Next Big Social Network Is You - The BrainYard. Three trends just now emerging will alter the social network landscape. Oh no, not another social network! Between all the noise about Facebook's upcoming IPO, the Twitter censorship imbroglio, and Google +'s constantly shifting privacy and identity policies, is the business world really ready for more social networking? Yes, and here's why. Social networking is about to shift from chasing large numbers of followers--which is really a publishing broadcast model and not a business contacts model--to a smaller group of well-connected individuals. The race to acquire lots of LinkedIn contacts, Facebook connections, and Google+ and Twitter followers can quickly lead to social networking fatigue, as you spend your day updating activities, responding to various email platforms, and aligning your networking activities with business goals. Three trends emerging now will change that picture. 1.

The big networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn really don't want you to leave their confines. Revealing Economic Terrorists: a Slumlord Conspiracy. "Sunlight is the best disinfectant" - U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis A client of ours -- a small, not-for-profit, economic justice organization [EJO] -- used social network analysis [SNA] to assist their city attorney in convicting a group of "slumlords" of various housing violations that the real estate investors had been side-stepping for years. The housing violations, in multiple buildings, included: raw sewage leaks multiple tenant children with high lead levels eviction of complaining tenants utility liens of six figures The EJO had been working with local tenants in run-down properties and soon started to notice some patterns.

The EJO began to collect public data on the properties with the most violations. As the collected data grew in size, the EJO examined various ways they could visualize the data making it clear and understandable to all concerned. The data I will present below is not the actual data from the criminal case. Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5. About. New Media Literacies. See 33,000 dangerous buildings threatening Detroit schoolchildren's safety: Interactive map. For over a decade, Stamen has been exploring cartography with our clients and in research. These maps are presented here for your enjoyment and use wherever you display OpenStreetMap data. Toner These high-contrast B+W (black and white) maps are featured in our Dotspotting project. They are perfect for data mashups and exploring river meanders and coastal zones. Available in six flavors: standard toner, hybrid, labels, lines, background, and lite. Available worldwide. Terrain Orient yourself with our terrain maps, featuring hill shading and natural vegetation colors. Available in the USA only.

Watercolor Reminiscent of hand drawn maps, our watercolor maps apply raster effect area washes and organic edges over a paper texture to add warm pop to any map. Burning Map The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire! Requires a WebGL-enabled browser, such as Google Chrome. Mars?? Yes, Mars. Trees, Cabs & Crime Trees, Cabs & Crime started off as a weekend hack and ended up in the Venice Biennale. ModestMaps. Occupy The Earth. Explore Data Visualizations. Infographics & Data Visualizations.

Transparency. About. Designstein. Visual Understanding Environment. Who Runs the World? Webinar: Design for Social Innovation | MFA in Design for Social Innovation. By Cheryl Heller We are delighted to announce the Paul Polak Scholarship from MFA Design for Social Innovation.

Paul has been a friend, advisor and inspiration to our program, and to the millions of people around the world whose lives he has changed through his work to end poverty. This $10,000 scholarship will be awarded to a student in the class of 2016. Applications to DSI are open, please apply at Applicants will automatically be considered for the Paul Polak Scholarship; no separate application is required. About Paul: For the past 30 years, Paul has worked with thousands of farmers in countries around the world—including Bangladesh, India, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Myanmar, Nepal, Vietnam, Zambia and Zimbabwe–to help design and produce low–cost, income–generating products that have already moved 22 million people out of poverty. Dr. Please direct questions about the Paul Polak Scholarship to Project on Student Debt: Maryland. Project on Student Debt: Home.

OccupyDesign. Creative Cartography: 15 Artists Transforming Maps. Creative Cartography: 15 Artists Transforming Maps Article by Steph, filed under Sculpture & Craft in the Art category. Maps aren’t just two-dimensional pieces of paper depicting the locations and geographic features of the world. They’re the basis for portraits, sculptures and clothing, and are reconstructed or reimagined by these 15 artists in the most curious ways – whether recreated solely with typography, dissected and rearranged or used to illustrate information that can be humorous or disturbing. Map Portraits by Matthew Cusick (images via: Matthew Cusick cuts apart maps to create stunning collages and sculptures, including these portraits. Head Sculpture by Nikki Rosato (images via: nikkirosato) Delicately interwoven like veins, the tiny green, blue and red strips of maps used to create these incredible sculptures are molded around a packing tape form to create a three-dimensional shape.

Census Maps of Dating Keywords (images via: luke dubois) The World by Paula Scher. Data Visualization Satire. Ushahidi :: Home. Four Ways to Slice Obama’s 2013 Budget Proposal - Interactive Feature. Ignitebaltimore's Channel. An Annotated Bibliography of Concept Mapping. A rich narrative-style bibliography of concept mapping (reviewing six articles published between 1992-2005). Articles reviewed include: (1) Cognitive mapping: A qualitative research method for social work (C. Bitoni); (2) Collaborative concept mapping: Provoking and supporting meaningful discourse (C. Boxtel, J. Linden, E. Roelofs, and G.

Erkens); (3) Extracting, representing and analyzing mental models (K. Carley and M. Descriptors: Concept Mapping, Qualitative Research, Maps, Cognitive Mapping, Social Work, Annotated Bibliographies, Cognitive Processes, Cooperative Learning, Evaluation Methods, Psychology, Causal Models, Research Methodology, Knowledge Level, Validity. Mind Mapping - Create Mind Maps online with MindMeister.

Concept map. This article or section is a stub. A stub is an entry that did not yet receive substantial attention from editors, and as such does not yet contain enough information to be considered a real article. In other words, it is a short or insufficient piece of information and requires additions. 1 Definition A concept map is a kind of visualization and a kind of diagram, i.e. a graphical representation of some domain knowledge. A concept map is a graphical representation of a person's (student's) knowledge of a domain. 2 Typology of concept maps Concept maps can be defined in a more narrow sense as by Novak & Cañas (2006) - see below - or more generally as a drawing that somehow connects concepts. According to structural properties Spider-like maps with labeled arcs (the typical concept map) Hierarchical maps (like mind maps) Various diagrams, e.g. flow charts Formal maps like UML diagrams, Formal semantic networks, Topic maps, etc.

According to purpose The typical concept map I.e. Other uses. Tribeca Film: Future of Film: Our Top 10 Transmedia Posts of 2011. For our last post of 2011, our fearless editor, Chris Dorr, rounds up the top 10 posts that had people talking about this emerging form of storytelling this year. By Chris Dorr Wikipedia gives this definition of Transmedia: “Transmedia storytelling, also known as multi-platform storytelling, cross-platform storytelling, or transmedia narrative, is the technique of telling stories across multiple platforms and formats using current digital technologies. It is not to be confused with traditional cross-platform media franchises, sequels or adaptations.

…a transmedia production will develop stories across multiple forms of media in order to deliver unique pieces of content over multiple channels.” Got that? Transmedia is the new space where visual storytelling exists because: 1. 2. One might say it is where the rubber meets the road for visual storytelling in the 21st century. For our last post of year, we are proud to give you our top 10 Transmedia Posts of 2011 from the Future of Film: Tweets from Tahrir. Sophie: Cyber Anthropology. Connected Action — Sociology and the Internet, Social Media, Networks and Mobile Social Software. Home : SAGE Research Methods Online.

Simplify your research! Plan your research project with the help of SAGE Research Methods. With SAGE Research Methods, faculty, students, and researchers can: Learn how to design a research project Discover new methods to use in your research with the Methods Map Read over 175,000 pages of SAGE's renowed research methods content from leading global authors Browse content from over 720 books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, and handbooks Share content with colleagues and research partners using Methods Lists Explore related online journal content with the SAGE Journals widget Watch a video that answers key questions about research methods Click here to recommend SAGE Research Methods to your library. Watch a video tutorial to learn more about how to use the tools on SAGE Research Methods in your research. Academic Researchers Find content related to your area of research to help you refine your research methods.

Students Teachers and Lecturers Library Administrators About SAGE Video » Information aesthetics - Data Visualization & Information Design. Mapping the Immigration and Emigration Patterns of New Yorkers. Map Your Moves [] represents more than 4,000 geographical immigration and emigration patterns from over 1,700 people in a beautiful, interactive interface.

The data was collected during an informal survey by WNYC, a New York based public radio station. Each circle corresponds to a unique zip code area in New York. Its size indicates the number of moves to, or from, the area. Each circle actually consists of 2 overlaid circles: a red one for people moving out of a specific area, and a blue one for people moving into the area. Individual circles can be selected to inspect just the moves to or from this area. PARTNER Tool - Program to Analyze, Record, and Track Networks to Enhance Relationships. Socialbakers ❶ Social media (Facebook, Twitter…) marketing, statistics & monitoring.

JESS3. Illusion of Choice. FlowingData | Data Visualization, Infographics, and Statistics. Visualisation. 300.000 Norwegians move house every year. If the pattern made by their travels could be compressed into one short animation, what would it look like? What could you learn from it, if anything? Deluge is a C++ application designed to answer these questions. The data was generated by cross referencing 8 million tax records from 2006 and 2007 to track changes in postal codes. Norwegian tax returns In Norway the incomes and fortunes of all tax paying individuals are made public every year! In addition to these beneficial stories the press has used this data for a few other not so awesome things: news on celebrity earnings and SEO optimized pages for every single tax payer.

Data as granular as this is usually reserved for government administration, not handed out to the press. Uniquing tax payers It seemed interesting to track people across years and it turns out only 70.000 Norwegians are not unique by name and year of birth. Crowdsourced postal code locations Initial sketch Showing everything.